The Berkeley minister aroused the ire
of some as she gave Communion to
dogs and cats, horses and rats..
in the name of the Christ
who said oxen should be rescued on the Sabbath
who said the sparrows of the air are watched
by the Father
who drove the butchers out of the temple
who was called the Good Shepherd.
Polygamous men and women spread venereal disease
to many women and men exposing them to STD possible death..
the syphilis which took the lives of Henry 8, Oscar Wilde
and many others, AIDS, and the lesser diseases such
as gonorrhea, crabs.
With sexual promiscuity as with promiscuity in eating many
animals, each new being's organisms (bacteria, viruses etc)
place a new assault on the immune system.
Where polygamous or polyandrous women are gathered is
often called a bordello.
Some are polyamorous
... polyandrous.
(Henry 8 had wives 6)