they're more likely to press down on the throttle
if influenced by the demon who's caught in the bottle
prevent the shotgun weddings of
alcohol and war, alcohol and
death, alcohol and disease,
alcohol and violence
The biggest breweries in the United
States are heavy contributors to
the current regime, and through
their cash influence have gotten
several radio networks to promote
alcohol consumption ads as early
as 11 am on weekdays.
Coors and Anheuser Busch are
2 major alcohol marketers.
Many soldiers returning from war
attempt to tune out the hideous
violence witnessed through
alcohol and drugs.
According to writer Anita Sheve,
consuming 1/2 of a bottle of alcohol
can cause blindness, kidney shutdown, lethal choking on vomit.
Physicians cite the cirrhosis of the
liver, delirium tremens, and loss
of brain cells in general.
Other problems caused by
alcohol include
domestic battering, barroom fights
with broken bottles, the cleanup
from vomit, fires as smokers
lose consciousness,
millions of traffic fatalities, decapitations
included, paraplegics, faces
made into roadmaps by
windshield glass shattering,
busted marriages, smashed careers,
and according to some,
demonic possession from the
melting of the aura. Alcoholism
related depression generates
billions in multinational pharmaceutical
Alcoholics are often more compassionate
people than average. The alcohol
is their vehicle to tune out the pain
they seem to vacuum up from
those around them.
Fraternities, restaurants,
and corporate media promote
alcohol consumption for reasons
such as peer pressure and money.
Sometimes, even the sight of
someone drinking on tv or
a description of this in a book is
enough to kick the viewer or
reader off of years of abstinence.
Northern countries faced with
the cold, light loss, and inactivity of winter
have more alcoholism than southern
The Salvation Army over 100 years
ago treated alcoholism through
vegetarian diet, since the excess
yang of meat was offset by the
excess yin of booze.
However, the Army has gotten away
from its vegetarian roots.
Some religions prohibit
alcohol consumption but 'thou shalt not'
can have the opposite effect.
Coors funded the Heritage Foundation
which has countless times promoted
war on National Public Radio and
other war profiteer controlled media.
Through its connection to organized
sports, Coors has arranged that
every time a Denver stadium is
mentioned, it gets a free ad.
In addition, Coors pays for
placement in books marketed by
Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins
and others. Coors was a factor
in Diebold's theft of the Colorado
senate race. Ben Nighthorse
Campbell before that had run
as a Democrat and then switched.
1. Alcoholics represent at one point
or another 13.5% of the population
2. Alcohol is involved in 1/2 of
all car accidents and 60% of all
boat accidents.
3. Shaking and insomnia are
other symptoms of alcoholism
4. In the second stage of alcoholism
drinking in secret occurs.
5. In the third stage, alcohol is
used as a response to stress
oe E Lewis:
"A man is never drunk if he can lay on the floor without holding on."
"O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! That we should with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause transform ourselves into beasts!"
"It provokes the desire but it takes away the performance. Therefore much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery: it makes him and it mars him; it sets him on and it takes him off."
Edward Rowland Sill:
"At the punch-bowl's brink, let the thirsty think, what they say in Japan: first the man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man!"
Sir William Temple:
"The first glass is for myself, the second for my friends, the third for good humor, and the forth for my enemies."
Erma BombecK:
"Never accept a drink from a Urologist."
AA Lead:
I awoke, irate that people were entering my bedroom, which turned out to
be the elevator.
Bertrand Russell:
"Drunkenness is temporary suicide."
the writer believes that in another
life she died in a French gutter
as an alcoholic [/i]
The false elections of Coleman, Talent,