O Little Town of Bethlehem
they build a wall around you
.. with missiles and bulldozers
they surround you
We thank You God
that Your angels
are tearing down the wall
for himself a chickenhawk
for others is Tom a hawk
sending the poor to war
voting for missiles and bombs
nukes and tomahawks
Before he voted
for baby bombing and other
forms of human termination
his specialty
was termite extermination
Jesus said feed the hungry.
Dobson says make them work at minimum wage for food.
Isaiah said 'turn your weapons into plowshares'.
Dobson tells his radio audience to turn the food money of the poor into weapons
with which to kill Iraqi and Afghani babies.
Jesus said "Peter put down your sword."
Dobson says .. we don't need swords in Iraq. We need Lockheed
Raytheon Carlyle Group and other weapons systems.
Jesus told stoners to put down their stones as He stopped
an execution in progress. John 8:7
Dobson works for Supreme Court candidates who are serial
killers of prisoners.
God told Moses not to kill.
Dobson's state kills many cows.
Isaiah said "I delight not in your blood sacrifice"
Dobson has lasso'd prolife Christians through wolves in
sheeps' clothing networks such as PAX and CBN and TBN.
These wolfled people do not realize that their taxes pay
for jet pilots, partial birth abortionists of Iraqi and Afghani women and children. http://www.all-creatures.org
The 5th Angel said not to harm any green living being.
Dobson is a mouthpiece of plutocrats, the most
polluting rapists of Mother Earth in the country.
Jesus said to give the 11th hour worker the whole day`s wages.
Dobson says to take 8 hours wages away and give 1 hour, as he helps
Walmart and McDonald`s and Fox bust unions. http://www.ufcw.org
Jesus said "Ye are living graves, mobile cemeteries"
(Greek sarcophagi.. translated as whited sepulchres.. literally sarx
flesh phagi eaters)
Dobson promotes the politicians of the cattle industry.
The Bible says to care for the widow.
Tom says... threaten Social Security and
break the word of the US govt. to veterans.
Psalm 104 says God made the whale to frolic in the sea.
Tom sends the Navy sonar to kill the whale.
Genesis says to protect the animal (dominion.. protection)
Tom says to harm the animal.
Jesus who never sent anyone to a doctor said 'thy faith has saved
Tom wants to force you to take smallpox vaccine against your will.
Jesus said 'what you have done to these the least of
My brethren you have done unto Me.'
Tom is a former bug killer, whose chemicals have
taken the lives of Cesar Chavez, many farmworkers,
many of God's creatures.
Jesus said "I am the Good Shepherd.. the Good Shepherd
lays down his life for His sheep."
Tom is a chickenhawk.. in an administration full of
chickenhawks, from AWOL Bush to Cheney who asked for
5 deferments, to henhawk Condoleeza Rice.
God said Thou Shalt Not Steal.
Delay is a recipient, like Larry Lindsey, Bill Kristol,
Kay Hutchison Wendy Gramm of Enron money, 4 billion
of which was stolen from Enron employees, California
energy users, Florida and Ohio pensioners etc.
Isaiah said "I delight not in your blood sacrifice."
Tom's friends get awards from the Safari Club for killing bears
and endangered species.
The Bible says vegetarian Methusaleh, longest lived man, was 969.
Tom promotes animal flesh which shortens life.
Jesus says "blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."
Tom supports the Univ of Texas animal cruelty programs, where 50,000
research animals were drowned and primates are kept in slavery.
Father Mother God in the name of Jesus Christ and all beings strike
off their stolen thrones now and for the rest of their lives Tom
Delay, Don Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Orrin Hatch, Arlen
Specter, Mike DeWine, Sununu, Antonin Scalia, Wm Rehnquist, Sandra
Day O'Connor, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Clear Channel, Rupert
Murdoch, Michael Eisner, Ariel sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, George
Voinovich, Bob Taft, Rick Perry, George Pataki, Dick Gephardt, CIA
judges on appellate courts, Evelyn Stratton, etc
http://www.matthewscully.com Christian Bush speechwriter who is upset about hunting
but not about the eating of animals.. who is not upset enough with Bush to quit.
Those belonging to that camp of oxymorons, Republican Christians,*
are working actively to defeat any gay marriage.
And yet they are the bulwark of Rupert Murdoch's Fox Network (London Times, NY Daily News, Fox Sports etc) which is actively advertising the sleaziest of gay shows
and yet these nominal Christians support wars which generate gay lifestyle
by busting up families and throwing large numbers of men
into canned sardine like proximity
Submarines.. like factory farms.. generate disease because
of crowded conditions..
Unless a gay man is faithful, if he is involved in certain practices he spreads ecoli, syphilis,
AIDS, and other STD's throughout the population
Knowing this, the monsters at Merck in cooperation
with the DOD (Dept of Defense) created a program to do just that...
advertising for promiscuous gay men in NJ for a 'hepatits'
test program... this along with the Africa prong of their
plan.. has spread AIDS and death to 300? million
Rupert Murdoch, Michael Eisner, Mel Karmazin
.. Sharonistas not as wise as Solomon
use their power to promote
war, slaughter and Sodom
O Little Town of Bethlehem
they build a wall around you
.. with missiles and bulldozers
they surround you
We thank You God
that Your angels
are tearing down the wall
Rupert Murdoch's Roger Ailes, news director at Fox,
created some of the most racist ads broadcast..
the Willie Horton ads.. which ridiculed the principled
stance of Mike Dukakis against capital punishment
** Jesus spoke against war, violence and slaughter..
and yet there are those who call themselves Christians
who support the genocidal campaigns against the people
of Iraq and Afghanistan
thank You God for hearing the prayers of billions
and removing Bush Cheney Wolfowitz Rumsfeld
Scalia Thomas and others from office..
thank You for dismantling the Republican Party
(The blacks and Latinos of Houston, of Texas, and of the USA have been disenfranchised by
Tom Delay's fraud.. He is the pawn of Amarillo cattlemen,
Houston executioners, Exxon, Halliburton, SBC, and most
other violent Texas corporations. God dismantle his network
now) http://www.naacp.org http://www.aclu.org
*** If you ask members of the Log Cabin Republicans
(gay Republicans) at what age does pedophile become
legal consent, you will get many answers (16, 17, 19, 21,
18. The absolutists will tell you that children have the right
to have sex with any adult.. as they justify their rape..
operating in networks which kidnap the children of Thailand,
Mexico and elsewhere... exchanging children at Disneyland
and other child attracting places.
Factory farm sites:
http://www.ufcw.org representing workers fired by Texas Walmarts
http://www.jesusveg.com http://www.epa.gov/greenacres
http://www.internationalanswer.org http://www.indymedia.org
http://www.jimhightower.com http://www.dennisweaver.com
http://www.pcrm.org http://www.mccruelty.com
http://www.peta.net/feat/military http://www.democrats.org
http://www.primatefreedom.com http://www.hsus.org http://www.ivu.org
http://www.notmilk.com http://www.hogwatch.org http://www.nrdc.org
http://www.cousteau.org http://www.aldf.org http://www.meatout.com
http://groups.msn.com/boycott http://www.amnesty.org
http://www.aclu.org http://www.nonviolence.org
http://www.paxchristiusa.org http://www.plumvillage.org
http://www.jewishveg.com http://www.jewishpeacefellowship.org
for himself a chickenhawk
for others is Tom a hawk
sending the poor to war
voting for missiles and bombs
nukes and tomahawks
Before he voted
for baby bombing and other
forms of human termination
his specialty
was termite extermination
(God thank You for taking those who kill
out of office today)
Some Christians are not aware of Job 38: 31
or of the fixed astrological cross represented in Daniel 1
and in Revelation .. nor are they aware that Jesus
was speaking of past lives when He asked the crowd:
"Who do men say that I am.. ?" And the reply came listing
those incarnations others thought He had been. There
are many wolves in sheep's clothing who use the garb
of Christianity to manipulate and to kill.
Tom Delay April 8, 1947 http://www.astro.com
Tom Delay has sun in aries and saturn and pluto conjunct in leo.
At its worst saturn pluto is a control freak..
continuing in this life the dictatorial tendencies of the past
One example .. that he had Homeland Security violate
the rights of Texas Democrats and try to round them up
when they caucused in Oklahoma.. another his remark "dead on arrival"..
about a popularly supported bill he did not like.
As his progressed sun walked from Aries into Taurus,
money became more important to him than life and
he became an exterminator. Yet he manipulates the prolife
Amos 4: Ye have built houses of hewn stone but others
shall live in them because ye have offended the just.
God has not yet awakened his 3 planets in pisces
.. to the rights of innocent, juvenile, unrepresented and other Texas prisoners
executed.. to the rights of Iraqi children or Afghani seniors
or Colombian citizens.. nor to the Godcreated insects
he used to exterminate professionally
He has a north node in gemini.. conjunct John Kerry's
planet.. thus Delay criticized Democrats' patriotism
he ignited a return explosion
Another pluto influence in his life is jupiter in scorpio..
he administers scorpio stings in private..
how did he achieve power?
He was a beneficiary of the murders of Wellstone and Carnahan
.. the theft of Senate seats by Diebold and the GOP
in NH, MO, CO, MN and elsewhere
His throne is stolen from disenfranchised Houston blacks
and Latinos
God remove him from power now.
Father in Jesus' name send a firefall of grace to all beings
now and forever. Remove all violence from the planet now.. dismantle
every missile, every slaughterhouse, every execution chamber,
every suffocater fishing net, every extermination warehouse
full of poison.
We do not know how long You will keep Tom Delay in the House
We ask for his complete transformation.. humble him
into kneeling before Your Universal All Embracing Divine Love,
Your Love for every Iraqi, every Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist,
Jew, Christian, agnostic, atheist. Cause Delay to begin
the journey to make amends for the human beings he has
sent to war and the creatures he has killed
for the 100th lambs, Lord, are those who have done the most violence.
While those who have killed
can not delete
nor rewind
.. Your grace can melt the crime
Of Your Omnipotence it reminds
God You can destroy the infrastructure of the violent Israeli regime
without harming a single being. You can destroy violent
infrastructures everywhere. Please send Your angels to do so now.
Suffocating smothering
In the ship's filthy greasy hull
lie tens of thousands of fish
from the latest fish 'cull'.
Nets comb the sea not to
make her beutiful but
to steal her babies.