Minute By Minute

I'm taking life minutes by minutes carefully and slowly.

I won't go to fast because I'm afraid I'll trip and make a mistake and misjudge the distance to my destination.

My goal…

Minute's passing still going slow,

Step by step

Left right, left right

Moving one foot over the other.

Anxiety driving; getting nervous

Where am I going again?

Anxiety now turns to depression.

Starting to run aimlessly

Where's my destination?

Oh know I'm falling, I tripped

What I was afraid of is now happening.


Minutes now into a minute.

One minute, sixty seconds.

Anxiety rising to its highest.

I hear voices

Who are they?

What do they want?


“you are finally here, we've been waiting patiently for you to arrive to here.”

My minutes to minute to sixty seconds.

I finally know where my destination is and my journey ends.

Step by step

Left right, left right

My feet have now stopped walking at a slow pace and now runs in my long awaited life to start once again.

BY: Marisa Chau

Inspired by my best friend Ashley's text.


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