NY Times and Likud Furriers Trespass Against Trees

In February of 2003 in The New York Times

with objectification reminding of past times

were 2 fur ads

animals who chewed off their paws to get out

of traps... mink anally electroded...

animals with their eyes pecked out by birds of prey

.. animals dying of thirst... for Saks 5th Avenue

Sack Saks

The news which carried the ads was printed on the paper

of felled sentient trees.. trespassed lethally...

smashed squirrels.. flightless

baby birds unable to leave their nests.. habitat destroyers

in the Sulzberger family..


liars.. when network tv said 1.5 million were in London

.. and aerial photographs confirmed this.. the Times

reporter said 300,000

abusers of women.. carrying soft porn in ads

and news

a paper which neglected to mention the 300 awaiting

arrest in police vans.. which censored coverage

of the massive antiwar demonstrations in NYC


Boycott the Times.. contact its sponsors..

save trees

Author's Notes/Comments: 


The steel jaws clamped and held him fast,
  None marked his fright, none heard his cries.
His struggles ceased; he lay at last
  With wide, uncomprehending eyes,
And watched the sky grown dark above
  And watched the sunset turn to grey,
And quaked in anguish while he strove
  To gnaw the prisoned leg away.
Then day came rosy from the east,
  But still the steel jaws kept their hold,
And no one watched the prisoned beast,
  But fear and hunger, thirst and cold.
Oppressed by pain his dread grew numb,
  Fright no more stirred his flagging breath.
He longed in vain to see him come
  The cruel hunter, bringing death.
Then through the gloom, that night came One
  Who set the timid spirit free;
�I know thine anguish, little son;
  So, once men held and tortured Me.�

   F F Van der Water

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