a reflection of Drama



                   Whoa !!, a brother

                   unable to take a shower

                   for fear of what he may find

                   when he steps out....

                   Much Respect, One Love

                   Now, now

                   let us turn off EGO T.V.

                   enough Drama all over the

                   screen and in the world

                   we will have none in this house

                   E asing

                   G od

                   O ut

                   meaning easing out Love

                   'cause God and Love are the same

                   and I have nothing but Love for you

                   Much Respect, One Love

                   A family that prays together

                   stays together

                   A family that flows together

                   grows together

                   Much Respect, One Love

                   Let us reflect on that which has past

                   and leave it there

                   Let us harness that which make us

                   strong and nourish it

                   Much Respect, One Love

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raila's picture

My my my how you capture the essence of the moment oh so well. Nice piece, bro.


J.B. Manning's picture

I like this. It's raw and meaningful and I truly appreciate the acronym. good work.