
The music was soft

The lights down low

She could smell his cologne from acroos the room

As she reached for his hand

Her heart began to pound

He pulled her to him

She thought her heart was about to explode

Slowly across the floor they danced

Unaware of anything else

Looking up into his dark eyes

Sent  shivers down her spine

His  lips brushed her gently

As he whispered

Together they climbed the stairs

Opening the door  

Vanilla candles  filled the air  

As he closed the door

He whispered to her as his hand brushed her cheek

Kissing her lips

As their clothes fell to the floor

Lowering her gently to the bed

Some where off in a distance

She heard a noise

Louder it was getting

She turned her head

Only to find out

It was the dam alarm  

Time to start yet another work day!!!!

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Sun Shine's picture

Daaaaamn! that sucks ass... not the poem i mean but just the fact it was like... all a dream...aww, but well good stuff! haha anyways Holla