Anton Scalia: For me the constitutionality of the death penalty is not a difficult, soul-wrenching question.
(as he justifies his votes for murder)
Jesus: Let him without sin cast the first stone (or
authorize the first injection)
Scalia.. crippled by the cold dead hand of saturn
crippling the compassion of the piscean sun..
unable to free himself from the measured scales weighted
by money.. to the realm of the anti-scale boundless love of God
Tony Fauci of NIH: speaks of the modality of morbidity
in the countless numbers of animals on whom he inflicts pain.
Jesus: I am the Good Shepherd.. who lays down His life for
His sheep.
A Jesuit murdered in El Salvador;
asked about Georgetown
replied: Georgetown is in a state of mortal sin.
Jesuit educated warmongers:
Tony Fauci NIH Holy Cross
Antonin Scalia serial executioner Georgetown
Tim Russert packdog attacker of Muslims John Carroll
Santa Clara University: accepting money from Lockheed
while its students fast for peace.
Jesuits Jesus imbued:
- Ignacio Ellacuria, Segundo Montes, Ignacio Martin-Baro, Joaquin Lopez y Lopez, Juan Ramon Moreno, and Amado Lopez
all of them murdered in El Salvador
Daniel Berrigan
Philip Berrigan
Jerry Brown.. Univ of SF
God give grace to all.. and remove those who harm others
from power now and forever.