Rainbow Perfection(Edited)

***Has been editted due to actually facing problems that should have never occured*** I deleted this poem because I made a choice to face what I was blind, and I feel so bad.


**** I am editing this because I have come to my senses and I wrote this poem when I was angry at all the wrong people, and I felt like everything hurt at that moment.  The pain seemed like it wouldn't end and I was so frustrated with everything, I miss rainbow so much and I know I could never take back what I did, I can only apologize for my actions.  That still doesnt excuse my behavior what so ever.  I know I have made mistakes and I have to face the consequences and that is a part of life. I know I have lost the people that have been there for me and have loved me no matter what.  I am so sorry and that comes from my heart I never knew what I had until it was gone.  I can't change it, I can only accept it. I know that the ones I love might not read this but I thought I needed to write it.  I miss everyone so much that it hurts. I had to realize that what I was doing wasn't healthy for me and everyone was only trying to help and I kept pulling away.  I know now that I didn't have to be perfect and happy all the time.  I feel like a stupid fool for acting the way I did. I didn't accomplish anything instead I lost something I valued.  Inside I know it isn't all about me, believe me that isn't what I am thinking. Rainbow is still my passion and everyone i know I still love.  there is so much I would like to say but I can't even find the words or simply where to even begin.  I miss everyone I want you all to know that. I love everyone and I am deeply sorry for what I have done. Love always, Kesha*****

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Rainbow is the best...u cant talk like that..i miss u lots