The Ultimate Imrov - God's improvisation of
a reflection of he
the ultimate proof
ultimprv (ultimate improv) improvinsing
every move
because in the grand scheme of "The Dream
'there are no rules'
ultimprv (ultimate imprv) being born black,
impovisation meant
survival - I can remember creating toys from
the minds eye - not being white...Bee bee
guns, sling shots,
knun-chucks, and scate boards were hand
made by
the blackness of our souls
had no time to worry about the 'have nots'
we improvised - this is life
life being poetry - this is "Poetry in
"Poetry in Motion" - ultimprv
love gives of itself to itself
as poetry shares of itself with itself
therefor I am
poetry - sharing myself
with myself
when I share with you
for we are one - ONE LOVE
The Ultimate Improv (ultimprv)
improvisation meant survival..isn't survival always improvisation? We're all performers and we're all creating an existence with whatever we have. I'd like to know what you meant when you wrote '...a reflection of the ultimate proof'...Ultimate proof would force a truth that you necessarily want to this you? I think it's a great poem..I'd love to hear your comments on it.