Comfort from the comforter

ministers to me

Changes things inside my soul

Changes how I see

Comfort from the comforter

Puts singing in my heart

Changes not just my soul

But changes every part

He comes as fire, comes as wind

Water running deep

Annointing touch, peace of mind

Rest with in my sleep

The comforter is not an IT

Its simple just a He

The comforter is part of God

He's in the trinity.

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This poem sounds very much like a hymn, or even a ballad. Usually, that does not impress me in a literary poem (although, of course, in a hymn it would be quite impressive), but in this case, this poem is the exception to my usual rule of preference. Although I was at first reluctant to look at it, I am now glad that I did.

J-Called [fka Starward]