Anthony Fauci, One Of Many Dr. Germs In US

If in fright he squirms

keep him away from Dr Germ

If he's  a human, primate

or a worm,

keep him away from Fauci,

Dr Germ


Why does Anthony Fauci abuse animals?

1. Does he think human beings have rights and animals don't?

2. Does he think his career is more important than

  kindness to animals?

3. Is he beholden to the pharmaceutical industry?

4. Is he being blackmailed?

Anthony Fauci, one of many "Dr. Germs" in the US..

Battelle director, one of many "Dr Germs" in the US

Ft Detrick director, one of many "Dr Germs" in the US

etc. etc.

Anthony Fauci, for decades you have supervised

NIH pain infliction on primates, helping NIH

keep baboons in restraining chairs in which they

sleep and defecate.. having helped NASA shoot

innocent primates into space to their deaths. May God

visit you today, and forever prevent you from harming

another creature taking you and all vivisectors out of

power today as God gives you grace to love all beings.

Already NIH is torturing monkeys in regards

to SARS.. when NIH knows well the cause of this

3 species gene material coronavirus..

Your torture is for the 60 billion dollar conglomerate

Pfizer Pharmacia.. and the British owned Glaxo Smith Kline

.. and all the other companies whose lethal vaccines

you have touted through the years.

Modality Of Morbidity

When apes and chimps

and baboons are injured

and shriek and die in your

presence, Tony,

you can objectify it

with the phrase

'modality of morbidity'

May God pluck you

from your torture chambers

.. and resurrect the muzzled

whispers of your conscience

as She/He defrocks all

you black mass priests of death

May God so awaken the love in all our hearts

that we can look with compassion and not anger

on your past.

Jai Hanuman! We invoke Your infinite power today and forever!

We have no right to judge Tony Fauci's motivation

or character.. only the effects of the actions which

so disrespect animals, actions of animal sacrifice.

God give Fauci miracles of awakening today. Remove him from the power to do



Later footnote: In May NIH recommended 2 not one heart

medications.. rather than putting itself behind

vegan promotion through psa's.

Fauci is a graduate of Holy Cross.. but did not

learn there the words of Jesus

.. "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy"

or the words of God

Thou Shalt Not Kill

or the words of Isaiah:

"I delight not in your blood sacrifice."

We pray God that You will write these thoughts

in the heart of Anthony Fauci as You now remove

him from power... power to harm.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hanuman is God in God's
aspect of protecting monkeys

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