Sunny in December

English Pieces

A sunny day in December

came by in a springy hour

and swept me for a dream

It could have been a truth

It would have been the day

that held a meeting of a kind

a meeting only for two

A smiley day in December

in the midst of my rainy life

knocked so sweetly that

I couldn't not remember

how I felt, and sighed,

when the day was through !

January 6, 2003


- Accompanying music: "If I Loved You" - Heart & Soul Music

- Picture: The sea rocks of Rawsheh in Lebanon -  by Andre Doreid Berro

  Picture Source:

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Ozjan Yeshar's picture

soumaya's picture

maysoun this is beautiful u really r so soft both in arabic and english i love it really and the fact that it is a sunny day that would provoke hopes and dreams is beautiful

ezay mish 7attaha f eldream law ma 7atetehash 7a7otaha ana w qad a3zar man anzar :)

mabrouk ur page w inshallah temleha ash3ar w tenshory kol elly feiha soon


Rehab Bassam's picture

Although people always sing and write about the moon and its beauty, yet the sun haunts me. I miss it and can't wait for its rays to shine all over me (of course not in Egypt's summer hehehe).

You made me feel the sun in January today :)) Thanks ya gameela....never stop spreading your rays :))

Sunny in December is such a warm poem in the cool breath of December.
Knock at my old memories
Echo of my knock is back
Keep your pen active Maysoun. Cheers.

Ozjan Yeshar