Vision Thread

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Posted by sb11 on 02-17-2004 07:01 PM:

Visions, Dreams



In an effort to abbreviate thread,

poster has removed some of her

own replies

One of many reasons people keep dream and vision journals

is that as time passes and events occur, they realize that they

were given precognition meanings unfold.. the pages of a book are reminders of buried memories.

The alarm clock is a dream killer..Those who want to receive messages in dreams can go to sleep on a day when tyrannical time does not interfere. As they slip into sleep they can

summon God's visions and keep pen, paper and small lamp by the bed.





























An eagle soaring above the sea

swoops down suddenly, alights

on a boat deck, and voluntarily enters

a cage.

(a great soul volunteers to take

human birth again)


The Grand Canyon in the morning.. a rainbow arching

over the awesome void with its

2 bases touching the rock on

either side of the canyon, ts very emptiness drawing the light.


William Clinton strides into a room and over to a dark oil painting of

the crucifixion. With confidence and ability he paints a pastel abstract

Easter over it as he holds a palate of rainbow hues.

(Not an endorsement of the

candidacy of his henhawk wife

who helped make Tyson's the

biggest butcher in the world.)

(One of the several meanings of

the vision.. is for the person who

had the vision.. an end to the

harrassment by agents of

the Bush-Clinton-Bush regimes)


A church clock tower with lighted clock faces on all four sides glows

in the rain at 6:30.. as drops fall from the hands

(When minute second and hour hand are at 6 or 666, thirsty flowers

below receive the most direct rainfall. All numbers are holy)


Poster's teacher is with her at seashore. She sees he has an easel

and is drawing for her a red tomato, green tomato and redgreen tomato.

He names the different enzymes in each one, and tells her she needs

most the red-green enzymes.


Shortly after a dream in which 4 women in a satsang

were resolving to pray together as 1.. and to pray also for egomelt,

poster had a vision of a 4 yolk egg becoming a bird.

(postermade eggs for the last time, after breaking them into a skillet, seeing it full of blood, beaks and claws)


Poster is planting a baby evergreen tree..and to her horror the tree turns into a dog and the planting becomes a suffocation

(Interpretation: well motivated actions can through ignorance be harmful... ask the Source.. ones favorite indweller form of God before doing something)


a vision of a poisonous snake turning into a greeting trunk of a loving Ganesha elephant**


A married man walks to first base

where he flirts with the married

first baseman. Suddenly

Martin Luther King is batting

lefthanded in the batter's box (9 on a clock)

and hits a homerun

to 12 on the clock. The first base runner

is brought home,

3 additional bases and the end of

a disastrous flirtation the gift of the hero.


A man in a tux is airborn, and his coattails are fluttering in the wind

(the irrelevance of form in a world of spirit? the ability of all to fly?)


a vision of crystallized thought as huge steel cabinets above the street blocking trucks (rigid opinions block communication)


a dream of a false Caucasian teacher touching his students.. transmitting blue light with rivers of black in it (polluted energy) (we are limited by our gurus' limitations)


pick up in their beaks the 4 corners

of a light fabric and fly with it .. and cover

either a sleeping or dead large animal with it

(a liberated soul..has advanced... souls erase his past)


In the Sharon wall which is opposed by billions

.. suddenly appears.. a hole big enough for a cow

to go through..

it reminds poster of the scriptural saying that

it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle

than for a rich man to enter heaven..

.. it was explained to her that needles were arches

into walled cities.. camels had to stoop to enter them


A woman dreamt she was running on the water..

she came to a boat in which her companions were

.. she teased them and splashed them because

they could not run on water.. her arrogance caused

her immediately to sink


Poster given a dream of the CIA as a monastery..

in which sharks were kept in a pool in the basement.. a pool into which

expendables were thrown. Every once in a while the monks had a taste

for shark meat and would kill

a shark.

(there are Anglican spooks, Catholic spooks, Likud spooks,

Chinese spooks,

... who spy for their

bosses.. capitalist crooks)


Poster heard the sentence

"2 Peter rock.. 5 gold fish". Like all koans given her by Baba

this one has seemingly infinite meanings.

The sentence reminded of the

miracle of the loaves and fishes

Since compassionate people

do not suffocate or strangle

or rip out the gills of fishes

to devour them..

we will substitute the word

'love' for fishes.. the miracle

of the loaves and of love.

Jesus materialized fish for

others.. the Greek word 'opsarion'

which describes it is 'pickled fish'

not freshly suffocated fish.

There is a whole spectrum of belief

about Jesus related to fish.

Christian vegetarians do not eat fish.

Some believe that Jesus was a total

vegetarian. Some believe he ate fishes.

Some believe he materialized them for others

but did not himself eat fishes.

Perhaps the most controversial position

has been stated by the father of the John Wilkes Booth

who killed Lincoln. That man said

'no fish no crucifixion'

meaning that he thought Jesus encouraged

fishing and therefore was crucified.

Astrologically pisces and virgo (the fish and the wheatbearing

virgin) (the fish of love and the virgin of the loaves)

are the axis of being (pisces) and doing (virgo)..

of the heart and the mind


The mind's thoughts are clouds

gray or white in hue

The master's consciousness

is a sky of blazing blue.


a vision of a small thread spool

with perhaps 45% of the wood

on one side of it removed

a. smuggling of computer chips?

b. use as tool

c. other

(before one can be liberated the mind

must be melted.. it is a machine made of desire)


Many 'inventions' are revelation..

Einstein said in his autobiography angels gave him

the relativity theory in a dream

Schumann said he was not a composer but a secretary..

who wrote the music he heard in his ears after having

had a series of painful explosions

the inventor of the sewing machine said he was given

a vision of warriors carrying spears which had holes in the tips

Sai Baba has said GOD will give anyone an answer provided

it is an immediate fork in the road, the questioner is surrendered

to the answer, and the question involves oneself, not



2 hours after i participated in a McDonald's outlet boycott

in Manhattan I was attacked by a man with a hunting knife

and handcuffs.. (as I had left the picket, RO said to me

"I sense you are in great danger and I will meditate for your

safety".. ).. by GOD's grace i was able to get away


dreamt of a car.. whose roof had become a coffin lid

.. awoke to the news of the deaths of people in an Iraqi car..

........any time people die in a car from alcohol or traffic accidents

it became a coffin


Jan F, a Jewish Hindu, had a dream of 3 nuns watering a rose bush at Hitler's grave

a. rose bushes have rights no matter where they are planted

b. the body of a man who harmed many is becoming the petals of a rose

c. some in the Vatican did not help enough to stop the Nazisetc.


From Swami Rama's book "Living With the Himalayan Masters" incident in which an elephant in greeting reached her trunk into a cave.. she was killed by a scorpion's bite..and her size blocked for a while the mouth of the cave

(metaphorically, the scorpion or

inability to forgive has harmed

the spiritual evolution of the



a dream that a group of self realized masters had reincarnated

in a Chinese village or city and that thousands were

gathered for their darshan (the healing sight of a master)

... even though at this time they were babies and children


A Devotee's Dream: he is standing next to his teacher

Rather than push his way to the front a new parent

hands his premature baby in a 9" by 9" box

to the devotee to hand to his teacher


Not a vision, not a dream.. but a sighting

Today for the first time ever this poster saw more than

1 hawk circling...

four! were above the woods... 3 together.. and 1 apart from


Posted by sb11 on 02-17-2004 07:04 PM:



A circular tower.. on the top

floor a Tecumseh museum full of

knives, scalps, tomahawks. A woman

goes around the room opening

the shutters. The room is full of

supernal light so beautiful one is

aware of nothing else.

(Forgiveness allows us to see

the divinity in every soul including

our own)



A woman in the hospital.. her chest is distended

from a live chicken inside her rib cage trying to get out..

she is surrounded by hospital workers

a. the spirit is a bird within the cage of the ribs.. she wanted

to leave permanently but later joy within body came back to her

b.. chicken food poisoning


G dreamt someone's rug was put on her bed

as a spread..

(1. poster actually did this once.. loved a turkish rug so much

she put it on her bed)

(2. the mattress needs to be a sacred place.. not

Grand Central Station and not a boxing ring

11 AND 12

The writer was given a vision of an iron pressing out wrinkles

which occurred between the 11 and 12 on the clock..

many interpretations are possible including

removal of obstacles to being aligned to God's will

(Make Straight The Way of the Lord)

(the spine)


a family bakes cookies in the empty trunk of a friend's car

(empty trunk: no more karma)


a vision of a horse kneeling

(the body surrenders to the discipline of

the indwelling

spirit.. is one interpretation)



Poster given dream of Monica Lewinsky handing her

a packet of love letters on aqua paper tied with royal

blue ribbon..

they were returned unread.


1st interpretation: not wanting to intrude on others' relationships

2nd: perhaps they were forged

.. Lewinsky was either the conscious or unconscious

agent of war planners as she was manipulated by Delta Force's

Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg of the warmonger

publishing group Regnery, one of whose authors, Ted Nugent

.. was recently chainsaw kissed by God


has taught children that Jesus wants them to kill animals with bows and



Ramakrishna sawf pink flamingo flock

wingscript written on a gray sky

(inside the greyest sky are the invisible ends of

the existing rainbow)


Vision: a woman removes a garland

of rusty paper clips, no longer

wanting the awards of an office



a pen point down in a glass of cola

a. Pepsi and Coke are stifling the peace movement

b. poor nutrition interferes with


c. a sword or pen point down

can mean an end to attack


dream of a lion threatening to eat the father

of a woman

(she has 3 leo planets.. leo is currently being opposed

by neptune and squared by nodes.. the father

can represent a past personality..

birth pangs for a new personality)


vision of Ganesha with his trunk tied in a knot

(a variation might be a snake with body tied in knot)

(the blocking of auspiciousness or of kundalini)

(God be good to all beings)


a golf club threatening to smash a wedding ring

(a golf widow thinks of divorce)


vision of a mirror showing red..

someone who is angry with himself


1. someone is no longer a doormat..

but is asserting him or herself

2. the conjugal bed is sacred..

.. keep it pure


a saffron crayon is smashed

(orange: sannyasi color

crayon: children)

a soul finds he is not ready for sannyas

.. that he began it prematurely


the ocean beneath the surface.. there was a gleaming white

cross rooted in the bedrock at the base of the sea.. its top touching the surface

of the water.. it was only a few feet wide and around it

dolphins played.. as if it were a toy for fish in an aquarium.


a cross shaped swimming pool.. the shape of

the pool did not affect the swimmers

(devas {angels} telling people not to fear crosses in their charts)


many years ago dreamt a woman had learned how to walk on water..

she began to run.. on water.. toward her companions in the boat.. and to tease

and splash them.. she immediately sank


an ancient Roman walled in courtyard filled with mars

and other statuary.. water rising submerges the statues..

(waters of love in the heart dissolve love of power)


an outdoor stone stairway.. so great is the rainfall

that the stairway becomes a stone basis for waterfall

(the crosses visions.. are meant to remove fear

about their configuration in astrological charts)


3 dreams about universality and its blocks

Dream 1

It was too late to save the fly. A blue squid shaped spider had swallowed his hole head and his 6 pincers were holding the fly at the neck. Dreamer in summer put the wedded spider and fly outside. (one interpretation: flies too have rights.. 2nd: the guru squid spider is melting the mind and replacing it with consciousness.. the buzzing fly is a symbol for the mind)

Dream 2

A man after being given 2 books not of the same size walks into a Catholic or Anglican church from which all the pews have been removed. Also gone is the floor partition between the main church and the attic. The interfaith basement has a circular formation and there are altars to virtually every path to God in it. The spiritual leader has said dogs are welcome in the chiurch, but the fire marshal has said no and so the man leaves the church.

Dream 3

2 intelligence agents involved in killing do not discuss their plans around a woman because she is not apolitical.

All 3 dreams involve different aspects of or blocks to universality.


Poster heard the sentence "2 Peter rock.. 5 gold fish".

Like all koans this one has seemingly infinite meanings.The sentence reminded of the miracle of the loaves and fishes Since compassionate people do not suffocate or strangle or rip out the gills of fishesto devour them..we will substitute the word 'love' for fishes.. the miracleof the loaves and of love. Jesus materialized fish for others.. the Greek word 'opsarion' which describes it is 'pickled fish'not freshly suffocated fish.There is a whole spectrum of beliefabout Jesus related to fish.Christian vegetarians do not eat fish.Some believe that Jesus was a totalvegetarian. Some believe he ate fishes.Some believe he materialized them for othersbut did not himself eat fishes.Perhaps the most controversial positionhas been stated by the father of the John Wilkes Boothwho killed Lincoln. That man said'no fish no crucifixion'meaning that he thought Jesus encouragedfishing and therefore was crucified.Astrologically pisces and virgo (the fish and the wheatbearingvirgin) (the fish of love and the virgin of the loaves)are the axis of being (pisces) and doing (virgo)..of the heart and the mind


poster had a dream she was with a number of sailors

in San Diego. One was angry about her antiwar words

until he found that the Navy had terminated a number

of men right before their benefits were scheduled to take



A man walks into a woman's apartment. She in fright

starts choking him with her key chain.. not realizing he

is an old man with Alzheimer's. His name is Green


A pastor of a posh parish, High Anglican, at 1 pm on Sunday

says "I'm out of here". a. something many pastors

feel weekly b. the grid of church structure has become

a prison


A man's face is the body of a butterfly between the 2 wings

(Nabokov reborn as butterfly for having impaled thousands?)



Amherst College is not in Massachusetts but Minnesota..

near Carlton College.


Men's ties as snakes

a. the discipline of regular hours.. turns into the shakti

of success


A series of full moons travel in a line

across a theatre stage and set (exit)


(The moon besides being a symbol

for women is a symbol for feelings..

but it is the sun which constantly

pours out the light of the call of

the soul)


A baby is drawn to the dreamer

but not her mother. (The not totally

released old self has not yet

let go of resentment, but the spiritually

evolving soul has)


JBC, SV and others have written

of a witch flying on a broom

as a male projection of negativity

(witch label) on healing women

who have transcended the slavery

of housework.. the broom is no

longer a symbol of oppression

but a vehicle for flight


A mother in law left her body after

an unusually long life.. she had

a great love for her daughter in law..

and had entered the body of

a bumblebee to attempt to communicate

with her... dreamer feared there would

be no open windows for the bee at the daughter

in law's home and so went over

to open one.. but need not have

worried... the woman was in a barnlike

garage with the big door open


A computer screen is shaped like

a doublesized rear view mirror..

except that it is a trapezoid leaning

to the right

(a. the vast library of the internet is the past.. not the future)

(b. the internet is a vehicle for

working out emotional baggage)

Posted by sb11 on 02-26-2004 10:14 PM:


2 Marlboro cigarette packs..

1 empty.. and 1 half full

(lungs of a smoker.. 1 more seriously

injured than the other by cigarettes)

(Thank You God for healing all

lungs as You simultaneously break

all tobacco addictions)


A friend was experiencing much anxiety..and his family had repeatedly committed him.. poster was opposing the use

of psychiatric medications for him..

but had no power with the pharmaceutically

dominated hospital staff.. then had

a vision of a priest

holding a communion wafer.. and breaking off

a tiny sliver.. and then said "lithium"

(Catholics believe that any sliver of the

communion host is Christ.. as much as the

whole disc. Poster felt she was being told to advise friend to take a small fraction of what was prescribed..)


(Lithium.. from Greek lithos.. can turn the

kidneys into stone)


A priest walked through a huge crowd which parted before

him like the Red Sea as he carried the lidded monstrance which contained within it the Host, the Eucharist, Jesus as Bread.

He approached a woman and handed her the chalice.


(Of the many possible interpretations one is that

whenever a soul is liberated, she is handed her own

divinity. Another is that women will inevitably

be priests. )


10 TV Cameras

A dream that 5 tv cameras above and 5 tv cameras

below dreamer focused on an embryo filled with

2 fully grown horses. The sac broke and they

galloped away.. one to become part of a 4 horse

chariot.. the other to cavort with wild stallions.

This took place in a Western sandy plain

canyon with high granite walls on both sides.

The word "Mathura" or "Matura" was heard, one

a village of Krishna, the other Latin for maturation.


Vision of a rocking chair.. and in its seat and

at right angles to it is a child's rocking chair


Vision of 2 lines at right angles.. but because

they are in different and parallel planes the cross

won't manifest

Vision of a cross shaped swimming pool

Interpretations are infinite.. but

the theme of these 3 visions to writer was not

to fear projected conflict.. it would not occur

(the rocking chairs would not collide.. the shape of the pool

would not affect the swimmer.. etc.)


(this message came in at least 4 fragments on 4 occasions..

1 or 2 sentences each time..

unlike many messages)


dream that a young Bible teacher opens his Bible

to the beginning of a New Testament chapter.

He points to the big red capital A initiating

the chapter and says "A is Aries.

Aries is Caesar

Caesar is the detonater.

Caesar is the diaspora."

This dream came before the OKC bombing.

The diaspora could be

anything from the mind's explosion of ideas

to different ethnic diasporas, to

the seeding of a field by a wind.


vision of

bride being given

away by a Marine

friend.. not the father

(the first interpretation might be

fear that the father is not available..

but the lasting one for poster

is that the bride is a soul leaving

militaristic thought behind..)


J dreamt a woman in a wedding dress

got off a bus ..

and stepped into mud up to her knees

(One interpretation of many:

a soul involved in a purification

process had just taken on new karma)


Vision of a USA submarine caught under the Arctic

ice.. poster not on ship psychically tells captain to go 3 forward and then 1 up.. to

free the ship


later she hears "3 parts love.. 1 part will"

.. which are the dimensions of the letter L

(this could be any country's submarine caught under the ice)


In the Sharon wall which is opposed by billions

.. suddenly appears.. a hole big enough for a cow

to go through..

it reminds poster of the scriptural saying that

it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle

than for a rich man to enter heaven..

.. it was explained to her that needles were arches

into walled cities.. camels had to stoop to enter them


Poster given a dream of the CIA as a monastery..

in which sharks were kept in a pool in the basement.. a pool into which

expendables were thrown. Every once in a while the monks had a taste

for shark meat and would kill

a shark.

(there are Anglican spooks, Catholic spooks, Likud spooks,

Chinese spooks,

... who spy for their

bosses.. capitalist crooks)


Dream: Cheney wakes up suddenly

.. decides he no longer wants to be in the play..

jumps off stage and bolts down the center aisle..

he had been telling someone that in his youth he was psychic and that though

he shot birds he wanted to protect



Vision: Pen ink spilling out (writing too emotional)


a vision of a room in a house whose walls were made entirely

of jigsaw puzzle pieces.. when the final piece was put in, it

blocked out the blazing blue sky

(Fulfilled desires sometimes block

the infinite)


a dog was found in a basement full of water up to her neck

(many interpretations: one that the loyalty of the dog in each

soul is hampered by water or unreleased feelings)



Richard Paul Evans wrote in

The Christmas Box of a vision

of an angel with spread wings

descending to earth and turning

to stone...

in his book it foretells his

seeing a monument in a

cemetery above the grave of

a child

but it can also mean

.. living spirit becoming

crystallized into dead form


: An unmarried pastor is dating at least 3 women in

his church... saying to them that he wants to select one of

them as a wife. (recipe for disaster)

(Generally churches have more women than men... women's

rights advocates find a group of women staring up gaga at

a male lecturer somewhat offensive)


Dream: a young blonde master artist of spiritual topics

is a father of a 3 year old boy. The artist strides to his work

so quickly that his little son runs after him crying, unable to

keep up. The artist works with chalk which as soon as it

hits the canvas becomes paint. He overlays a layer of pink

with a layer of gold. The frame is of stained glass.

His work is beautiful.. but it is foiled by his neglect of his

first prioriity: his son.


heard the word 'premathura'

or 'pray matura' or other variations

Mathura is a city in which Krishna lived

Matura is a Latin word for maturing

(prema is a Sanskrit word for divine love)


dream of a little mind-operated radio in front of us whose programs were programmed by our thoughts


MSC had a vision of a tricycle wheeling down Nob Hill..

while buses, cars, trolley cars parted like the Red Sea

to let it past

(one interpretation: often the materially powerless have

great spiritual power)


1. someone is no longer a doormat..

but is asserting him or herself

2. the conjugal bed is sacred..

.. keep it pure

Sanctuary and Basement


There is a woman who mothered many children..

around age 50 she began to be angry that

she had been programmed, she thought, to be

a baby machine...

she stood by herself across the street from 100

prolife demonstaters with the sign Catholics For Choice

Then she had a dream.. that she was in a Catholic church

and realized she could not go across the sanctuary

to the back.. but through the basement

this she interpreted to mean.. more humility

and lower profile

Whatever you think of her actions, perhaps you will

admit she has courage.


Dream: a friend is given

a wedding vow present

.. earrings each with 2 suspended

circles.. perhaps symbolizing

that she has not left her

husband to be with him


Dream: France.. in the 1930's..

a woman is smoking as she

rounds the corner in a red

car...nearly runs people

over.. her humor and

charisma are so great

as she apologizes and

blows smoke in their

faces they forgive her

and laugh


Dream that in

Michigan were 2 acres of

desert which had become

a sculpture garden..

small rocks.. gave way

to stone spheres..

some 3 or 4 stories


a woman knew that

to get her feelings to move

she must be around water

After dream this morning

went online and saw

Gandalf's "E pur si muove'

Galileo, as he arose from his knees, (after his trial) exclaimed sotto voce, E pur si muove [nevertheless it does move].


A couple who were fighting with Luther for freedom

from Catholic hierarchy were hooded and on their

way back to a Catholic monastery fortress because

they needed food clothing and shelter

(Martin Luther's virulent statements about Jews

have been repudiated by the modern Lutheran church)


a vision of a friend in a previous life..

as the leader of a military survivalist group

manufacturing offshore floating islands very close

to shore


vision of maroon light

on the f6 key


in actuality before calling a

talk show saw 4 birds..

2 flying to the left 2 to the right

(message to attempt balance?)


vision of the US Capitol Bldg.

visible as if directly beneath the plane

which was 300 miles away..

passengers warned to stay

away from the vortex it



An American Vietnam veteran

had bought a present

for Moo Minh (Mu Minh?)

.. perhaps she was his daughter

(Vietnamese healthier than Americans

because of no dairy.. no moo)


a gas nozzle put into the trunk which contains flammable materials.. rather than the gas tank

(the past, the trunk, should be cleaned



a saffron crayon is smashed

(orange: sannyasi color

crayon: children)

a soul finds he is not ready for sannyas

.. that he began it prematurely

Posted by Red Junglefowl on 03-04-2004 04:35 PM:

Shait like this is what happens when all you eat is fruit. Brains need amino acids from proteins only found in animal products. Eat some eggs damnit. I have plenty. I'll send you some. I dont mind. It's better than sending the ungrateful *****s to university anyway.

Posted by sb11 on 03-08-2004 02:47 PM:

Poster heard the sentence

"2 Peter rock.. 5 gold fish". Like all koans given her by Baba

this one has seemingly infinite meanings.

The sentence reminded of the

miracle of the loaves and fishes

Since compassionate people

do not suffocate or strangle

or rip out the gills of fishes

to devour them..

we will substitute the word

'love' for fishes.. the miracle

of the loaves and of love.

Jesus materialized fish for

others.. the Greek word 'opsarion'

which describes it is 'pickled fish'

not freshly suffocated fish.

There is a whole spectrum of belief

about Jesus related to fish.

Christian vegetarians do not eat fish.

Some believe that Jesus was a total

vegetarian. Some believe he ate fishes.

Some believe he materialized them for others

but did not himself eat fishes.

Perhaps the most controversial position

has been stated by the father of the John Wilkes Booth

who killed Lincoln. That man said

'no fish no crucifixion'

meaning that he thought Jesus encouraged

fishing and therefore was crucified.

Astrologically pisces and virgo (the fish and the wheatbearing

virgin) (the fish of love and the virgin of the loaves)

are the axis of being (pisces) and doing (virgo)..

of the heart and the mind

Posted by sb11 on 03-08-2004 04:11 PM:


a vision of a small thread spool

with perhaps 45% of the wood

on one side of it removed

a. smuggling of computer chips?

b. use as tool

c. other

(before one can be liberated the mind

must be melted.. it is a machine made of desire)

Posted by pacific on 03-08-2004 08:13 PM:






Posted by sb11 on 03-30-2004 02:07 PM:


Many 'inventions' are revelation..


Beethoven dreamt about his 4th symphony that music instruments

fought .. some refusing to play it


Einstein in his autobiography said

angels gave him the theory of

relativity in a dream


Schumann said he had a series of

painful explosions in his ears.. after

which he began to hear divine music..

he was not a composer, he said..

but a scribe.


the inventor of the sewing machine said he was given

a vision of warriors carrying spears which had holes in the tips


Sai Baba has said GOD will give anyone an answer provided

it is an immediate fork in the road, the questioner is surrendered

to the answer, and the question involves oneself, not



2 hours after i participated in a McDonald's outlet boycott

in Manhattan I was attacked by a man with a hunting knife

and handcuffs.. (as I had left the picket, RO said to me

"I sense you are in great danger and I will meditate for your

safety".. ).. by GOD's grace i was able to get away


dreamt of a car.. whose roof had become a coffin lid

.. awoke to the news of the deaths of people in an Iraqi car..

........any time people die in a car from alcohol or traffic accidents

it became a coffin


The discoverer of the benzene ring

dreamt of a snake biting his own

tail, which gave him the idea

of circular molecules (a moleclue)


The inventor of the sewing machine

dreamt of Native Americans carrying

spears with holes in the top

(re needle threading)


A woman who hated the drudgery of

ironing her husband's shirts dreamt

that she was listening to records

of books, plays. She called the library

and found they carried these items.


vision of a cat carrier, grey with a red door

(the colors of Ohio State which purchases stolen or bred

cats from thieves, veterinarians, animal dog pounds, lab dealers

for its research into injecting cats with AIDS)


She loves the gong more than the captain

(like a fighter or a race horse who likes the starting bell

and the fight.. more than surrender to God)



a vision of a woman

outside the front door of my grandmother's home..

she is standing upright in a washing machine

while it works (cleansing while in turmoil)


parallel to the electric wire but of a more

subtle current is the current of the name of GOD


I was driving across the US.. with a quarter..and my sister's credit card..

i slept in car and bathed in motel pools.. i came to a stop n shop in kansas

where a man was being denied his right to buy a 6 pack because he had no license..

(he was not sauced).. i bought the 6 pack for him with the visa.. and did not

request cash.. but he handed me $7... a few miles down the road was the only

toll station at that time between california and ohio... i was given cash

right before i needed it...


somone who wants to give up

alcohol went to communion walking from the left aisle, not center or right

before she drank from the chalice, she took out a flask and added a few drops of whisky

the entire church applauded

(interpretation: to sanctify ones

weaknesses by offering them to God

is a path to abstinence)


an indoor tree.. had its top leaves dying.. they grew beyond

the window and got no light

.. the crown chakra of a nonmeditator was receiving no focus


vision of plums and purple grapes.. GOD telling viewer to eat more

purple fruit


the daughter of an academic man.. on top

his bookshelves are her red high heeled shoes..

(she separates from his cerebral world)


(the knowledge of the past founds a new future)

or ?


In Los Angeles, monorail bridges are being built of

the crushed metal bodies of cars

.. the bridges gently slope up toward the middle


close to the street is a brownstone home..

through its first floor living room.. a permanent in use train

track runs parallel to the street


a young Native American male crouches in the woods

as a white hunting party files by a few yards away..

the Erie tribe member knows intuitively that the 13 year old

boy in the hunting party is dressed in girl's clothing so that

he not be required to hurt animals


cat tail plants with corn tassels on them


a friend in the military.. in a vision I see him

as a 3 or 4 year old boy.. he has dashed from his mother

as they leave Catholic church.. and runs into the street..

where a black man rescues him

( infinite interpretations:

1. the black vote in the US

will bring the troops home

2. the prayers of black Christians

3. the Catholic church needs to be more active in the peace movement)

4. his life in Iraq was saved by a black


Posted by sb11 on 04-06-2004 12:21 PM:


was shown a blue ball on the left and a purple square on the


several meanings:

1. the blue ball of meditation

2. generally think of purple as a higher frequency than blue..

and of squares as a form of slavery.. in comparison

to spheres.... but the combination of purple and square

might be a call from GOD to submit to a mission


the prayer warrior praying with MSC asked that he be given

a vision of his situation..

he was shown himself as a dime.. with 2 faces.. on 1 side

was 'i must' 'i have to'.. on the other 'i can't i won't'

the dime was alright when it was rolling but spent most

of the time fallen on 1 face or the other

then he saw a thorn from Jesus' crown driven by the hammer of

God.. to drive the false 2 faces off the now resurrected coin


from a house on a hill.. looking out.. one sees that

as far as the eye can see every tree has been leveled

.. every building bulldozed.. there is only dirt everywhere..

and from the left seawater is being channeled in in front

of the house.. from a hill on the far right... thousands of

animals are running away from the rising waters

(this vision was so intense poster felt she was witnessing

the Noah flood.. thinking upon it afterward she felt hostility

toward GOD for causing such terror.. GOD is the greatest

terrorist.. causing the most terror to most beings)

(the ark is still high up Mt Ararat in Turkey near the NW border..

its wood long ago petrified.. into stone..embedded in the mountain its prow sticks out but is only visible occasionally

behind the snow .. behind the clouds.. least 12 Russian expeditions have been sent to it in the

20th century)


Robert Dole gave peace, environment, and animal rights

activists the keys to the CIA library...which at one end, in

the vision, was a multistory semicircle of glass

(those who meditate gradually

develop through 1 or several lifetimes

the ability to see the akashic records

which contain all knowledge)

( later saw that a state university

student center was shaped

similarly to the library...

a precognition of the government's

invasive role in wiretapping and



a dream that families were keeping family journals

in which each could make an entry whenever motivated..


A woman dreamt she was piloting a flat barge

full of boxes on the East River.. her crew

had to unload the cargo in such

a way the boat would not tip


vision that a woman with several children

had to leave a pew in the front right of

a church ..and had only 2 arms..

therefore had to leave behind stuffed


shortly after that vision..

heard on news of an Ohio home bulldozed

while the case was still under appeal..

a woman's belongings including

stuffed animals inside were bulldozed


a vision of the ocean beneath the surface.. there was a gleaming white

cross rooted in the bedrock at the base of the sea.. its top touching the surface

of the water.. it was only a few feet wide and around it

dolphins played.. as if it were a toy for fish in an aquarium.

years before i had a vision of a cross shaped swimming pool.. the shape of

the pool did not affect the swimmers




An adult is playing chess with

a young boy .. but they are playing

chess on a poduk (Korean)

board.. and need only 1/4 of the board

a. not as many weapons are needed

as thought


God sometimes allows evil for

a short period of time, like a kind

parent who allows a child to win

for a while before showing him

the parent's skill


in a rockgirt pool at the

base of a waterfall

are thousands of

saris of all hues

and patterns,

stacked in layers..

the water does not harm


(Sai Baba had 100 saris for 96

women followers. Each selected 1.

4 were left. Baba showed the group

there were tears on them, one

of several times he demonstrated

the consciousness of matter)


In astrology a T Square is 3/4 of a cross


a vision of a T Square with a US post office truck going

right to left across the top of it

? catch up with mail

? campaigns to end habitat destruction because of

junk mail

? postal workers growing in antiwar organizing

?? etc


was shown a blue ball on the left and a purple square on the


several meanings:

1. the blue ball of meditation

2. generally think of purple as a higher frequency than blue..

and of squares as a form of slavery.. in comparison

to spheres.... but the combination of purple and square

might be a call from GOD to submit to a mission


the prayer warrior praying with MSC asked that he be given

a vision of his situation..

he was shown himself as a dime.. with 2 faces.. on 1 side

was 'i must' 'i have to'.. on the other 'i can't i won't'

the dime was alright when it was rolling but spent most

of the time fallen on 1 face or the other

then he saw a thorn from Jesus' crown driven by the hammer of

God.. to drive the false 2 faces off the now resurrected coin


from a house on a hill.. looking out.. one sees that

as far as the eye can see every tree has been leveled

.. every building bulldozed.. there is only dirt everywhere..

and from the left seawater is being channeled in in front

of the house.. from a hill on the far right... thousands of

animals are running away from the rising waters

(this vision was so intense poster felt she was witnessing

the Noah flood.. thinking upon it afterward she felt hostility

toward GOD for causing such terror.. GOD is the greatest

terrorist.. causing the most terror to most beings)

(the ark is still high up Mt Ararat in Turkey near the NW border..

its wood long ago petrified.. into stone..embedded in the mountain its prow sticks out but is only visible occasionally

behind the snow .. behind the clouds.. least 12 Russian expeditions have been sent to it in the

20th century)


Robert Dole gave peace, environment, and animal rights

activists the keys to the CIA library...which at one end, in

the vision, was a multistory semicircle of glass

(those who meditate gradually

develop through 1 or several lifetimes

the ability to see the akashic records

which contain all knowledge)

( later saw that a state university

student center was shaped

similarly to the library...

a precognition of the government's

invasive role in wiretapping and



a dream that families were keeping family journals

in which each could make an entry whenever motivated..


A woman dreamt she was piloting a flat barge

full of boxes on the East River.. her crew

had to unload the cargo in such

a way the boat would not tip


vision that a woman with several children

had to leave a pew in the front right of

a church ..and had only 2 arms..

therefore had to leave behind stuffed


shortly after that vision..

heard on news of an Ohio home bulldozed

while the case was still under appeal..

a woman's belongings including

stuffed animals inside were bulldozed


a vision of the ocean beneath the surface.. there was a gleaming white

cross rooted in the bedrock at the base of the sea.. its top touching the surface

of the water.. it was only a few feet wide and around it

dolphins played.. as if it were a toy for fish in an aquarium.

years before i had a vision of a cross shaped swimming pool.. the shape of

the pool did not affect the swimmers




An adult is playing chess with

a young boy .. but they are playing

chess on a poduk (Korean)

board.. and need only 1/4 of the board

a. not as many weapons are needed

as thought


God sometimes allows evil for

a short period of time, like a kind

parent who allows a child to win

for a while before showing him

the parent's skill


2 white cars.. a friend following another friend..

follows so closely that he is not prepared for

the other's brakes and turns

a car following a truck.. in order to keep the truck back up

he is pressing directly against the truck


a man has been staying in a motel room because it offers

porn movies.. his friends come and take him out of it

(spiritual victory through the help of friends or satsang)


she dreamt she was driving

around in a cement mixer

she must dump her load

through forgiveness or inside

it will harden to stone

Posted by visitoronline on 04-24-2004 02:29 PM:

Question Ho

Where do you find all this stuff? Research or devine revelation?


Kiddush Hashem - What is hateful unto thee, do it not to thy fellow-man. "Hillel"

Mal.2:6: - If thou didst but know how he with whom thou hast quarrelled regrets his hard words to thee! Would you then be humbled?

Isa. 30:15,18 - 15 For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. 18 And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.

Posted by sb11 on 04-26-2004 02:06 PM:


was shown a blue ball on the left and a purple square on the


several meanings:

1. the blue ball of meditation

2. generally think of purple as a higher frequency than blue..

and of squares as a form of slavery.. in comparison

to spheres.... but the combination of purple and square

might be a call from GOD to submit to a mission


the prayer warrior praying with MSC asked that he be given

a vision of his situation..

he was shown himself as a dime.. with 2 faces.. on 1 side

was 'i must' 'i have to'.. on the other 'i can't i won't'

the dime was alright when it was rolling but spent most

of the time fallen on 1 face or the other

then he saw a thorn from Jesus' crown driven by the hammer of

God.. to drive the false 2 faces off the now resurrected coin


from a house on a hill.. looking out.. one sees that

as far as the eye can see every tree has been leveled

.. every building bulldozed.. there is only dirt everywhere..

and from the left seawater is being channeled in in front

of the house.. from a hill on the far right... thousands of

animals are running away from the rising waters

(this vision was so intense poster felt she was witnessing

the Noah flood.. thinking upon it afterward she felt hostility

toward GOD for causing such terror.. GOD is the greatest

terrorist.. causing the most terror to most beings)

(the ark is still high up Mt Ararat in Turkey near the NW border..

its wood long ago petrified.. into stone..embedded in the mountain its prow sticks out but is only visible occasionally

behind the snow .. behind the clouds.. least 12 Russian expeditions have been sent to it in the

20th century)


Robert Dole gave peace, environment, and animal rights

activists the keys to the CIA library...which at one end, in

the vision, was a multistory semicircle of glass

(those who meditate gradually

develop through 1 or several lifetimes

the ability to see the akashic records

which contain all knowledge)

( later saw that a state university

student center was shaped

similarly to the library...

a precognition of the government's

invasive role in wiretapping and



a dream that families were keeping family journals

in which each could make an entry whenever motivated..


A woman dreamt she was piloting a flat barge

full of boxes on the East River.. her crew

had to unload the cargo in such

a way the boat would not tip


vision that a woman with several children

had to leave a pew in the front right of

a church ..and had only 2 arms..

therefore had to leave behind stuffed


shortly after that vision..

heard on news of an Ohio home bulldozed

while the case was still under appeal..

a woman's belongings including

stuffed animals inside were bulldozed


a vision of the ocean beneath the surface.. there was a gleaming white

cross rooted in the bedrock at the base of the sea.. its top touching the surface

of the water.. it was only a few feet wide and around it

dolphins played.. as if it were a toy for fish in an aquarium.

years before i had a vision of a cross shaped swimming pool.. the shape of

the pool did not affect the swimmers




An adult is playing chess with

a young boy .. but they are playing

chess on a poduk (Korean)

board.. and need only 1/4 of the board

a. not as many weapons are needed

as thought


God sometimes allows evil for

a short period of time, like a kind

parent who allows a child to win

for a while before showing him

the parent's skill


2 white cars.. a friend following another friend..

follows so closely that he is not prepared for

the other's brakes and turns

a car following a truck.. in order to keep the truck back up

he is pressing directly against the truck


a man has been staying in a motel room because it offers

porn movies.. his friends come and take him out of it

(spiritual victory through the help of friends or satsang)


she dreamt she was driving

around in a cement mixer

she must dump her load

through forgiveness or inside

it will harden to stone


vision of a bible book jacket... when one unzips it a scimitar

and not a book is inside

a. those who preach violence in the name of Christianity



Those who eat flesh have ecoli or colon bacteria swimming

around their lips and in their mouths


Poster had a vision of a woman with

a healing pool in both her bedroom and

living room..... she told woman her dream..

one possible message: she was healing her husband

by her conjugal love


Dreamer breaks into a communion line composed of

Chinese children

(many interpretations: one is that if dreamer does not

transcend all desire, dreamer will be reborn in China)


A man dreamt he had to kneel to get into

a restaurant where his girlfriend awaited

(he had to be humble)

then he dreamt he was trapped in the bathroom

and could not get back to her

(forgiveness not yet complete)


A reindeer with Christmas lights on his

horns became in a man's dream a bisexual who

was attempting to seduce the man.. despite

repeated rebuffs...

(a bisexual calling himself a teacher... whose consciousness

{lights} was not connected to his animal drive controlled



A briefcase has a timed combination... it is set to open at 13:25

or 1:25 pm

Posted by Hornedoneshorn on 05-15-2004 12:13 PM:

sb 11

What sign are you?Pisces?

Posted by Hornedoneshorn on 05-15-2004 03:48 PM:

Most Pisces

are not spiritual.

Posted by Hornedoneshorn on 05-15-2004 04:01 PM:

In a dream

I am in the clothing store.,trying some type of jocket or a suit.There is a woman with me telling me to try this suite or that one.I do not know her.She is very charming.Is she me?I am not a charmer serious type.Coat hanger.close,trying out close in a clothing store.Would you think it has something to do with a character change?

Posted by sb11 on 05-17-2004 01:45 PM:

it could be 1000 things or more

including that you are listening to your

yin intuitive side

or that you are remembering a past life

in a different gender (we all go back and forth

in gender in different lives)

or that you are in the process of

deciding whether or not you want liberation

in this life

(clothes being the body... the clothes of the soul)

both your yin and yang sides

are very charming.. so yes she is you

Posted by on 05-17-2004 02:16 PM:

Visions, Dreams

17 May, 2004

Visibility in the Grand Canyon is already ruined by

air pollution from Los Angeles, sb 11.

Posted by sb11 on 05-23-2004 04:57 PM:


heard in meditation:

" do not respond to the Cargill painting"

(Cargill is a multinational slaughterhouse company which

does not hesitate to treat people as it treats animals.. It and Tyson's are the

US' biggest slaughterhouse cartels and

the 2 biggest suppliers of McDonald's. It

is linked to Likud capital manipulation in Ukraine and elsewhere. Recently the

Canadian parliament has fined

the 2 companies for pricegouging

during Canada's publicized (as opposed

to unreported) Mad Cow incidents.)

Posted by sb11 on 05-26-2004 08:22 PM:

cogito.. that is the combination of

liz taylor and richard burton

she with a pisces sun and scorpio moon

he with a pisces moon and scorpio sun


you must have a high degree of

psychic connection with each other

and together even more than separately

you heal those you are around

as your water takes on their pain


taylor and burton have an eternal connection

that goes beyond their ups and downs before burton died

Posted by sb11 on 05-27-2004 02:42 PM:

dream: 7 or more

BBC middle and bottom hierarchy news writers and reporters

stop at a friend's home..

their gentleness and charismatic compassion

are inspiring

Posted by sb11 on 06-14-2004 05:42 PM:

John Kerry had a miracle of protection last night from GOD

Posted by Sketchy on 06-14-2004 05:57 PM:

I was flying last night, was amzing. I could just will myself to enter the air and ride the thermals. Just spend what seemed like an eternity fly along craggy, endlessly high cliffs.


and your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight

Posted by sb11 on 06-17-2004 02:46 PM:


Sketchy, I would like to do that.. freedom from the body

etc. thank you)

Posted by Sketchy on 06-17-2004 03:01 PM:

Thing is SB that is quite a common dream for me. Along with falling. The funny thing about the falling dreams is that I don't wake up, I either hit the bottom, or I stop in mid air. The latter being rather disturbing at times.


and your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight

Posted by sb11 on 06-17-2004 10:28 PM:

Sketchy.. this is from

I don't know if it has validity for you

Dreams of falling sometimes reflect feelings of being out of control - of not knowing �where we are going to land.� When we have a falling dream, we are encouraged to look for areas in our lives where we feel especially powerless.

May remove any bad dreams for good.

Posted by on 06-23-2004 10:38 PM:

I have one for U SB

...or anyone. I keep having this dream that I'm wearing long mu mu type clothing. Not because I want to hide fat or anything...It's like I'm in a different country like India or ? and I know I'm wearing the dress because it's proper. I'm happy and comfortable too. I'm an American and Catholic. No reason to wear such clothing and I'm not go on a trip to any country. So, why would an older woman like me be having such dreams over and over again?

Posted by sb11 on 06-24-2004 06:58 PM:

Karen, Isaiah says "i will speak to you from other lips"

Jesus says "who do men say that I am?" and the crowd

answers.. Elijah Jeremiah etc.

Jesus was asking, IMHO, who the crowd thought He was

in previous lives..

perhaps you are a dreaming of a previous life

you are always a kind lady

Posted by sb11 on 06-28-2004 07:07 PM:


in meditation:

"Moses (to or two or too) Fort Collins Colorado"

Posted by sb11 on 06-28-2004 07:55 PM:


JM was a homeless poet who froze to death in

a schoolbus in which he was seeking refuge from the cold.

Before he died he had a vision that he was at a concert,

and everytime he lit his lighter, angels responded with lightning

(with 1 tiny act of will, battallions of angels

are on call with further resources)


Poster dreamt that someone sitting

in the audience of an anti tobacco preacher

was continually lighting a lighter.. the pastor thought the lighter

holder might be demon possessed.. whereas in reality

the lighter enkindling was done with prayer as described

in the Moats vision


dream.. writer could see an old highschool friend if she

hurried to the intersection of 10th and Keith (10 symbolizes willpower)


Helen Schucman, amanuensis of the Course In Miracles

had a vision before she died of Foundation For Inner

Peace (The CIM publishers).. surrounded by an iron


perhaps that has something to do with the following:

(the iron fence has been removed.. GOD was the author

and GOD does not like people to charge for GOD's word)

Copyright News

On April 6, 2004, long after Helen's

death and the recording of her

vision, Judge Sweet of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled that the first published version of the book A Course in Miracles (now referred to as "the Criswell Edition") was, in 1975, placed into the public domain. Judgment to this effect was entered on April 27, 2004. As a result, the registered copyright protecting that version of the work (No. A693944) was rendered void.

Posted by on 07-09-2004 06:34 PM:

My Dream

I dreamed that my daughter who died 17 years ago, at the age of 24, came to me and smiled. I smiled back and she murmured, "A a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home.'"

Posted by Randolph on 07-11-2004 09:21 PM:


Dreams and visions are mostly fictional fantasies. It was dreams and fables that were sincerely believed by uneducated people that caused all the emotionally appealing religions to evolve in the first place. On the other hand, factual reasoning is reasoning about tangible and testable facts.

Knowlege itself is knowing facts. Faith is where there are no facts, but rather a belief in a claim without facts. If you have facts, then you have knowlege. If you have faith, you have no knowlege of facts.

Examples of how dreams and visions led people against the facts includes: God, magical creation of matter and life, Moses turning sticks into snakes and snakes back into sticks, rivers parting, Einstein's big bang theory, Einstien's relativity theory, and so on. All of these things are emotionally appealing fantasies that oppose the boring facts of nature. To believe these fantasies is to have faith in fantasies that oppose the truth. To submit to facts is to have knowlege.



Posted by Makalu on 07-13-2004 03:24 AM:

to submit to facts is to be boring and stale


Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.

Posted by Lastiwka on 07-13-2004 08:15 AM:

I have dreamsnof airplanes crashing or being shot down. There will always be a crash into a building. Later I will be in some kind of millitary plane and I can see through an open door of the destruction.

Ive alsow had dreams of dead people that O knew and I have alsow dreamed of The Grey Alians. But the dreams with the greys seem extreamly real. So I wonder if those are dreams or not.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 07-13-2004 04:53 PM:

a dream that Ralph Nader was telling us how GOD saved his

life from an assassination attempt in Chicago involving

a man who came at him behind his back with a knife....after telling us Nader then ordered a vegetarian protein meal

with dry toast

(GOD continue to protect Nader, Edwards, Kerry, and all

who work for good)

(The Nader campaign has already achieved the selection

of Edwards)

Posted by sb11 on 07-18-2004 07:04 PM:


Years ago I was with a friend who was painting a barn....

and suddenly had a vision of him flying through the universe

free.. while I was chained to a computer

Last week, a spiritual friend with precognition gifts

asked if I wanted to be a typist for a million years..

or if I wanted to claim freedom


a dream that a rock group of 4 included Alan Cohen..

On MTV he held up a shoe and said 'why is this bad? because

it's made from a murdered cow'.. and immediately millions

of his fans followed his advice and abandoned leather. 2 of the

4 in the group were ethical vegans.

Someone in the audience said to him

' your 1 sentence is more powerful than a whole life's work

by an animal rights organization'


One interpretation: Change is effortless around those of

charisma as the flower need not send out press releases

to attract bees

Posted by pacific on 07-23-2004 09:10 PM:






Posted by poshlust on 07-23-2004 09:28 PM:

Happy as you are

Find a little star

Place it in the sky aboooove.

Make it big and bright

So it's starry light

Helps to light the night

For those who fall in love.

You'll find a field full of four leaf clovers

Your happy heart's gonna bubble over

I like the way the band will play that cheerful melodyyyyy

I like the way the band will play that cheerful melody.


It is not possible to eat me without insisting that I sing praises of my devourer?

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Posted by on 08-09-2004 08:47 PM:


In bed watching rockets streak through the night's sky.

Posted by sb11 on 08-14-2004 03:58 PM:

Past Life Memories


one feminist saw herself in 19th Century Brooklyn with

3 children.. newly fired.. sleeping with her landlord to

keep a roof over her children's heads

one woman born with hatred of clerics saw herself

selected as a sacrifice by Incan priests

one man saw himself as a Native American.. in a victorious

tribe.. he was a brave raping a woman as she held her tiny baby


heaven is a destination for those bound by chains of gold

(good karma).. more auspicious than chains of iron (bad karma)

but confining nonetheless

God is the destination of those who have after many lives

been liberated from all desire, ignorance, or karma

Posted by sb11 on 08-17-2004 12:29 AM:


Have been thinking about your vision

the 1st thought was that you are safe in your bedroom

away from the rockets of battle

the 2nd thought was that perhaps you feel excitement

is elsewhere and you are trapped in your bedroom

Posted by on 08-17-2004 09:02 PM:


    quote:Originally posted by sb11


    Have been thinking about your vision

    the 1st thought was that you are safe in your bedroom

    away from the rockets of battle

    the 2nd thought was that perhaps you feel excitement

    is elsewhere and you are trapped in your bedroom

Interesting SB11. I read your e-mail also and you're quite good at this. I will make that contact. Thanks.

Posted by babu on 08-18-2004 04:44 AM:


    (Generally churches have more women than men... women's

    rights advocates find a group of women staring up gaga at

    a male lecturer somewhat offensive)

Exactly. I find it sick and personally disgusting that in general, women are so gullible, so needing to be 'led' that they will believe anything. Therefore, any religious group that women belong to is automatically fraudulent, and probably led by so-called 'men'. (hint, hint)

Posted by Odd on 08-18-2004 08:28 AM:

babu, good observation. In fact, one could say that the facial expressions of some female admirers of male flock leaders are shamelessly obscene.


"There are four boxes to be used in defence of liberty:

soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."

Posted by babu on 08-18-2004 01:27 PM:

First time I noticed this was years ago in a liquor store. I was explaining something rather involved to the saleslady, and after a couple of minutes, I noticed that although she was looking directly at me, her eyes had completely glazed over, as if she were in a trance. At that point, she would have done anything I suggested...but I just led her back to reality and left.

Posted by on 08-18-2004 05:52 PM:

It's not what you think.

    quote:Originally posted by babu

    First time I noticed this was years ago in a liquor store. I was explaining something rather involved to the saleslady, and after a couple of minutes, I noticed that although she was looking directly at me, her eyes had completely glazed over, as if she were in a trance. At that point, she would have done anything I suggested...but I just led her back to reality and left.

It's a way of flirting too. Look around the next time you're in a bar.

Posted by sb11 on 09-19-2004 08:24 PM:

Sanctuary and Basement


There is a woman who mothered many children..

around age 50 she began to be angry that

she had been programmed, she thought, to be

a baby machine...

she stood by herself across the street from 100

prolife demonstaters with the sign Catholics For Choice

Then she had a dream.. that she was in a Catholic church

and realized she could not go across the sanctuary

to the back.. but through the basement

this she interpreted to mean.. more humility

and lower profile

Whatever you think of her actions, perhaps you will

admit she has courage.


Dream: a friend is given

a wedding vow present

.. earrings each with 2 suspended

circles.. perhaps symbolizing

that she has not left her

husband to be with him


Dream: France.. in the 1930's..

a woman is smoking as she

rounds the corner in a red

car...nearly runs people

over.. her humor and

charisma are so great

as she apologizes and

blows smoke in their

faces they forgive her

and laugh


Dream that in

Michigan were 2 acres of

desert which had become

a sculpture garden..

small rocks.. gave way

to stone spheres..

some 3 or 4 stories


a woman knew that

to get her feelings to move

she must be around water

After dream this morning

went online and saw

Gandalf's "E pur si muove'

Galileo, as he arose from his knees, (after his trial) exclaimed sotto voce, E pur si muove [nevertheless it does move].


A couple who were fighting with Luther for freedom

from Catholic hierarchy were hooded and on their

way back to a Catholic monastery fortress because

they needed food clothing and shelter

(Martin Luther's virulent statements about Jews

have been repudiated by the modern Lutheran church)


a vision of a friend in a previous life..

as the leader of a military survivalist group

manufacturing offshore floating islands very close

to shore


vision of maroon light

on the f6 key


in actuality before calling a

talk show saw 4 birds..

2 flying to the left 2 to the right

(message to attempt balance?)


vision of the US Capitol Bldg.

visible as if directly beneath the plane

which was 300 miles away..

passengers warned to stay

away from the vortex it



An American Vietnam veteran

had bought a present

for Moo Minh (Mu Minh?)

.. perhaps she was his daughter

(Vietnamese healthier than Americans

because of no dairy.. no moo)


a gas nozzle put into the trunk which contains flammable materials.. rather than the gas tank

(the past, the trunk, should be cleaned


Posted by Lastiwka on 11-23-2004 02:28 AM:

[FONT=century gothic] ive been dreamming of dead people.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 11-23-2004 02:40 PM:

lastwika, are they your loved ones or friends?

i was typing 'loved one' and made

a mistake.. it came out 'love done'

Posted by sb11 on 11-29-2004 11:33 PM:

dolphins are caught in nets

for tuna fish set

those who embark on evil

harm many 'collateral

damage' innocents

as well as their victims


a woman is washing hundreds

of cups at a sink

(healing bodies is akin

to washing the cup which

contains temporarily the Spirit)


Dream: George Bush stands behind a 3 sided partition

to change shirts.. he discards the square purple shirt

wrapping... poster picks it up (square is Saturn.. the limitation

of duty, work, compulsion) (purple is compassion)


Dec 8 or 9: sleeping as tv news comes on at 5 am speaking

of LeBron James' commercial banned in China...

dream that LeBron says to poster: skip unnecessary steps

God cause generous LeBron next year to give out nondeadanimal food

.. and soon to end his association with Nike's exploitation

of the poor and promotion of leather

Posted by Lastiwka on 12-26-2004 08:46 PM:


I was dreaming of loved ones. It was not long ago I dreamt of my passed on father. The big diffrence this time was. He spoke to me.

I dont know if thats a good owmen or not.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by Omicron on 12-27-2004 08:44 AM:

When I was eight I had a dream that still chews on me to this day, so let's hear it if anyone else has some insight.


In the dream I was with some egyptian tomb explorers camping outside one of the great pyramids, and in the campfire light I saw a lizard sneak into someone's backpack.

The next day we got through the entrance and found a secret passage going down.

It came to a room that had some kind of challenge to get through it, and if you could make it to the other side of the room, then there was a door to another passage going down even deeper, into another room, with another trial.

It was like an underground zig-zag switchback system, with the room at each zig and zag being some kind of test/obstacle/trial, and they had names like 'fear', 'hatred', 'greed', etc.

The last room was the hardest, and in the middle of the battle through it, suddenly the lizard slipped out of the backpack and scurried accross the sandy floor to the last doorway.

The next thing I saw was a huge eye in space, orbiting the earth, watching everything that was going on between people on the level of social interaction, and there was something very stupidly nasty and dumb about the whole thing.

Then I noticed that attached to the back of the giant eye was the withered up body of that same lizard... somehow just one of its eyes had been inflated and filled with some kind of power, but underneith it was still the temperament and wits of a lizard...

And somehow I knew that the series of tests was supposed to pass a worthy human, not a cheating lizard, and I woke up with deep deep forboding.


Several years later the movie 2001 A Space Oddesy came out for the first time, and when I was old enough to see it something about the very end of the film, with the Star Child orbiting the earth, struck a chord from that dream.

Then decades later Alan Parsans came out with that hit song "Eye in the Sky"... that hit a chord too.

By the time I was eight I had not been not taught anything about ancient egyptian mythology, if that's what it's related to... I was being thoroughly indoctrinated in a very squeeky-clean textbook mormon upbringing... but the problem is that to this day things will happen around me where I can't quite put my finger on it, but somehow that dream pops into my head.

Anybody see anything in that dream that could mean something that would matter on the big picture level?

In that same week I had two more that had a similar effect on the level of profound clout, but I'd like to know if anyone can see anything special about that first one.

Posted by sb11 on 01-06-2005 04:41 PM:

Dear Omicron,

Some thoughts occur from reading your post

1. that you are an old soul who has had perhaps

an incarnation already in Egypt as one of your many


2. that from that incarnation you decided that the Egyptian

culture at that time was about power but not about love

(an omniscient eye which does not connect to the heart)

3. that the lizard.. like the worst aspects of scorpio

.. can always find the hole.. the vulnerability

... the weakest link... the power to destroy but not to build

4. The British army was camped out in the sands around

the pyramids.. perhaps you also had an incarnation as a British


5. the many obstacles could be symbolic of the many lives

we have as we pass different lessons in different lives

6. that one reasons you incarnated among Mormons was

to raise the consciousness of LDS friends

Posted by Lastiwka on 01-06-2005 09:17 PM:


are you a pshycic or something? You know one of those card readers or a palm reader? Fortune teller?

Ive been dreammingof my dead father. I dreamt of my new neice before she was born. My dad was holding her. Then I in that dream I seen her playing the piano.

The next day we(the family) where all together talking about what sex the child would be. I said I know what it is. They all looked at me and said what is it? I said its a girl with black or dark hair. They said how do you know? I then said that Dad told me. He showed me the child.

And much to everyones supprize. It was a girl, with very dark hair, almost black. And man oh man does she really like me. She just gets all happy and playfull with me.

Eh. I was supprized bigtime when I seen the girl for the first time. She was just as I said.

I hope she learns how to play an instrument.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 01-12-2005 07:47 PM:


washed out socks dry in the bathroom of a man's office

as at a table he writes of his feelings

(both are of forgiveness, release, letting go)


a vision of Minnesota's northern

border dip

as a US chalice lip

(poster began to type God have mercy

and it came out God had mercy)


A vision of 2 goldfish... left on a shelf..

for 6 months or more.. immediately coming

back to life when put into water

(in dreams and visions, water often symbolizes



A woman had lost so much weight she had to order

a 2nd time.. purple pants

(purple is sometimes compassion but beyond compassion

is the nonduality of total acceptance)


a vision of a 1 aisle bus, 2 storied,

the top part doubling as a trash truck..

(as the guru contains the souls of his devotees while simultaneously removing their karma)


Clinton strides into the room.. with a palate

and over a dark oil very detailed painting of the crucifixion.. paints

a pastel huge swath painting of Easter...

(in his own life.. or lives govt. agents have impacted..

the crucifixion is finished)


a vision of God pouring the radiant sands of attraction

from 1 hourglass to another.. and to a third..

each time it happened the dreamer found herself

attracted to the new vessel holding the sands

.. as God gave another lesson to the slowlearning student

that it is the love and not the lover to which one should

be attracted

Baba Hari Das: Love is more powerful than lover for love

is not bound by form.


A friend so holy a drop of her blood is communion

(she had approached dreamer with a cut finger

asking dreamer to take communion)


Someone is attempting to mediate between 2 making

both mad in the process. She is told it is similar

to trying to mediate between the hot water heater

and the cold water pipes.


dreamt that Dick Cheney.. had written a book with a chapter on

the horrors of slaughterhouses which the corporate media was censoring


Recurring dream of living in an apartment above my

childhood parish church... can never get light on all

sides (the crown chakra.. only certain chambers of it open)


Putting on talking books while working, poster

first heard Alexander McCall Smith and then Tracy Chevalier

speak of women named Isabel with mean mothers in law


Jan F had a vision that a vulture was trying to open a can

of Spam (made of entrails and other offal)

.. unable to peck it open the vulture ate it metal and all

(scorpio in healing sometimes takes on the karma of others.. must learn to heal without taking on disease)


Poster knew a woman who had 60 dogs.. kept in metal

cages on top of each other.. urinating and defecating

on their fellow captives in cages below.. the air was thick

with fumes of sulfur byproducts. When this woman went

to the hospital, a nurse followed behind her spraying the

air with a disinfectant. A dream that someone

wanted to euthanize all the dogs.. rather than spend

a great deal of money to heal their mange .. find them

loving homes.. poster felt it would be wrong to play God..

even though they would be happier with a human birth

in their next life.. she felt it was wrong to play God.

(Sometimes the Master of masters delays human liberation)


Joe P, state university official LSD researcher, said he

felt under its influence like an orange being pulled apart

deliciously segment by segment


A sword at right angles to a pen...

Posted by Lastiwka on 01-19-2005 03:45 AM:

I had a dream once wheir I was running and then I started to change into a wolf like creature and started running faster then I have ever ran before. It was so cool watching my hands and arms change into legs and paws. I remember the scene was that of A forrest.

But one of my favorite dreams was when I met Putin and had drinks with him.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by Omicron on 01-19-2005 03:23 PM:

    quote:Originally posted by Lastiwka

    I had a dream once wheir I was running and then I started to change into a wolf like creature and started running faster then I have ever ran before. It was so cool watching my hands and arms change into legs and paws. I remember the scene was that of A forrest.

Neat... I had a dream where I changed into a Velociraptor, and it was so cool the way I could make ten meter leaps and bounds and flips through the air with perfect limb-eye coordination in what felt like slow motion... so I can relate!


    But one of my favorite dreams was when I met Putin and had drinks with him.

How did it go compared to how it might have been had it been Yeltsin?

Posted by Lastiwka on 01-19-2005 06:16 PM:

Actually. Putin came up to me and shook my hand. He said something to me in Russian and smiled. He was in a black suit with white gloves. It was so real like.

Ive noticed that I can controle my actions in dreams. I often have dreams of getting chased buy gansters. Hoodlums. I will be scared and worried. Then I will just say. Hey! this is my dream and I am ganna kick some butt. Thats when all hell breaks loose and I start fighting as if I was some kind of superman or an arch angle from Gods army.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by Omicron on 01-19-2005 07:51 PM:

    quote:Originally posted by Lastiwka

    Ive noticed that I can controle my actions in dreams. I often have dreams of getting chased buy gansters. Hoodlums. I will be scared and worried. Then I will just say. Hey! this is my dream and I am ganna kick some butt. Thats when all hell breaks loose and I start fighting as if I was some kind of superman or an arch angle from Gods army.

Hmm... so can I. I used to have trouble with falling when I was flying in a dream, and then one day something clicked, I realized it was a dream and that I had control, and so I took over and had the flight of my life... and I've never had trouble falling since.

Also, re: the gansters... I get something like that too, except they are monsters. It started with T-Rex's hot in persuit, and I'd wake up in a sweat. Then one day something klicked, and I pulled out a 306, and emptied three round ito it... one in the eye, one in the throat, and one in the heart, but it kept persuing.

Somehow I got the notition that I wasn't being "serious" enough about it, so I steeled myself and told myself that I really wanted it to die. The 306 changed to a bazooka, and I took its head off.

Since then, the monsters have become faster and more incredible, but I don't panic anymore... I just size it up, and conjure what seems to be a suitable weapon, and let them have it... in all cases predicated by an understanding that I have to also have a spirit of truly wanting them dead dead dead!

The trikiest one so far was when the monsters were 100 meter incarnations of the hollywood "Alien" creature, with black ectomorphic body armour, high IQ's, and acid for blood. They were running all over my planet dropping eggs the size of a ford econoline van all over the place, and I was having trouble just keeping up with the destruction of the eggs, until I got the idea to launch waves of F-15 like drones that didn't try to kill them so much as shoot in front in order to corner then into a valley, whereupon I was about to nuke them, when they sent out a rep and started to negotiate a long, soulfull plea for surival based upon my sympathy for their maternal instincts.

I paused for a second, and ker-pow, they were out and all over the place doing even more damage, so I took a snapshot of the planet's surviving ecology, dropped teleportation gateways programmed to not pass the aliens all over the planet, broadcaste a message for evey living creature capable of understanding the announcement to run for a gateway and that they had 17 minutes (I'm not sure where they were being sent), and then stood back from space and nuked the ever-lovin' tar off the planet from pole to pole.

Then I zapped the planet with something that would reconstitute the ecology, and opened up the gateway in reverse, and let everything go back home, with a warning to watch out for eggs that might have been hidden in deep underground chambres, in which case they were to contact me immediatly.

Every step of the way the key trigger was not the technology or the plan, but the force of will to really want it, which means when I finally woke up, holly cow my brain was exhausted! It was so strong on the REM that I actually had to sit there at 3:00 AM and drink some warm milk just to give my brain a chance to cool off and get some rest.

Funny eh... the REM was so strong that my brain got more rest being awake than asleep.

Posted by sb11 on 01-27-2005 01:38 AM:

A couple who were fighting with Luther for freedom

from Catholic hierarchy were hooded and on their

way back to a Catholic monastery fortress because

they needed food clothing and shelter

(Martin Luther's virulent statements about Jews

have been repudiated by the modern Lutheran church)


a vision of a friend in a previous life..

as the leader of a military survivalist group

manufacturing offshore floating islands very close

to shore

Posted by sb11 on 01-29-2005 01:57 AM:




Leif Enger spoke of a dream.. of someone freezing in a home's

western bedroom

(a relationship with a cold person)

He spoke of a river made of the manes of horses

(in the book Peace Like A River)

Posted by sb11 on 04-17-2005 06:49 PM:

DREAM: a deceased friend walks in to my home through a back

door.. I find out he has a key.. I hold out my hand and

ask for the key back

(my interpretation: this person was in a possessing state

and I took prayer action to finish that.. since I felt too

much energy drain)



another friend hands me a $5 bill



visions of fanned wing descent.. caught by artist

Posted by Beethoven on 04-17-2005 07:20 PM:

    quote:Originally posted by sb11


    Many 'inventions' are revelation..

    Einstein said in his autobiography angels gave him

    the relativity theory in a dream

    Schumann said he was not a composer but a secretary..

    who wrote the music he heard in his ears after having

    had a series of painful explosions

    the inventor of the sewing machine said he was given

    a vision of warriors carrying spears which had holes in the tips

    Sai Baba has said GOD will give anyone an answer provided

    it is an immediate fork in the road, the questioner is surrendered

    to the answer, and the question involves oneself, not



    2 hours after i participated in a McDonald's outlet boycott

    in Manhattan I was attacked by a man with a hunting knife

    and handcuffs.. (as I had left the picket, RO said to me

    "I sense you are in great danger and I will meditate for your

    safety".. ).. by GOD's grace i was able to get away

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy, it is the wine of a new procreation, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for men and makes them drunk with the spirit.

-- Ludwig van Beethoven


Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy, it is the wine of a new procreation, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for men and makes them drunk with the spirit.

-- Ludwig van Beethoven

Posted by sb11 on 04-18-2005 08:34 PM:

Dear Beethoven,

I have a friend who was a musician in a previous life..

she said she felt at the end of that life that music

takes us way high.. but that we must eventually come

down from it whereas ananda (pure joy) has no ending


a long dream lasting an hour or more

in which poster was shown God as the indweller

of those who do violent crime and those

who are military or political leaders involved in violence

Posted by Beethoven on 04-18-2005 09:28 PM:

Re: Ho

    quote:Originally posted by visitoronline

    Where do you find all this stuff? Research or devine revelation?

visitor, walk don't run...


Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy, it is the wine of a new procreation, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for men and makes them drunk with the spirit.

-- Ludwig van Beethoven

Posted by anubis on 04-19-2005 01:49 PM:

I think i know what your dream means (send me a PM or email and i will explain)

    quote:Originally posted by Omicron

    When I was eight I had a dream that still chews on me to this day, so let's hear it if anyone else has some insight.


    In the dream I was with some egyptian tomb explorers camping outside one of the great pyramids, and in the campfire light I saw a lizard sneak into someone's backpack.

    The next day we got through the entrance and found a secret passage going down.

    It came to a room that had some kind of challenge to get through it, and if you could make it to the other side of the room, then there was a door to another passage going down even deeper, into another room, with another trial.

    It was like an underground zig-zag switchback system, with the room at each zig and zag being some kind of test/obstacle/trial, and they had names like 'fear', 'hatred', 'greed', etc.

    The last room was the hardest, and in the middle of the battle through it, suddenly the lizard slipped out of the backpack and scurried accross the sandy floor to the last doorway.

    The next thing I saw was a huge eye in space, orbiting the earth, watching everything that was going on between people on the level of social interaction, and there was something very stupidly nasty and dumb about the whole thing.

    Then I noticed that attached to the back of the giant eye was the withered up body of that same lizard... somehow just one of its eyes had been inflated and filled with some kind of power, but underneith it was still the temperament and wits of a lizard...

    And somehow I knew that the series of tests was supposed to pass a worthy human, not a cheating lizard, and I woke up with deep deep forboding.


    Several years later the movie 2001 A Space Oddesy came out for the first time, and when I was old enough to see it something about the very end of the film, with the Star Child orbiting the earth, struck a chord from that dream.

    Then decades later Alan Parsans came out with that hit song "Eye in the Sky"... that hit a chord too.

    By the time I was eight I had not been not taught anything about ancient egyptian mythology, if that's what it's related to... I was being thoroughly indoctrinated in a very squeeky-clean textbook mormon upbringing... but the problem is that to this day things will happen around me where I can't quite put my finger on it, but somehow that dream pops into my head.

    Anybody see anything in that dream that could mean something that would matter on the big picture level?

    In that same week I had two more that had a similar effect on the level of profound clout, but I'd like to know if anyone can see anything special about that first one.

Posted by sb11 on 04-20-2005 05:23 PM:


2 horses face each other

upon a seashore

.. standing on their hindlegs..

their four hooves framing

the sun which rises

between them

Posted by anubis on 04-20-2005 10:45 PM:


Two shadows cast approach the source of all light that dwells within the center. All gravity that keeps us together has risen, drawing us to a higher level of unity.

Posted by anubis on 04-21-2005 06:00 AM:

The face of Florida

picture in attachment

Posted by sb11 on 04-21-2005 06:32 PM:

it looks like a bird.. may the birds of florida be protected

Posted by sb11 on 04-27-2005 06:28 PM:


A priest walked through a huge crowd which parted before

him like the Red Sea as he carried the lidded monstrance which contained within it the Host, the Eucharist, Christ as Bread.

He approached a woman and handed her the chalice. (Of the many possible interpretations one is that

whenever a soul is liberated, she is handed her own

divinity. Another is that women will inevitably

be priests.

Posted by sb11 on 04-28-2005 06:24 PM:


Inside the narrow rectangle of a skyscraper and the

narrow rectangle of a window, is on the ledge

a narrow rectangle, 10 inches high, 6 x 6 inches wide

in which a 9 inch mouse stretches in despair, having

futilely tried hundreds of times to get out.

Trapped inside the building, inside the office, inside the cage

God have mercy on all beings


Not a blank button, not a message button, but a music

box button was required in a dream to speak with Elizabeth

Dole about Smithfield factory farms, Duke vivisection, the

Iraq war, and NC tobacco


A dream that 5 grown pigs and their piglets adopted

2 days before and brought into a home were released

into the wild

a. self control

b. exorcism

c. factory farms shut down

d. infinite other interpretations

Posted by sb11 on 04-29-2005 09:53 PM:

Hazrat: Love

Hazrat: Love

Writer dreamt she was in Djakarta and asked a traffic

policeman standing in a busy intersection directions to a place. He immediately hailed a hansom cab .. paid the cabbie $10.. and told him to take the writer there. The cabbie took her and when arriving gave her the $10.. and pointed her to

the Y of streets ahead.. and told her her home was up 2 or 3 houses on the left. The cabbie told her he had been born in 1965 and then said to her:



Posted by sb11 on 05-05-2005 08:46 PM:

Grabbed The Moon

In my dream I grabbed the moon

Squeezing ambient light from the sun

That dripped from all the star clusters

-Sai Grafio- Grafio folder

Posted by sb11 on 05-06-2005 07:26 PM:

Escalator and Elevator


KSH had a dream she was traveling up an escalator

where she was met by an angel. Then she walked over

to the elevators. By them was someone smoking.

From other details in the dream as well she interpreted

the dream to mean that she could have quick liberation

(the fast track elevator) or an intense experience first

(the smoker)

KSH: criticism is a form of curse


A former captain in the US military... is painting all of Canada

navy blue... from the most southern to most northern point..

while painting grey the waters of her lakes

(after this vision, saw the electoral map of the UK elections..

looking somewhat similar... and took it to mean that

the UK would be following Canada's example in removing

itself from Iraq)


Shoes tied together and tossed over a phone wire

swing in the breeze... like loved ones dependent

on kind words


i dreamt last night that George Bush was a teen

racing around his high school halls in cowboy boots

too big for him.. he was a kind gentle boy..

but he learned in his father's school

.. to be a man one must be cruel

and now like his father he hunts and executes

and wages war on innocents

so many little and big boys... who are horrified

by violence.. become accustomed to it

in an attempt to be like their fathers

Later in the dream John Kerry entered the high school

halls as an adult through a 2nd floor door from the outside

which had no stairs leading up to it..

I heard the word Jesus


Like a clock at 5 pm.. one hand on 12... the other at 5..

in a dream the car proceeded at a totally vertical slant from

12 to the center of clock

and defied gravity even more going toward the 5..

held to the road only by the grace of God


As the beach is the union point of earth, air, water, and fire

(the palm trees, wind, sea, and sun)

so in a dream the area between the dropped velvet stage curtain and

the audience seemed the beach...From the wings

a television camera was broadcasting this area of the stage

.. to millions in the tv audience, a separate group from

the live audience in the theatre

a man from one wing and a woman from the opposite wing

came toward each other, held hands, and then walked toward

the audience


Posted by Lastiwka on 05-10-2005 06:33 AM:

Lately I have been dreamming about dogs. What would happen is. I would come across a dog and it would stay buy my side no matter what I did or where I would go. I dont know, maybe its a sign telling me I may get a dog. I have been thinking about it lately..


When ever I have dreamt of my father, who is now passed on. I never really felt any emotion. I did not feel disturberd buy dreamming of him.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 05-12-2005 01:23 AM:

Dear Lastiwka,

Dogs, it seems to me, symbolically are your disciples

... faithful to death... loving you unconditionally..

protecting you

Posted by Lastiwka on 05-12-2005 07:13 AM:

You thinks sb11..

They are not good looking dogs but I still did not chase them away. Instead I fed them.

Eh, I wonder, do you think Jesus would come to anyone in a dream asking if you beleave in him? I had a dream like that , I said no to him, but I dont think he was jesus, I think it was the matraya. I think I spelled that right.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 05-14-2005 08:57 PM:

Dear L, It's very good of you to feed the dogs..

symbolically imho it means you are nurturing your disciples

without regard to their appearance

Your heart would know if it was Jesus or Maitreya

Posted by anubis on 05-15-2005 02:07 AM:


i just was at the vet with my sisters dog. i brought him there because her dog had a huge bump on his head. the vet said that her dog had a fractured skull from someone that may have hit him with a club. now thats sad. the poor dog was chained up and is a very friendly dog that would harm no one. people are evil. i think you have ESP. now i will take visions and dreams you all have more seriously from now on. vet bill was $140.00 US

Posted by sb11 on 05-15-2005 07:28 PM:

Anubis, I pray that your dog heals quickly and that

God reforms the heart of whoever hurt him..

perhaps by showing him that in the future angels will

make him club himself if he lifts a hand in anger

Your compassion for him is powerful.. and your generosity

Posted by Lastiwka on 05-18-2005 06:24 AM:

    quote:Originally posted by sb11

    Dear L, It's very good of you to feed the dogs..

    symbolically imho it means you are nurturing your disciples

    without regard to their appearance

    Your heart would know if it was Jesus or Maitreya

Its been said that the maitreya is the same as jesus. Its something like a brother of a cousin. Then again some peaple are convinced that he is the devil and he will be the one to claim to be christ. You know, all that biblical stuff.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 05-18-2005 10:36 PM:

Dear Lastiwka

My teacher says that all beings are embodiments of the Divine..

that the only difference among beings is some have greater opening

to the infinite light within..

He says 'all beings are beautiful seen through eyes of love'

(which i need to remember everytime i hear a neocon warmonger

on the radio)

He said that Balaram fought the demon all night

and brought him to a standstill.. when Krishna came

He disarmed the demon with 1 smile of total unconditional


Christians can believe in the loving destiny of everyone but have

only 1 authority: The Father and Jesus as One

while those of other paths have many different gurus

.. or themselves as guru

Posted by sb11 on 05-18-2005 10:37 PM:


A flaming feather of the Pluto firebird

falls to earthfloor

a sign that once again God has saved poster's life


The rising tide covered each seapier post to the brim:

a path

of white elephant tracks

into a sea of blue grass


where the linear

becomes the spherical..

logic is transcended

by the spiritual..

lower physical laws

replaced by miracles

... not the drab and


but the lyrical

.. not evidence

but heartknowing


Posted by Gari-Gari on 05-19-2005 12:36 AM:



"We are all capable of achieving whatever

we want and need."

"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

Posted by Gari-Gari on 05-19-2005 12:38 AM:

re: past lives



"When there is no turning back, then we should concern ourselves only with the best way of going forward."

Posted by Lastiwka on 05-19-2005 06:10 AM:


I have to dissagree with some of what you say. Some peaple are just ugly and will never become part of the devine. They may beautifull to look at, like Satin, but there souls are pure ugliness.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by Gari-Gari on 05-19-2005 02:06 PM:


there is a contradiction. If the Devine is almighty and encompasses all then also the now ugly-looking souls are part of it. It is just a matter of time that they become conscious of their divinity. In the moment they do they will be beautiful inside and outside.

"When there is no turning back, then we should concern ourselves only with the best way of going forward."

The Alchemist

Posted by sb11 on 05-19-2005 04:46 PM:

i agree, Lastwika, with GG.. because GOD is omnipresent

.. that means God is everywhere.. in every atom... of

every person

Posted by sb11 on 05-24-2005 12:34 AM:


a woman is burying 3 coats made of wool or animal skin

in a 9 ft diameter circular hole.. the dirt to fill up the hole

does not come from the dug up dirt but elsewhere

(victory in conquering animal nature...

and the love of others.. rather than independent effort..

helps to erase the past)

Posted by Lastiwka on 05-24-2005 06:12 AM:

I have a problem with the concept of anything being able to be at all places at one time.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 05-24-2005 05:12 PM:

I have been told that when one becomes a self realized

master he can carry on different conversations with each

being in the world..

one can free himself from the body.. like scent leaving

a flower and spreading everywhere..

but unlike the scent.... the spirit is not diluted

by spreading out... and

she or he can

once again into body descend

Posted by Lastiwka on 05-25-2005 07:24 AM:

sounds like astra travel to me.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 06-02-2005 06:30 PM:

Golf Course, Cornfield

Dear L, lots of people astral travel... but are not able to

do what a master can do, imho



A departed loved one is living across the street from

a golf course, 1/4 of which has been put aside for a cornfield.

In his home, he has entranced by a room full of

butterflies being released from their chrysalises.

(Upon waking heard that a local museum is hosting

a traveling live butterfly show... which seems as if it

would have some smashing of butterflies.. and which

seems unethical in confining them)

(Isaac Singer criticized Nabokov's impaling of butterflies)


Last week I stopped to pick up a dead squirrel in the middle

of the road... this week there was another one in the very

same place... God provided an already dug hole... I placed

today's squirrel in it.. and covered his body with a thin layer

of leaves.. in case his wife is looking for him


a vision of being in a plane which narrowly crossed under

a bridge... unlike any other vision ever, in this one

could feel the tug of the sudden dive in the plane

Posted by sb11 on 06-18-2005 09:01 AM:

a vision of being in a plane which narrowly crossed under

a bridge... unlike any other vision ever, in this one

could feel the tug of the sudden dive in the plane

Posted by sb11 on 06-20-2005 06:12 AM:

Flower Fringed Mausoleum

someone comes up out of the London underground..

next to the entrance is a white marble mausoleum

fringed in pink flowers at its base

(a contrast between the beauty of the exterior

and the work for war which goes on in the building's


(Jesus spoke of whited sepulchres... the Greek word

used to translate the Aramaic... is sarcophagi

sarx: flesh

phagi: eater)

Posted by sb11 on 06-22-2005 12:47 AM:


Water lilies

airport landing zones

for orange and black dragonflies

Posted by Lastiwka on 06-22-2005 07:11 AM:

did you ever get a feeling?

That something big could happen. I dont mean something like a terrorist act. I mean something more on the natural side. Like a superquake or a volcano. Or maybe a combination of the 2. A neclear weapon exploding and that triggers off a quake leading to landslides and superquakes.

I am thinking either the west coast of the usa or the ring of fire whitch would surely affect all countries.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by Lastiwka on 06-22-2005 08:46 AM:


The strangest thing happenned. I was sitting in a chair outside when out of the blue a small bird fell out of a tree. I have alsow witnessed 3 other birds flying when suddenly they just fell to the ground,dropped from the sky sort of speak. 2 flew away after a rest. But one could not fly off. It tryd and tryd but it could'nt achieve lift off.

Could it be a sign?


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 06-22-2005 04:38 PM:

Dear L

Dear L,

God receive the souls of the birds.

It is always sad when a flightless baby bird falls out of the tree

or is burned in the 'controlled fires' started by the USDA

Forest Service or others.

But for you, the universe has only joy in store.

Posted by sb11 on 07-13-2005 12:52 AM:

Saint Barbara


someone was keeping a 6 inch butterfly in a wood box

.. hoping to protect his fragile wings..

someone else came and released the butterfly who had

gone from a cocoon to a humanmade cocoon


Heard: The North Wind wants you


This week 2 audio books I selected randomly.. each had references to SAINT BARBARA...

In Jimmy Buffett's book she is referred to as the patron saint of lightning (Jimmy please stop promoting fish suffocation)

while in a book called A PLACE OF HIDING.. an oil painting featuring her is valued

at 10 million pounds.

All Barbara's are saints


a dream of putting 3 plants which had been in separate pots

in 1 pot.

a few days later.. was hurrying before the property owner's

mower to transplant sapling trees...

after finished realized there were 3 of them.. and they had

been planted in 1 area together

one does not always know if a dream is

a. precognitive or

b. karma burning (experiencing on a dream level rather

than in reality)

c. neither

Posted by Omicron on 07-16-2005 01:56 PM:

Re: Angels Give Precognitive Dreams

    quote:Originally posted by sb11

    a dream of putting 3 plants which had been in separate pots

    in 1 pot.

    a few days later.. was hurrying before the property owner's

    mower to transplant sapling trees...

    after finished realized there were 3 of them.. and they had

    been planted in 1 area together

Did the twigs have different colored bark?

Like... ebony, hickory, and mohogany?


    one does not always know if a dream is

    a. precognitive or

    b. karma burning (experiencing on a dream level rather

    than in reality)

    c. neither


Posted by Omicron on 07-16-2005 02:03 PM:

In case you hadn't noticed SB11... rational people have dreams that hit them hard enough to be thinking about over their morning coffee.

My personal analysis of it is that we are unto the big kahuna as a neuron is unto our brain.

Posted by sb11 on 07-16-2005 03:23 PM:

yes O... but at the same time

Avatars and masters say that when we become totally

aware of our oneness with God we can act with all God's

love and power


vision: a childhood family photo of siblings.. comes

alive like a movie

Posted by sb11 on 07-27-2005 12:34 AM:


A vision that someone typed in 'shadow world' as the title

of a blog or thread I was beginning. It was perhaps

my guru saying that the internet, the world of external

phenomena, is not the direction of spiritual aspirants.


The same day.. my full backpack... opened.. and in it

were steps to the basement... (a backpack I take to the

public library)


and when i typed Chai.. the computer added an N

.. to make Chain... desire creates the chains of life's rebirths


The writer was given a vision of an iron pressing out wrinkles

which occurred between the 11 and 12 on the clock..

many interpretations are possible including

removal of obstacles to being aligned to God's will

(Make Straight The Way of the Lord)

(the spine)


It is interesting that both a small animal named Tinkerbell

in Phoenix and Tinkerbelle in San Francisco are zoo animals dying

of neglect. (If you believe in God's mercy clap your hands)


A building surrounded by earth

in such a way.. that on each floor

one could come out into daylight


Someone needed to watch that

the philodendron's vines hanging

above the WC did not get dragged

in and flushed

(In a hurry to be free, do not harm others)


In a dream, 2 went around the yard

saying goodbye for now to trees

before they moved to their new home.


A vision of a clock hand moving instantaneously

from 12 to 3 (one interpretation.. God's

mercy erases karma which might have

taken place during that time) (another: that the Father

sped up the crucifixion time of Jesus)


dream that Bill Clinton was unable to resurrect Hillary because

her cells had too much nephron

a. Nephron: close to nephros: Greek for kidney

(that her bitter prowar stance will prevent her being the first

woman president)

b. N Ephron Nora Ephron.. former wife of Carl Bernstein

who wrote a book about why she divorced him..

(Carl Bernstein.. was one of Henry Kissinger's pawns

in the Watergate frame of Nixon)

c. Nephron: (similar to freon) too much air conditioning

Posted by sb11 on 08-17-2005 09:48 PM:

dreamt several years ago that a naval sub captain

was trapped under the ice.. he was told to go 3 measures forward

and 1 up... to get out... (3 parts love..1 part will)

he was successful

... this week saw for the first time in a movie at a hospital

waiting room... a movie showing a sub crashing up through

the ice..

Posted by sb11 on 08-24-2005 05:35 PM:


a man lies on the ground .. a pyramid of

fresh limes covering his loins..

(vitamin C drips , fresh fruit, fresh fruit juice,

and vitamin C buffered pills as a cure for aids)


A plane seems to be girdled round the waist

by a layer of clouds it is flying through. (Fat is ephemeral and will



A japamala has twice as many beads as a rosary.

A man is driving with his left hand while fingering his

japamala with the right. It is not circular but linear..

part of it is attached to his wife's neck as a noose and

is dragging her down. (It is not always appropriate to pray

for a couple's marriage to continue.)


Linda M had a vision of 2 snakes.. one was fat and lazy..

the other skinny and wiry (imbalance in the ida and pingala..

the 2 nerve systems of the body)


Two swords upside down in a chalice...

... an ending of ancient emnity


Removing the rifle function in an intelligence agency created

dual function rifle clarinet


On the way to Aberdeen, he put his backpack valuables into

a belt with many pockets.. in order to take the driver's seat


the ocean beneath the surface.. there was a gleaming white

cross rooted in the bedrock at the base of the sea.. its top touching the surface

of the water.. it was only a few feet wide and around it

dolphins played.. as if it were a toy for fish in an aquarium.


a cross shaped swimming pool.. the shape of

the pool did not affect the swimmers

(Baba telling people not to fear crosses in their charts)


many years ago dreamt a woman had learned how to walk on water..

she began to run.. on water.. toward her companions in the boat.. and to tease

and splash them.. she immediately sank


an ancient Roman walled in courtyard filled with mars

and other statuary.. water rising submerges the statues..

(waters of love in the heart dissolve love of power)


an outdoor stone stairway.. so great is the rainfall

that the stairway becomes a stone basis for waterfall

(the crosses visions.. are meant to remove fear

about their configuration in astrological charts)


the white limousine of a political leader is encircled

by alighting black helicopters

Posted by sb11 on 08-27-2005 08:21 PM:


Neocon and

Nonneocon agents..

2 of them... battling

it out on the floor..

Posted by sb11 on 08-30-2005 06:08 PM:


a well dressed and charismatic person with a British

accent is attempting to go out the back stairs of a hotel

without paying the bill

(Tony Blair not wanting to take responsibility for

Iraq devastation?)


A wooden obelisk shaped clock tower falls in a storm...

a lady who wanted it as an antique is convinced otherwise

(liberation from time)

Posted by sb11 on 09-11-2005 08:44 PM:


tiime paints a triangular gray peacedove wing

on a woman's hair..

Posted by fox on 09-14-2005 04:37 PM:


Nantucket.....The Inquirer And Mirror



~~~~~~~~~~~~<<<>>> Every day is Earth Day <<<>>>~~~~~~~~~~~~

<<>> All living things share the same breath, the air shares its spirit with all life it supports <<>>

Posted by sb11 on 09-19-2005 03:59 PM:

thank you f



One follows down at night

The streams lit with moonlight

to find the healing

lake in the recesses of the hills

(based on a dream)

Posted by sb11 on 09-19-2005 04:05 PM:

At a grocery chain, sheep, pigs, cows, goats, camels

were being slaughtered in the back, brought in on a train

which ran on tracks behind individual stores.. animals who

left in pieces wrapped in plastic.

Posted by sb11 on 09-21-2005 04:43 PM:

Ira Flatow.. God change him

Vision: Ira Flatow has 3 mice.. attached umbilically to his 2 ears..

and the top of his head

(Flatow of NPR frequently promotes animal torture during

his 2 hour weekly pharmaceutical promotion show)

Posted by pacific on 10-09-2005 09:29 PM:







Posted by sb11 on 10-09-2005 09:34 PM:

thank you P.. infinite returns

Posted by sb11 on 10-15-2005 07:21 PM:

2 precognitive dreams this week:

one of Alex Hershaft,.. the following day read that he was


the 2nd of the Pepsi Coke boycott spreading from the West

to China to S America

Posted by Psycho Thylacine on 10-16-2005 05:37 PM:

The other night I had a dream that my mother [didn't look like my mom, but that's besides the point] walked through the door just as I was ****ing a chiuaha.

I have no idea what that symbolizes and I'm not sure I would want to know.



Posted by sb11 on 10-16-2005 06:15 PM:

perhaps you have a divided consciousness about a recent

lover... one of whom you think your mother would not approve


Poster heard this sentence and thought of

a. a woman plagued with painful growths in her legs

b. a crossdresser with muscular calves

c. a stocking used as a weapon

Posted by Psycho Thylacine on 10-16-2005 07:11 PM:


That would be Anne Perry - former juvenile paricide turned world famous mystery author



Posted by sb11 on 10-18-2005 05:21 PM:

thank you W



vision of one pilot attempting to play chicken with another..

despite the 2 planes' being l/4 inch apart both pilots

survived... as miraculously and illogically the wings did not touch


a woman eats a whole basketfull of peaches .. 1 of 2 baskets

she found.. before realizing they were not abandoned

but belonged to someone

(an illicit sexual relationship)


Vision of a purple mass... separated into lavender squares

by a painting of pink borders


dream that a person had gold Canadian coins materializing

out of his skin



dream that a woman was faced backwards driving while

her car was moving forwards (don't look back)

dream that a man was making love in the bed of his truck

... no one was driving the truck down the interstate

(first things first)

Posted by sb11 on 10-31-2005 04:40 PM:


My guru in the clothing of Albert Einstein said to me

"Transcend time through mars opposition"

there were stairways involved

(a. grace protected poster in a violent situation

b. be careful that mars not make one oppositional to

the point that she is catapulted out of the body)

Posted by Drakul on 11-01-2005 10:02 AM:


Sai Baba is your guru?



What is WAR but Ritual Human Sacrifice?

Posted by Omicron on 11-01-2005 10:44 AM:

    quote:Originally posted by sb11


    dream that a person had gold Canadian coins materializing

    out of his skin


In Vancouver that dream was like that it sweated out as droplettes of saphire, rubby, and emerald little crystals all over the carpet floors of the clubs for people to pick up as they laughed at each other in distraction.

Posted by sb11 on 12-11-2005 02:53 PM:


in a 4 foot wide swath of wilderness

was able to prevent a slowmoving

mongoose from killing a baby rabbit..

but was worried about being

able to protect animals when

the mongoose grew up

(In an allegorical sense,

it is good to eliminate bad habits

when they are small)


John dreamt he should not speak to the 2 men

nearby of the beauty of the red fox... because they

were hunters


Vision of a tree rubbing her ankle..

that juncture of motherearth covered

roots with the trunk


A stock broker has a child's toy car

.. blue and green 2 toned.. for someone


(he is tiring of the toys

of greedy Wall St. boys)


round green pea spheres on a spoon

sometimes stack in pyramid formation

anagoge also anagogy :

A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife.


dream of laundry drying

.... forgiveness has occurred

but feelings are still being released


B and J were together for 58

years before B died. J was

devastated. 2 months later B came to her in a dream and said he had taken

her white feather dress (she

had no feather dresses) to

the seamstress to be sewn. She

thought it meant that he was

working to heal her aura, her happiness.

4 months later, without the will

to live without him, she died of

a heart attack. At her funeral

someone said the white feather

dress dream was a sign she would

soon be reunited with him.

Posted by Lastiwka on 12-11-2005 10:13 PM:

I had a dream where I was pulling at a guys face and his skin came off. Under his skin was another face. I then said to him. Yes! Thats better.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by Lastiwka on 01-04-2006 01:12 AM:

I had a dream that I was once again in Russia. I met some girl, she took me to some underground bar. People where on stage playing music. I wanted t buy some tickets so I could get some beer. But I had no money and they did not know how to use a ATM card.

I noticed that there where some men in uniform asking people to show there pasports. I did not have a pasport so I lef with the girl who took me their.

We walked down some street, when some men started to bother the girl I was with. In a second I grabbed one man and the other ran away.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 01-07-2006 02:57 PM:

Lastiwka, you call upon your great

courage both waking and sleeping..

that is wonderful... you also

left the bar... maybe an indication

of a resolution you made to change


We have a lot of compulsory ID

showing in the US.. whether one

is a citizen or not

I dreamt that someone

was giving a lecture above

and invisible to the people being

lectured... because of the inability

to see the lecturer, the audience

began talking among themselves

Posted by Lastiwka on 01-07-2006 08:50 PM:

What I find some what strange, is. These dreams of me being in Russia. The buildings are old, the people look kinda serious and all. But I feel comepleatly at home there. No real fears.

My wildest dream of me being in Russia is when I was at some party and the people where singing folk songs and I was sitting in a front row buy a small stage. Then Mr Putin came in. I remember watching him intencely and watched to see where he was going.

Then Mr Putin came up to me and said something to me in Russian, he was smiling and then shook my hand while he was waring white gloves. He was dressed in black. But it was like he went out of his way to great me. It was one of my favorite dreams.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by Lastiwka on 01-12-2006 12:43 AM:

    quote:Originally posted by sb11


    a friend was in Central Park with Oprah

    Winfrey (American tv star)

    who was herding 200 puppies

    .... they were under her control

    like a herd...

    she told my friend to take charge of

    100... before she knew what happened

    some had drowned in water.. some

    were running in traffic etc.

Thats just stupid thinking that one person can controle 200 mutts. Thats just a dissaster waiting to happen.

You know what always makes me remember my dreams. When I eat patatos of any kind. Be it fried, baked or boiled. I will have the most vivid dreams.


She said yeah yeah yeah. I said yeah yeah yeah. Wesaid yeah yeah yeah----YEAH!!!

Posted by sb11 on 01-12-2006 02:31 AM:

I think the potato people

might want to use that as

a commercial

it's a high testimonial

The dreamer told me.. that

the puppies were symbolic

of souls that Oprah was able

to lead .. although they were

all very different


When I was young and ironing

7 shirts a week for my husband

and hating the boredom of it..

angels gave me a dream that

I was going to the library

getting recorded books..

I had not known before that

that such things existed.. to which

I could listen while engaging

in routine tasks.

Posted by sb11 on 03-05-2006 10:22 PM:

3 Cameras


a friend was in Central Park with Oprah

Winfrey (American tv star)

who was herding 200 puppies

.... they were under her control

like a herd...

she told my friend to take charge of

100... before she knew what happened

some had drowned in water.. some

were running in traffic etc.


RJJ had a vision of being present

in groves of cherry and apple

trees when a great storm

showered her with their petals.

(one of many interpretations:

marriage is one outcome of a crisis..

in some ceremonies, brides are

showered with petals)


Vision: George Bush handing out

red shoes to many


(his regime causes many to wear

the red shoes of hyperactivity

to defeat him)

b. his plutocracy... turns many red

(a term used for socialists

and communists)


a black cat on the shoulder of

a saint

(God accepts all.. no matter

what others project onto them)


gold radiant head of L

who has sacrificed much


One woman dreamt

after leaving an unhappy relationship

that he came to her asking

her to adopt a 14 year old in

his church group

(resistance to any connection

with his evolving self)

Another woman dreamt she

was still attached by an umbilical

cord to a man she planned to


(he was growing.. but still

dependent upon her)


Dream that a Jewish friend had a Bethesda healing pool in her living

room... but feared someone would drown.. and covered it with a metal grid

(someone afraid of her own spiritual healing power... afraid of not acting responsibly)

(in the US Bethesda is now a center

for animal torture and for the

funding of animal torture...

Bethesda Naval Hosp. and NIH

are there.. but there are animal

rights groups in Bethesda as well)


Prayer is beyond time.. can go

back in time... one can visualize

loved ones in their most painful

moments... and visualize the

favorite form of GOD with them


A man rakes leaves from centenarian

oaks in his past neighborhood..

(removing the karma of old mistakes)

He hands a grape sucker to someone and

says 'welcome home'.


Someone lives in a glass house..

but need not fear stones

because the glass is very thick

and bullet proof


A woman lives in a second story


which slopes down from

the doorway to a lowlying

window... she fears that

children in tricycles or

playing with each other

could crash through


Dream: Two Russian coffeecups (glasses

which fit inside meta cupholders with

handles) are given to poster by

a friend of a nonagenarian who

served her husband for over 40

years after his colostomy and who

also taught school and in the

evening taught peace and socialist studies. The person who

brings the gift is another woman..

who threw off her husband after

his infidelity and his low idea of

the status of women.

She also brought prasad from

a yogi who meditated in a cave

most of the time and went a year

without food.

(Prasad: food offered to God)


Dream: a Catholic mother of 6

who voted for Bush thinking he

was a profetus candidate... handed

poster back a cut daffodil... it had

an ant inside it and a moth on top

of it

(in real life, poster is not involved

with severed flowers... but this

dream in some way relates to

the belief of some in the 'prolife'

movement that it is better to work

to save millions of fetuses than

to prevent war which causes deaths

to millions of adults and children)

(she handed back the cut flower..

a symbol to her of a severed fetus)


Poster is a theatre director in dream

and is confronted with a cavernous

stage... to make it appear smaller,

cozier, more human scale...

she puts 3 saffron panels

in the stage in semi hexagonal

positioning... to make them

look like the walls of a living room

(saffron in Hindu and Buddhist

religions sometimes signifies

celibacy or the burning away of



Dream: an older person is

in a college class... Donald Sutherland

is the teacher and is ready to

give a class on American political

heroes... at present he is sitting

behind the rectangular classroom

in a little circular alcove which is

behind only l/2 of the room.

The person goes back to ask for

his autograph and then his birthday

which in the dream but not reality

is July 11, 1962.

He writes them on the 4th page

of the book she offers. Then she

asks for the time of birth... and he

asks why.. she tells him she is

an astrologer.... then she leaves

not wanting to stay for the class.


Green Peas Picked Up With Hairbrush

Vision: shelled green peas being

picked up with the individual brushes

of a hairbrush

(any object can be functional in other ways)


An old Catholic cathedral

filled with altar statues is

emptied of them to have a reinstallation

.. either to a new deity statue

or to a place of zen emptiness


a jar full of angry wasps is released

into freedom

(in context... angry thoughts

no longer confined)

(Creator, let none cage your creatures)


vision: a caterpillar protected

is now a butterfly... in summer..

but caregiver has still not released him/her


A car with 7 fundamentalists in it

returns from Sunday morning church...

2 men in the front seat

2 men in the back seat

and 3 women seated facing

the trees they pass...

are in the hoodless trunk

which has 3 small seats in it

a. the slavery of women in

fundamentalist churches

b. the trunk is symbolic of

karma carried around... the most

egregious male

chauvinists are creating future lives

as enslaved women.. the 4th

would not earn rebirth in human form

until imprisoned for a while in

a voiceless mammal's form


Martin Sheen video on seal clubbing... graphic

Martha Stewart video on seal clubbing... graphic


a dream that she was

at the front right of a stage

and a Chinese man asked her

to take a picture of him and his

wife... she dropped the camera

and he came with a 2nd one.. a more

expensive and precise one..

in addition there was a third hidden on

stage.. the picture was taken

(if she does not get busy with her sadhana

and must be reborn perhaps the parents of her next life?)


A dream of an impossibility..

on the left the bridge was

a charming boardwalk by the

shore and shallows, and 2 table rocks, plateaus

on top,

were washed at their bases by

the sea...

on the right.. the sea was under

100 ft under the bridge.. and dreamer

expressed fear of octopi and other

creatures of the sea, illustrating octopi


by dovetailing the fingers of her

2 hands..

(interpretation: she likes to play

on the shores of God.. but does

not want total immersion)

an earlier dream on this theme:

she walked to the edge of a pier

but did not swim because she

was carrying computer discs


A man had put the name of his beloved

on elevators in his building


Walking through a gorge with

very high walls on both sides,

walls made of a million millenial

redwoods, growing as close together

as the flutes of massive pipe organs.


Martin Sheen video on seal clubbing... graphic

vote against seal clubbing

Martha Stewart video on seal clubbing... graphic

Posted by Eadroa on 03-08-2006 05:07 AM:

Re: 3 Cameras

Yoh "sb11"

The "DREAM" is very important is it not?

What is commonly termed the Dream

I believe to be a vast spectrum of distinct phenomena.

I see that you record and cherish your dream experiences.

Any serious practice must be built on that.

Do you have a dream "Practice ?"

Or do you just remember them?

Have you had fearful confrontation.

Do you go Lucid? both Dark & Light

Then, Do you have "break through ?"

Then, Do you walk and fly on & above other worlds?

Do you commune with other Beings?


"There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation" - Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903

Posted by sb11 on 03-08-2006 12:18 PM:


Dear Eadroa,

I occasionally do lucid dream practice

... not dark, only light. I do have

nightmares, but don't seek them.

Nightmares are often karma-burning..

in that God's mercy allows one

to experience things in dreams

rather than on the physical plane.

I commune with other beings

and rarely experience returning

to my body

I just remember my dreams, and

like many am often upset when

the dream balloon bursts and

I find myself back on earth, unable

to put together the balloon shards

I have been behind other followers

of my teacher in terms of experiencing

constant joy... my work is perhaps

one factor in that

Thank you and please post yours


Posted by Eadroa on 03-08-2006 11:47 PM:

Yoh! �sb11� I am not putting you ON!

Please don�t think that.

But it is good to talk to someone who knows something of the �Dream�

We are in a distinct minority on Planet Earth.

I have never had a �Mentor�

I have been self-taught, - for the most part.

And with the help of the
in the dream.

I tooo have walked and flow�n on other worlds.

I had to give up �Practice�

�Co-Sensual�, reality, demanded of me.

But I learned ALOT!


"There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation" - Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903

Posted by sb11 on 03-17-2006 02:54 AM:

If need for $ keeps you from traveling,

Eadroa, may you win the lottery


Posted by Eadroa on 03-17-2006 11:53 PM:

Yoh sb11

    quote:Originally posted by sb11

    If need for $ keeps you from traveling,

    Eadroa, may you win the lottery


I acknowledge, and I�Thank You� for the blessing!

But it was not for fiscal reasons that I gave up �Practice�

It was, time constraint. It took up a lot of, �here & now time.�

It needed the time it took, in order to achieve the results that it achieved for me.

But things got in the way. I needed that time to fill the needs of

sacred commitment. Commitment to people, to close, to deny.

That has taken years, and left me a mite short of focus.

Other concerns now take up them.

But when I had �Practice ! �

That was Wonderful!

�Flying,� feeling the breeze in my face!

Over Landscapes that do not exist in our present realm!

And Knowing that you are �THERE� In a dream=====

I studied the dream - Intimately for 9 years.

I could go from waking, directly to the dream state,

With no lack of continuity from the present conscious state

of what I call �present co-sensual� reality.

I could do that frequently but not consistently.

I could never nail it down.

It�s just that with, �the more the Practice,�

I noted the phenomena occurred more frequently

Some literature I read calls it �Journeying�

I have thought of returning. But it seems an awesomely daunting task.

Dream Lucidity gives one a rather sobering view of reality does it not?


"There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation" - Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903

Posted by sb11 on 03-18-2006 05:44 PM:

Perhaps you would write more

of your experiences... to benefit



Posted by Omicron on 03-20-2006 06:09 AM:

Hey SB11... I had a dream where the mind of God was composed of each human spirit being like one of the neurons.

It was like... when we prayed to God, we were actually trying to get some sense out of our collective mind... and...

... and...

... and cooincidences would happen in the same inexplicable way that cooincidences would happen for a single neuron in the brain, like...

... like how a single neuron might see some of its fellow neurons killed by a virus or bacteria, and would then howl about how unjust God was, and then a strange wash of weird chemicals would go through the cell's environment to kill the bacteria, and the cingle celled neuron would pause and wonder about how God works in such mysterious ways.

Ever noticed how if you just somehow sometimes play along with the stream of life, tossing in your two bits every now and then, things somehow just keep going?

That's probably how it looks to neurons... they wouldn't have a clue that on a higher level their combined affects are creating subjective perceptions of red, green, and blue, not to mention emotions and other perceptions.

Hmm... there are as many types of neuron as their are species of shrub and tree, and therefore probably types of human personality.

Hmm... let's see... in order for us to become heathier for the benefit of our neurons we had to become smarter somehow, which somehow required the cooperation or our neurons... so...

... Maybe we can talk God into being nicer, just by being nicer.

Posted by Eadroa on 03-21-2006 03:36 AM:

    quote:Originally posted by Omicron

    ... Maybe we can talk God into being nicer, just by being nicer.


Yes, I believe you say True

Friend & "Stranger in a Strange Land"

    quote:Originally posted by Omicron

    ... and cooincidences would happen in the same inexplicable way that coincidences��.

What a coincidence to find you here!

It is good to find you here.

I desperately want to talk of the �Dream�

Much More than I do about politics.

But I�m not sure where to begin.

"Sb11", Omicron, -- We are Dreaming into the Future are we not?


"There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation" - Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903

Posted by sb11 on 03-21-2006 03:34 PM:

you remind me of Kriyananda's

statement about Yogananda:

His visualizations were so powerful

their condensation into matter

was mere signature



Vision: Looking down on a feedlot

with many pens... old fighter humans

crammed in like chickens in a factory

farm... they are all musclebound yet

flabby, overweight and angry

... it seemed to the poster

they were cancer cells

waiting only for

the fighting round starting bell

but these cancer cells

can be butchered by

forgiveness, anger release,

and nonviolent food

(factory farm crowding of 6 to 9

chickens in a 1 ft by 3ft cage

causes stress cancers, called

leukosis in chickens deceptively

when it is actually leukemia and

can be transmitted by eating




The father in law of a man

whose wife divorced him because

of his womanizing

in a dream painted the walls

of his room saffron and then

red.. not a professional job...

paint drips etc.

Was it the remaining cursing unforgiveness

of a parent for someone who had

wronged his child..

or just the opposite.. the red mars

energy of

empowering which comes after



In the Bay of Naples there are

houseboats and high above

the bay, an ocean liner has

been made into an apartment.


The smokestacks are still used

as such, but 2/3 of the way up

them the spaces in between

have been filled by bricks.

(one of many thoughts about this

dream... Noah's Ark settled

on Mt Ararat on its NW slope

in Turkey)

(transition from the freedom of a boat

to the rooted nature of a home)

Posted by Eadroa on 03-23-2006 08:22 PM:

Yoh �sb11�

I am sorry I have been so tardy in reply. It is not for lack of interest I assure you.

As time permits I would very much like it if we could dialogue about � The Dream� here on this forum.

As I stated earlier I engaged in �Dream Practice� for a good number of years.

Just what I mean by �Dream Practice� I would hope to explain as we dialogue.

I have never had the advantage of a �teacher� or of any formal training on the subject.

As my interest has been intense, I have however read many volumes on the subject

and have accumulated quite an extensive library.

My ideas & technique are therefore a rather eclectic hodge-podge, taken from a wide variety of sources.

I have reached few solid conclusions on "The Dream" however.

Perhaps in part because to is so hard to find anybody who has a deep interest in the subject with which to discuss and thus crystallize my ideas.

Perhaps too, because the topic is inherently ethereal.

Though I have in the past developed some proficiency in the practice and experience of The Dream�

I can in no way claim, or take upon myself the role of �teacher� as I am only to well aware that my ignorance still far surpasses my knowledge.

I have read some of your dreamings and I must admit it sparks my interest and fascination with the subject again. I am sure we, and anybody else who might happen along to this thread would benefit from any exchange of ideas that we might engage in here.

Would you be interested in so discussing the subject here or would you prefer to start a different thread?

And of coarse the problem!

Just where do we begin.

"We are not human beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings having human ones."

George Grudjieff

Eadroa - aka - Eadora

So many American soldiers prevented their officers

from waging an unjust war in Vietnam, the word fragging came

into the language.

There was another fragging incident in Kuwait..

All violence is wrong..

God give mercy to all in custody in any jail anywhere

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