Fifteen Reasons To Oppose Giuliani

(God is in all.. everyone is a temple of the divine..

but it is a citizen's duty to be informed of the record

of candidates)


(Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate (for a party whose

registered voters are 6% of the US population) to oppose

the war in Iraq and even Ron Paul defends criminal megathievery

by the oil companies.

1 Giuliani as mayor of New York was a criminalizer of homelessness. Some

30,000 or more people live in the sewers and subway caves of Manhattan and other boroughs, while billionaire Bloomberg, who like Giuliani was allegedly elected mayor in a city which is 83%

Democratic, has not ameliorated the situation.


2 Giuliani was part of the 911 conspiracy, and was involved in

hasty disposal of the WTC remains. As Loose Change says,

he supervised the closing off of the crime scene while

he shipped all the evidence out for overseas burial.


3 Giuliani is a profiteer from the 911 slaughter, and his diversion of

911 victim monies has caused lawsuits

to be filed against him.


4 Giuliani has promoted the illegal and violent wars in Iraq and


5 Rudy's wife as mistress was receiving illegal taxfunded security protection.

6. Under Giuliani's regime, the New York Port Authority gave away

the profits from public property to exploiters such as billionaire Larry Silverstein.

7 Mayors have not had the presidential training that governors, representatives , senators

have had.

8 Even after Giuliani got prostate cancer (probability theory would

say his cancer was caused by animal products) he

was still promoting carcinogenic cows' milk

for the American dairy lobby. [url][/url]

9. Giuliani's administration was a snuffer of civil liberties


10. While poster does not think that 3 marriages disqualifies

Giuliani as a presidential candidate, many other Americans do not agree.

11 from Leeland O White re Giuliani:

Rudi Guilliani is the former mayor of New York during the 911 era. He is also former United States Attorney who prosecuted Ivan Boesk who was able to keep one billion dollars for stealing from the stock market many more billions and Mike Milken, the Junk Bond deal, who also stole about the same amount and got to keep much, much more.

Now prior to 911, the US stock market lost 8 trillion dollars. When we look at the attack on these 3 billion dollar structures, I think one fails to understand that 8 trillion dollars would be require terrorists to blow up 2,400 twin tower assembles.

Please, the people of the United States are not that nieve. The world needs to protest and block Rudi Guilliani from running for president of the United States.

Surely of the eight trillion, the Saudis were the most damaged. It is amazing that they were not put into a position of reinventing the camel.

However, terrorism from the Muslims is rather mundane, when the theory of the conspiracy to cover up the greatest loss in the United States stock market of eight trillion is completely ignored.

I want to focus on Guilliani. It is clearly known that he must be a CIA agent. Do I have a confirmation from Putin?

I entertain, comment, criticism and social observation, and to stop world tyranny justified by illusional terrorism by addressing the same to this forum.


12. Giuliani is a chickenhawk which

means he wants the children of

the poor to be cannon fodder though

he has never served.


13. Network news anchors have played tape of Giuliani abusing

over and over, like a stinging scorpion, a talk show caller and

ferret pet owner

who was questioning Giuliani's legislation.

listen to the tape

14. Giuliani's abuse of Ron Paul in the presidential debates

was the vicious display of a pack dog for war profiteers.

15 Giuliani supports torture which

he defines as 'enhanced interrogation



Jane Goodall

like Jains sees

the divine in all

the good in all



(today Steve Kurwood promoted

stolen milk from cows)

Corporate warmonger media likes to try to isolate

PETA as the lunatic fringe.. when it covers

PETA's request that dolphins not be used for land mines.

In reality, tens of thousands of humane socities, Jacques\

Coustea's Society and the National Resrouces Defense

Council have sued the US Navy over its killing of

whales with sonar.

And because the US and Israeli juntas have not been

signatories to land mine treaties,

the way on land as well as in the sea

is more dangerous for the sacrificial lambs

on all sides.

Princess Di, hover over the battlefield, defusing

mines from your place of Spirit.

San Diego is the base for some of the sea lion and dolphin


are electronic leashes used?

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