Nothing But a Silhouette

I am nothing.

Nothing but a


I feel, I see,

I hear I touch I speak

and yet

I am nothing

without her.


I stand at a fork in the road

So many paths

So many thoughts

The most prevalent:

I am nothing.

I am not meant 

to be.


The wind,

it could blow

me away

So many pieces 

of self.

What self? When

did I ever even 


After all, I am nothing.


So many options

but the easiest,

I cannot take.

Because of her.


Because it is behind me now.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

First poem I ever wrote

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This is a very good first poem.  My first poem was a throw away.  Good read.  I like your style.  Thanks for sharing.  (nettajack)
