A WTC Litany of Lies

Why was the US Air Force ordered to stand down

  and not intercept the 4 planes?

Why does the BBC say 7 of the 19 alleged hijackers

  have been found alive in Europe?

Why did Buzz Krongard coordinate 15 billion of airline put options for the A B Beard Bank in the week before the bombing..

why is he no. 3 man at the CIA?

Why did former German cabinet minister Von Buelow say

  WTC could not have happened the way the people of the US

  were told?

Why does the Russian Air Force chief agree with him?

Why did the CIA train Atta at a Lynchburg Virginia CIA airport?

Why did a Cruise Missile aim for the most civilian

concentrated area of the Pentagon

Why are there no pictures of a plane hitting the Pentagon?

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