The House that Nettajack Built

Mother Love

Sully Pain

Lil' Suffering

all reside in

the house that Nettjack built

Father Love - known as God above

reflecting from within

rays of hope

to fertilize destiny's lawn

set before

the house that Nettajack built

in the window - just above the balcony

resting on the front deck of

the house that Nettajack built

you'll find a lil' girl

sitting at table made

from her pre-school building blocks

she goes by the name - netta

often referred to as - lil' netty

because - like the intricate pattern

of the net - so is lil' netty's heart

catching her tears of joy, and all that ails

preventing them from touching the

window sill in

the house that Nettajack built

Instead - they become the magical ink

for her Playtex pre-school crayola crayon

scribed on the parchment of her soul

giving life to the flow

transcending the caged bird singing

into the phoenix of creative expression

giving flight to reverb echoing the heavens within

the house that Nettajack built

God Bless

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Martina Meade's picture

This piece is a beautiful reflection of Miss Nettajack. Absolutely intriguing!

Netta Jack's picture

I think I'm in love!!!! Thank you soooooooooo much. I am soooooo glad life saw fit that our paths cross. My friend, I am truly blessed to have you as such.