The "Coalition Of The Willing"
.. was the Coalition For the Killing..
.. those frightened nations
which trotted along with
the schoolyard bully..
many have left
as veterans lie dying neglected in hospitals
as in Iraq babies lie burned over every inch
of their bodies
as a 12 year old lies.. both arms blown off
as a father sits in darkness... his wife
son and daughter murdered by Carlyle Group bombs
George Bush, please do not call yourself a Christian..
The words of Jesus cannot be polluted
but His angels are offended when
you call yourself His follower
Your Bible of Power says
"Thou Shalt Kill"
"hate your foes.. hate everyone your father hated.."
" Don't feed the hungry.. exploit their votes"
" Take water from the thirsty.. and blast their water pipes"
" Evict the homeless"
" Let the sinful be the first to pick up a stone"
and on and on
Polluter of the spiritual air of America