Ban Bear Skin Hats


Thank you God that several hundred years ago

You ended bearbaiting in England and that now

You are ending the use of the skins of bears

in the caps of the Horse Guards..

and that You are ending now and forever their being hunted in

Canada and several states..and everywhere

and that You are ending now and forever the practice Oscar

Wilde called 'the unspeakable in full pursuit

of the inedible'.. the 'fox hunt'

and that You are ending now and forever BP's

influence in drafting Britain into wars.. as You bring

British boys home.. not in body bags.. but in

bully boats

5 times BP has gotten the UK into a war in Iraq..

never again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

1914 to 1917 British
army takes 3 years to
go from Basra to Baghdad

1941 1958 1991 2003

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