Hanging by a head, emasculated, a generation of heroes gone MIA
Chalk imagery outlined footprints, bodyprints, and eyes thrown back against the city lights
Lost, fundamentally withered, perpetually diminished, degraded from being first into first class, for a little bit of money
Unrecognizable faces plastered on milk cartons, been gone missing from reduction for months now
Out of focus, a throw-away take-away deleted scene, glorified,
Like Shakespeare in Boston Commons, handhelds over hands held, act three, fade in, she leaves
Masturbated inside toll booths surrounded by bridges, with one hand on the buzzer, then gave up and walked across for free, destination known
Cost inefficient, overpopulated, poorly managed, breaking bones against broken bones, the spirit, already in a cast, cast out, enraged, guilt-ridden
Helpless, defined by it, redefining monotony, smashing ctrl alt delete, blaming everyone else, in righteous fury, they were all wrong, everybody
Now there is no one here, the earth, bent over, misaligned, mistaken for a goddess, helpless
In need of a friend, not a monster, but always forever always hanging by it all, all of it
This poem sucks and so does
This poem sucks and so does anyone who thinks it doesn't
I would sum this up as the
I would sum this up as the 'rituals' of a society. nice write, but like allets, i see the potential for a lot of different subdivisions of this piece possible.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
483 Reads?
For good cause, the smallest lines, the last line, pricelessly eligible for the best lines of the year - or I really got into this one or there's like six poems in there or (maybe I'm just wrong again) - smile and keep 'em comin' - allets
I like it.
I like it.