Bob and Bill Klaus
. have white male warmonger talk show hosts such as
Tom Erickson, Howie Chizek, Mike Gallagher,
and Jim Bohannon and 1 token female
. vulgarize the air waves with the lewd talk of warmonger
Stan Piatt
. sell air time to imperialists clad in Christian clothing
. advertise McDonald's and other animal abusers
. have made tens of millions off your air waves and mine
. promote slaughter of animals with a hunting and fishing show
And their tv stations: WAX 35 and WAOH 29
WAOH.. dacoits
stealing the air waves
of the people
and then forcefeeding
the poor who have no cable
.. infomercials
Where is the FCC?
Stolen by Colin Powell's
son and Eisner's ABC
by Murdoch
WAOH also sells time to the
National Rifle Association
and advertises gun shows