Upon arrival, I'm breathless with giddy excitement
Holding hands with friends,
though there are worse places to get lost
Wandering through the crowd of smiling faces
Stepping to the pulsing beat
There's a moment shared between two strangers
We know each other
Even though we don't speak the same
Verbal language
We join hands, I feel the pulse
Like harnessing the electricity in the air
The flow of life, energy, music
We transfer a token and
exchange a memory
While looking into each other's eyes,
Sparkling so bright, they shine through sunglasses-
which everyone wears all night long.
Did the sequence of beads
Colors and letters
hold some significance for the creator?
Or were the bright ornaments simply
pleasing to the wide eye?
Who knows, or ever will
except the person whose soul I wear a part of
on my wrist
Perhaps "Heaven on Earth"
is not such an unattainable aspiration...