Some Eastern Wisdom


Live in a way that leaves no regrets


Everything people say or do is

ultimately rooted in the belief

that those actions will lead them to happiness.


The Lotus flower blooms most beautifully

from the deepest and thickest mud.


If you want one year of prosperity, plant corn.

If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want one hundred years of prosperity,

Educate people.


The more enlightening a teaching,

The more difficult it is to believe

And even more difficult to practice.


Flowing water never goes bad.


When you cannot lift something,

You might think it is too heavy –but perhaps

It is you who are too weak.


Fall seven times, stand up eight.


What would your current frustrations

look like from the vantage point

of the final days of your life?


Focus on the positive in your life,

For what you focus on increases.


Those who have not asked the question

Are not ready to accept the answer.


There has never been, nor will there ever be,

A life free from problems. It is

Not the presence of problems but how

We tackle them that determines

The quality of our lives.

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

These are quotes from Chinese and Japanese Proverbs. Thanks to Taro Gold.

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

aboslutely excellent I love it!