Duke University

Duke University, with the largest non military

non CDC captive helpless primate population in the world

Bill Gates.. did you give 100 million to NIH for animal

abuse in exchange for a dropping of the Microsoft lawsuit?

Duke University Hospital.. parents of a brain damaged

  girl said the doctors would not have admitted they

  made a wrong blood type error.. were it not for

  international media attention

Parents said she would have been left to die.. were it

  not for the media

Duke.. developing vaccines..

like those which have killed 20,000 to 40,000 Desert Storm


like Merck's smallpox vaccine which according to the London Times, physicians, Dr David Heymann of the World Health

Organization interviewed on the CBC

and Dr Mbeki of S Africa... caused AIDS throughout Africa

Like smallpox vaccine in Israel which in opening the Pandora's

Box has caused a vaccine generated outbreak in that country

Like the 1972 statistic that 300 died of smallpox vaccine

and none of smallpox in the US.. a statistic which ended

smallpox vaccines in the US

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Captain Joyce Riley of
the USAF on lethal vaccines

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