Dear God

Dear God, 


Why am I so confused? How do I want to give my life to you but live my life is sin? 


Dear God, 


How do I change? I read your word daily.. But the practice goes in vain. 


Dear God, 


Are you really there? Or are you some made up concept to keep the world a square? 


Dear God, 


Your daughters so confused; help her to realize that what you see in her is true. 


Dear God, 


Im talking to you. So obviously I believe that what your word it says; is true. 


Dear God, 


Thank you for sending your son to die upon the cross. Thank you for loving endlessly & overlooking all my flaws. 


Dear God, 


Help me surrender my will to yours. Help me not to see things for what they seem to be but what your plans Are for. 


Dear God, 


Forgive me for my sins; forgive me for questioning your presence when I feel lost or hurt within. 


Dear God,


Thank you fOr putting words upon my heart. I know that there's a reason that you have blessed me with this art.


Dear God,


Its time I say amen; thank you for always being there.. Being my lover, father & friend.

allets's picture

Dear God

Give me health, more strength,

perseverence like Jesus had

when they came for him at

Gethsemane. Take this cup,

fill it with far less bitter

days and watch the word

from other Christians spread

joy equal to the world they



Give us this day and a bit

of humitity and a will to read

and write and speak of

anything good that may change

the world into something righteous.

Give us our daily bread and 

intelligence to make a different

world with less evil. Then you

may help us silence the voices

of anathema and rid the world

of those who abhor you.










WILLIAM377KEITH's picture

A Beautiful Letter To God

I know GOD treasures this letter to HIM!!