Z Bill Kristol

Bill Kristol

.. God's light comes through

  his mind crystals

but still he saw through a glass darkly


God change him today.. remove hiim from publishing,

media, and other forms of power to harm

until his connections to mammon are gone

Bill Kristol, mouthpiece for Ariel Sharon

on media owned by Sharon supporters.. Rupert Murdoch

Rupert MurderDoc..

Michael Eisner, who has turned Mickey Mouse

  into a killer of children

Bill Kristol, trotted out by National Pentagon Radio

and its coup d'etat boss: Kevin Close of Radio Free Europe

We hope you will give back the Enron $50,000..

to the poor who are being pricegouged in California, Ohio

and many other states by Enron. May God today come to you

and make you a man of peace.. dedicated totally to preserving

peace rather than shedding the blood of innocents

It seems that your cover, the Weekly Standard, besides being

a habitat destroyer, has one of the highest staff

to circulation ratios in publishing, prompting thoughts

that it is an intelligence run publication in the guise

of conservative Likud news.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

God's neptune is
beginning to oppose
the Sharon govt's
saturn and pluto in leo..
with lessons in humility
in store

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