30,000 baby chicks, males,
were run through a San Diego
factory farm chipper.. workers
were tired from strangling them.
Some use chicken as a synonym for coward.
Clear Channel Denver threw chickens out of 3rd story
windows.. and broadcast it.. to attempt to increase
Ward Egg Farm in San Diego had personnel tired
of strangling chickens.. so they sent 30,000 baby
chicks through a chipper.
In Kuwait, chickens were kept captive in cages
to be used like mine shaft canaries..
as sacrificial lambs.. or sacrificial chickens. Trapped
in their feathery fur coats in the desert heat, they
At Buckeye Egg Farm, near Newark Ohio in the wake of a tornado which destroyed
3 buildings, half the chickens went 9 days without food
or water, featherless, still alive, before they were
bulldozed alive into graves.
In Wisconsin, Iowa and other factory farm states, Feingold
Grassley Harkin and others want baby chick males
classified as 3rd class mail.. to remove the minimal
animal law protection they have.
In every factory farm, chickens spend 32 hours
in jail on average for each egg produced.
Fertilized chicken eggs cracked into skillets..
fill the pan with blood, claws, and beaks.
In many factory farms, the boy chicks are unncessary
and sent through eviscerators.. which are tubs
of swirling knives.
Chickens are kept often in 24 hour a day bright cold light..
their waste accumulates under factory farms.. filling
streams with ecoli and nicotinic insecticides
and other poisons.. causing record numbers of ear nose
and other infections. EPA workers have nearly drowned
.. falling neck deep into the waste.. only to be saved
by pipes overhead
Tyson's CEO's were declared nonguilty of importing
illegal immigrants to do the dangerous dirty
devil work of slaughtering their billions of chickens.
Michael R in Connecticut was assigned to strangle
chickens as a child.. and strangled 8 women as an adult.
In Newport News, a fast food outlet found that a little
girl chicken's head had become, entire, a McNugget.*
Chickens' flesh has uric acid in it, pre-urine.. trioxypurine..
more toxic than caffein, dioxypurine.. Such uric acid
crystallizes in needle shape jabbing joints, giving
the pain of arthritis.
Perhaps chicken like lamb.. means a sacrificial
animal sacrificed to human chauvinism, human cruelty.
Their cholesterol, 300 mg per egg, fills human arteries
with white sludge, causing heart attacks.
Their flesh, filled with leukosis, a human chauvinist
word for leukemia when a chicken has it, causes
leukemia to those who eat them.
Their stolen baby eggs take 120 gallons each in production.