
Today is rain
it falls on me
so heavily
and I cant see
what's wrong with me.
This pain brings me
down to my knees
and you rob me
when I'm asleep
but I dont see
why you picked me.


Today's a dream
I feel unclean
this hole you see
goes right through me
you carved through me
and buried me
way down beneath
Suffocate me
dont let me breathe
I'll never see
your vicious gleam


I feel so serrated
you ripped apart my life
and shattered my retreat
It feels like I'm jaded
you broke into my life
and stole my sanity


You took from me
my melody
a part of me,
the heart of me,
and you run free
among the streets
hoping to see
someone like me
so you can feed
and wipe them clean
from all their needs




-I let the rain fall down on me today- (6x)


-Chorus- (2x)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

 personal one that got me through some dark times. 8/13/03

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