
Lost love

We were meant for each other,

That's what everyone used to say.

Until the call came that broke my heart,

I'll never forget that day.

You seemed so calm,

Did you even shed a tear?

We were together so long,

engaged for almost a year.

You said you would always love me,

Was it all a lie?

If you really loved me;

Why was it so easy to say good bye?

I know things weren't always easy

I know I wasn't always the perfect girl.

But when you took back my ring,

You tore apart my world.

Was my love not good enough;

For you to stay with me?

Was there someone else?

I just wonder who it could be.

You once told me,

We would be together forever.

Was it really so bad;

For us to be together?

I really need to know,

What really went wrong?

Was it really something;

That you knew all along?

I want to still be friends,

Is that something we can be?

I just can't believe this is the end,

To you and me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this one not too long ago, it explains how I feel about a break up only a month ago, I loved this man with all my heart and he broke it.

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