"The best landlord is one who
does not evict human beings
or squirrels and birds from
apartments or trees."
"If Cleveland Indians'
Wahoo is racist
are not also Boston Celtics?
naming a team for only part
of the city?"
"Is anything besides the mind ever boggled?"
"What does one call
those who clog their
cerebral arteries
with oxen fat?
"As fast as my Mad Pig brain holes grow,
my coffee generated brain tumor fills them in."
"Meat or the flesh of animals has a distinctive
addictive taste of uric acid, pre urine or
trioxypurine, 3 oxypurines to every 2 of caffein..
dioxypurine. If you miss it, just take out a veggie burger
and wizz on it."
"the inebriated one
found his attempts
at statue-tory
rape painful
(bring down
statues of
"the 'tastiness' of flesh is the uric acid or pre urine
in flesh.. if one misses these trioxypurines he can take out a veggie burger
and whiz on it."
"They've cut out their tongues and
the larks can no longer sing
the birds can no longer fly
they've cut off their wings
and in their next lives
larks and birds will become
those who've cut off
larks' tongues and bird wings."
"The government of China
has become like
UK and US a pirate
of innocent kidnapped
pharmaceutically abused primates."
"She said
she'll shill for Shell
but I'll not shill for Shell
I'll not crush the shale
nor cloud the shoals
I'll not crush the shells."
"Do all beings go
eventually to heaven?
Yes, even
Richard Perle
and Bill Gates
will some day enter
the pearly gates..
(not pearls from oysters
ripped from their cloisters)
.. and yes
also you and I."
"Kwon Yin from China
Jesus from Israel
Buddha from India
Rumi from Afghanistan
Martin Luther King from America
Leo Tolstoy from Russia
millions of anonymous women and men
live nonviolence
"The United States was founded
by the violent overthrow
of a violently founded throne."
"John Deere sent
Mother Earth
a Dear John letter
as he prepared
to shred more of her children."
"At the camel
auction slaughterhouse
the camel lot
the rejected creatures
see no Camelot."
"The path to the Mideast
is littered
with Nobel peace laureates
who have not yet achieved
what can only be achieved in
each heart."
"737 American
soldiers.. dead
in Iraq..
not a general
among them..
not a chickenhawk
among them."
"They are immobile and voiceless,
and cannot ask for the mercy of water,
those trapped caged house plants.
In the winter they feel no breeze
nor are they touched by a hand which frees."
"Mel Karmazin is meretricious.
His Viacom is avaricious
His CBS is quite litigious
His public nudity is
planned and vicious.
His Likud Party is
vengeful, vicious.
It's time to exorcise the
which have entered Karmazin
through spirit lesions."
"George Tenet's charm
covers his arms
as a velvet sheath
covers a bloodied sword.
George Tenet head of Murder Inc. whose agency has
had Afghanis die under their interrogation
cannot be trusted not to plant WMD's in Iraq."
"Death penalties can be imposed by unelected judges
and by unelected Pentagon generals. In Iraq death penalties
have been caused by
.. depleted uranium 80 times the normal level.. which has generated cancer in Iraqis as well as Italian American and other troops
. compulsory vaccines from the warprofiteering
pharmaco-military industrial complex
. Lariam, ostensibly antimalarial drug made by Roche which
have killed 4 wives whose husbands had drug caused rage.
. heat rising to 137 degrees and melting soap as well as
turning metal soda pop cans on a loading dock into
chambers in which Nutra Sweet becomes more toxic
. Baghdad Boils, face lesions, blamed on sand flies... food poisoning deaths from heat on military packagedmeals
. ' friendly fire'
. lack of protective gear
. helicopter malfunctions in Chinook, Osprey
and Black Hawk helicopters
. underfunded hospital system
. those hostile to the invaders and occupiers of their own Iraq."
"Bush says he prayed about Iraq.
Unfortunately the voice he heard
was not God's but Bush Sr's."
"The radio show caller said not to
call it the Iraq War but to
call it the Bush War."
"Celibate the mouths of
Only those monks
and nuns and priests
who eat no meat."
"He is careful
with his copulation
thinking earth needs
no more population."
"Meditation turns
loneliness into loveliness."
"One can't get diseases
of Mad Chicken or Mad Pig
by eating tomatoes or
almonds or figs."
"It is said the devil
quotes scripture.
So do devil's advocates
his pawns."
for himself a chickenhawk
for others Tom a hawk
voting for missiles and bombs
nukes and tomahawks
Before he voted
for human termination
his specialty
was termite extermination."
"By not polling
younger cellphone users
Even Zogby and Pew
do toward Bush skew
while Gallup ABC
and Newsweek
obey ever
war profiteers cue."
"the bee does not fly with honey on his wings
.. matter is irrelevant where the spirit rings."
"when he realized
his planets zodiacal
he stopped being
"We have heard that Superbowl Sunday is the day of most
domestic violence.. alcohol is one of several factors
while football is early programming in war for an imperial
"Football is preprogramming
in war with Superbowl Sunday
the day of most domestic
battering, demons rushing
in where alcohol has made
aura lesions.
The people
are encouraged to be
sheep on the sidelines
led by women cheerleaders
believing their only job
is to support men. Booze
and animal flesh
abound in the stands
and in the homes of
inactive spectators."
"Union Carbide desecrated
India with
killer insecticides
brought to Bhopal
They violated Hinduism
All bugs are sacred
Ahimsa's Gopal
(the biggest industrial accident of all time.. involved several thousand deaths
..as killer insecticide gas killed humans.. )
Ahimsa nonviolence
Gopal.. name for Krishna as protector of cows and all beings."
"Like the sun, truth is self luminescent.
It is reality, self evident, needing no external defense.
It is immediately recognized by resonant hearts.
It can be hidden for a short time by clouds
or by imprisoning others indoors..
but inevitably truth conquers all,
as does love.
God whose name is Truth whose name is Love is ending
the violence in the world now."
"Not might
but light
lit Maccabees'
through the night."
"John Kerry went to
for his nation's glory
He returned from war
knowing it gory."
"What is the difference between Palestinians and Americans?
Not all Americans realize they are occupied."
"Because he has
helped abuse lab animals
in speaking normally
or ex cathedra
millions of Catholics
define themselves as
ex cath."
"What's in Spam?
nostrils brains?and eyes
intestinal linings and uteri?
anything swept from the slaughterhouse floor?
except the blood already out the door
Spam comes from offal
Spam smells... awful
from murdering pigs Hormel makes Spam
from butchering pigs Hormel makes ham."