If I Died Today

The Influence

If I died today,
I wouldn't be surprised if no one was surprised.
I am young and reckless.
"He had it coming"
would be the most logical response.
People would be hurt,
I know people would care.
But, everyone would move on so quickly.
all that is me is my word,
that not many people read.
so really I feel as if i am living in vein.
because I really struggling to figure out to why I am.
I know who I am, but nobody else does.
people see it. I see it.
I got nothing holding me down.
I just wish something was bound to happen.
My name isn't unknown,
but my name is rarely ever given thought.
a simple and logical question
is all i really have left to say.
I am angry, nobody sees it.
but, can some please tell me.

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