Offense To Allah

The mass murder of millions of

camels, goats, and sheep

for the Haj is an offense

to Allah.. the All Merciful

The shooting of donkeys and

dogs at checkpoints by Sharon

soldiers, the treatment of

animals in Israeli labs,

is an offense to YHWH

the All Merciful

The brutality of

treatment of bulls in Spain

Mexico and Portugal

is an offense to God, the

All Merciful.

The clubbing of baby

seals in Canada

is an offense to God,

the All Merciful

The hunting of foxes

by the rich in England

is an offense to God

the All Merciful

The raising of bears

for their parts in China

is an offense to Kwon

Yin, Goddess of Divine Mercy.

The slaughter of animals

for food in Thailand

is an offense to Buddha

and the Buddha nature

of all beings.

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