Psychology, Medication, Personal Struggle And Everything In Between.

The Influence

If something as simple as a fast food burger can throw off your mood Psychologically speaking
Why are we taking prescription drugs everyday? If all these basic things around us are "manipulating our mood"
Why throw another mood manipulator on top of it. BY doing this you are basically Reconstructing how your brain thinks and feels about everything that we process. witch out causes a lot of people to be off set and never be in touch with your self. People cant decipher the difference between their own rational and irrational thoughts
I Took up every psychology class and sociology class in high school. just so I could actually read the text book on my own free time. to learn more about myself as a person and people as a whole. and just get a bit of knowledge that I claim to be useful.
I started to realize especially lately after moving so much, everything manipulates your mood. I think if the pharmacy companies or this country (not politics. but simply whoever is in charge over these situations in our world actually read one of those high school textbooks about psychology and sociology and how the two no longer really are intertwined with themselves anymore. we might have a chance to fix a big problem. But There is nothing the doctor can specifically do in under a fourteen day period to give a person who is in the midst to a chemical immunity or defect and his body no longer can receive the effect of that drug no more to help a person who will be going through two weeks of literally hell. that's what I am getting at. I under stand that some people cant produce serotonin.
that is understandable but the chances of that severe of a case of depression is slim to none also with that severe of depression there are also more of a probability for PTSD and schizophrenia.

I think the corporate pharmaceutical company's need to make a quick acting anti-depressant that is a quick fix that is labeled "take as needed". It would save lives because those anti depressants save you from a low spot for a short time yes. but strictly injecting dopamine into your brain to keep you content isn't the correct way of doing so. Because if you are off of it for only two days it takes a week for you to get back on track again. not counting the fact that you can still be content and depressed. These drugs in my opinion are just a a placebo effect after awhile. I became very in tune with my self after I quit taking anti depressants from literally teaching myself the basics of cognitive psychology to interpret the cause and of effect of each emotion i have. and decide If I am over thinking or if I should actually be as worked up as I am over whatever happened.
Not many people have access to the knowledge or can even really Plot out why they think the way they think. because everything around them is manipulating them and changing how you think. basically everything thinks for us, or whom ever it is
If people did more research and seen how hard it is to keep a stable life while on anti depressants maybe other people would see the side of these drugs that I was exposed too at I believe to think to young of an age. If you miss onehdrawing a, not the day you are having but the next day will be horrible, random concealed aggression and pity talk will seep out of anything and everything if you missed a day.

Witch I had to deal with way too many of those in my life. so when that drug stops working the way it should (its natural that our bodies build up a tolerance to what we receive on a daily basis) we have to deal with at least 14 days of those. constant rock bottom worse days ever. When I was last emitted was when i my only option was to cutoff cold turkey from meds because I actually Couldn't afford my prescriptions anymore. It was Like hitting a brick wall, because neither did the drugs make you feel as if everything was going well, its such a small effect on you you forget to notice how much your brain has changed since from prescription meds (had no choice) you started taking it, and when it stops. so it takes even longer to get though that rock and a hard place. because you dont even know what your medicine is for anymore and you think you can handle your brain after withdrawing, because you didnt know you were having a [X] amount of dopamine added to your brain daily so now not only are you trying to adjust from all the other things in life that is a mood manipulate (food, finances, RELATIONSHIPS) with a brain thats so confused is just spamming random chemicals to try to make up for the lack of the ones it has been receiving the past 4 years of his life. on top of no set sleep schedule' and 75 hour to 15 hour fluctuating work weeks trying to get adjusted to the apartment you just moved into. YOU GUESSED IT PSYCHOLOGICAL BREAKDOWN. from ambian, wellbutran, adderol, risperdol (i actually could not and still can not sleep without sleeping meds before this incident. so I had to relearn how to count sheep again.

The moral of that story is I am off of everything, completely. I haven't felt in this much control ever in my whole life. I am still am on seroquil but I literally dont know how to sleep. I can think myself into 4 days of no sleep with no adhesives. But If they would of gave me a few pills that were actually going to guarantee happiness and a simple euphoria that at least gave me the will to live through my body's drastic changes and severe withdraw symptoms. But that's the difference between an illegal drugs and legal drugs is "if it makes you happy and enjoy the simple things in life" IT IS DESTRUCTIVE and it will kill you you according to d.a.r.e. (sarcasm)

The sad truth that I found out ALL AFTER THIS (sick joke It has to be)
was that 3 out of 5 people need to get anti depression meds changed every 6 months due to a tolerance build up or the body unable break it down or a random sudden immunity to it.
...So what happend to me that terribly terrible month of my life happens to AT LEAST half of the people that need to take those kind of meds. (maybe not nearly as bad or worse) where they need to raise the dose or completely start over and give them new drug and a new problem or new unconsciousaddiction. and at that point is was anything goes and that's when I tried taking anything to try and at least to keep me movin on.

illicit drugs did send me into a spiraling slope of instability. I now stick to anything that can be pulled from the earth. (mostly)
I know my limitation's when it now comes to using.
I don't plan living a sober life (I plan on being smart and not a low life)
drugs really kinda threw me off the deep end when it comes to my passion and respect for creativity and art
so I respect a select few of the illicit drugs for doing so. (I devoted my life to writing and music)
In "Narcotics anonymous" they claim that the use of any mind altering drug is self destructive.
Which I strongly disagree on. There is definitely a line between growing "shrooms" and cooking meth.
I stay clear from anything that is addictive or an instant jail sentence.
I do believe drugs have a purpose in this world. They all have their pros and cons.
I believe "shrooms" should be legal before marijuana
due to the actually quite literal complete change of your psycho perspective of life and anything in the universe.
I could talk all day about what drugs should not be prohibited.
but moving on now. from that statement
But I was Diagnosed with bipolar at age 8. after a tough divorce.
That is what I imagine when
so I have been taking mood stabilizers and anti depressants since the 3rd grade.
It was recommended by the friend of the court during the divorce at the time.
To have a full psycho analysis done on me.
since then, i've been on prescription meds ever since.
So I believe that statement might only be half correct
for the first time I was emitted into the psych ward was in fifth grade
because I wrote a poem (how Ironic) that claimed to be self destructive
and above a fifth graders writing level that worried the teachers and the principal
and because I wrote too "emotional of a poem"
I had to spend a week in a hospital where i had to spend the night in a padded room
at age 12 because i had a plastic spork in my room.
If a child sees a lot of domestic violence when he grows up
I guess there brain turn nuts
(that's the only conclusion I have come to that made me think it was ok to put me on every drug known to man)
It's either that or Creativity is feared, for the drugs the pharmacy gives you turns a creative fantasy story into auto biography
about some random person in the industrial revolution. IT IS JUST FLAT EMOTIONLESS.
boring, bland, linear, routine and they give you medicine to help you stay focused and alert in your boring linear black and white little simple life. The youth and my generation are raised to believe we are born basically destined for a goal oriented linear life. Go to school. go to college. get a career (that you absolutely hate but do it because it pays the bills) Get Married have kids Repeat...

well i just hope the world knows that's not for me. I am one for an adventure. Pain and pleasure. Constant company of friends, Meeting people and hearing other peoples stories and have them listen to mine For if you meet enough people you have all ready seen the world. .and just living like how life became about in the first place "spontaneous" -That is my definition of a flying free man.

*i just want to clarify I am sharing this story to help people in case someone that reads this is even somewhat going through the b.s. I had to deal what i know the best can lead you in the right direction. I have been there. and I have Kissed rock bottom. I do not want sympathy but if I figure I this would be that little reach out notice for anyone who has anyone questions. I educated myself on my own time to try and find a way around this bullshit with the med doctors)
just sharing an experience I had to unfortunately deal with*

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Originally a comment I posted to a friend. I planned on a 30 second reply turned into three hour ivy league college length paper. It has a purpose and a meaning. for anyone that want to take up the challenge to read it all. Its about medications and everything in between.

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