Missouri Military Armory Destroyed By God

In Pierce City Missouri, an armory was destroyed by God

.. whose Isaiah said.. turn my weapons into plowshares.

In Jackson Tennesse, the police station was half destroyed.

Missouri had the most deaths of 80 twisters..

the Missouri of Anheuser Busch, which markets booze to


of Purina, price gouger, animal abuser

of Monsanto, deformer of animals and polluter of streams

  around the world

of Lockheed, biggest armsmonger in the world

the Missouri of Ashcroft who strips prisoners and clothes


of Gephardt.. who has sold Missouri to the warmongers

one of the 8 racist executing states

the only state to have 2 Democrat Senate candidates

   die in plane crashes

a state in which Talent holds an illegal seat

.. supported by the fraud of Diebold and Battelle


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