
!! Short

We are taught that it is wrong

for little people to rob big banks.

We are not taught that it is wrong

for big banks to rob little people


The Pentagon Pentacle

was warned by General MacArthur

never to be involved in a land

war in Asia.. now of the 5 point

war being conducted against

the will of the people by

the illegal government of the US..

3 at least are in Asia: Afghanistan

Iraq and the Philippines.

Isaiah: They shall study war no more.

Jesus: Peter put down your sword

God in all hearts, today remove

the war profiteers, the young boy killers,

and all those who for money, hatred, ignorance,

love of power, love of violence put others in harm's way



Hridaaya, Anna

"A divine compassion struck him

and he became verbal

about the rights of each mouse and gherbil

and the rights of trees and bushes

and all beings herbal."

"You God can provide infinite varieties of manna now for all refiguees, all

the hojeless, all the hungry. `````."

"The young men leave in shiny uniforms with martial music

and marching bands, clapped on by cheering crowds. They return

without eyes, in wheelchairs, in coffins."

"Thank you, foe, for releasing adrenalin the father of energy in me.. as wands release water from rocks."

"Fish cannot scream."

"The karma for removing the breath of fish

is to experience problems of breath. God's mercy

is available to those who stop eating fishes."

"Every egg is

32 hours of imprisonment in a tiny cage for a chicken, 300 mg of cholesterol, 120 gallons of production water."

"Vegetarianism is an easy transition when you have a lot of delicious

alternative foods in your home."

"Those whose hands and heart hold onto old resentments are not

free to grasp infinite new opportunities. One must clear the

screen of the past to receive new images on the tv."

"McDonald's has killed more Americans than highway accidents,

booze, Iraq, Afghanistan, and cigarettes put together."

"Has your mind attempted to deflect your heart?"

"Bucephalus was a more noble being than his rider."

"sour bitter fruit in time becomes sweet and soft,

so all serially killing hunters in time will become nonviolent."

"A former animal flesh lobbyist like Bolton doesn't have enough reverence for life to draft any peace resolution. He is an illustration of why the

British in the 19th Century kept butchers off of juries."

"What is premarg? It is an abbreviation of 2 Sanskrit words, prema

(love) and marga (path). All whether they realize it or not

are travelling premarg."

"Anandashakti is Sanskrit for the energy (shakti) born of joy (ananda)."

"For the same reason that British juries once disallowed

butchers believing the occupation was desensitizing, the bench

should disallow members of intelligence agencies because

of the lawbreaking and violent work."

"American media are propagandists and war pamphleteers

.. babybomber cheerleaders and arms profiteers."

"Capitalism is the religion of mammon, capital, the hoarding

of which is opposed to the teachings of God."

"No matter what the past has been, the future is perfect, powerful,

spotless, infinite."

"To focus on rockets and slingshots while the nuclear club

(US Israel UK France Russia China India Pakistan) bullies the world and dominates the racist and undemocratic UN Security Council is wrong."

"Anti-Semitic is a deceptive word frequently

flung at anyone who opposes

Israeli government aggression, including

Israeli peace activists who are labeled

' self hating Jews'. It is deceptive because

Arabs also are Semites."

"It is necessary sometimes to fill soldier coffins

in order to bloat war profiteer coffers."

"It was the socialists of Russia who more than any other nation

fought the Nazi regime. 27 million lives were laid down on

the altar of the defeat of Hitler."

"As fire drills train building residents to leave quickly

so a yogi is ever ready to slip from the glove of his body


"When a helicopter is shot down, the spirits of a war profiteer

go up."

"Shocking rods, knives, clubs, kicks, chain saws

are the last human tools slaughterhouse bound animals see.

You can eat flesh because you are more powerful, vocal and organized than the voiceless animals who can shriek but not verbalize.

You object to activists while you pay for hitmen at slaughterhouses.. hit men whose life expectancy is lower than others' because terrorized animals kick, and the feces they dump in terror cause slips and fractures.. their ecoli causes diseases...

the men get carpal tunnel in the cold... not even illegal Mexicans

work in slaughterhouses anymore.. now it's illegal Guatemalans

who are hired by Tyson's, Perdue, Smithfield, Cargill and other operations."

"We have government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.

God give every country now government of the people, by the people,

for all beings."

"A divine wind was made by the gentle to and fro of monarch butterfly wings."

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