When you opened that door that day
Little did we both know
It was the begining of a friendship
A friendship that would last 16 yrs
Or our children would become best friends too
We never once had a fight
We said our peace
And moved on
Thru the birth of our children
The ups and downs of our marriages
My divorce
And so called boyfriends
Together we drudge forward
Things began to change
Both of us went seperate ways
The the phone rang
And on the other end i heard
*I miss you my friend*
And now
every day I know
Come 2:30
Wether on the computer or on the phone
My best friend
Is gonna say *hi*
Why you put up with me
I will never understand
But I hope in your heart you know
No matter where I am, What I am doing
I love you
And am always near