. Strom Thurmond.. elected as a Democrat.. switched to
Republicans http://www.naacp.org
. Jesse Helms.. elected as a Democrat.. switched to Republican http://www.nationalactionnet.org
. Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado.. said he was Democrat to be elected
and immediately switched to R
. Richard Shelby of Alabama.. said he was Democrat to be elected and
immediately switched to R
. Paul Wellstone (5 times as many Democrats as Republicans
die in mysterious plane crashes.. his death helped Republicans
gain control)
. Mel Carnahan (5 times as many Democrats as Republicans
die in mysterious plane crashes)
. Purina heir Jack Danforth's opponent in Missouri also died in
a mysterious plane crash as did Hale Boggs, Democrat,
in the south. Danforth went on to nominate Clarence Thomas
a Monsanto attorney to the Supreme Court where he cast
the decisive vote against democracy in the Gore race.
. Jack Warner's primary opponent in 1978 won and then died in a plane crash
. Charles Grassley of Iowa.. wants to classify chicks as 3rd class mail http://www.petitiononline.com/chick His allies are
Harkin and Feingold
. Trent Lott of Mississippi wants to stand in the way of federal
ban on cockfighting http://www.petitiononline.com/bekind
. Sam Brownback.. voice of Kansas cow killers
http://www.ivu.org http://www.mad-cow.org
. Murkowski (and Frist) http://www.hsus.org
. Stevens.. http://www.nofishing.net
. Daschle.. servant of abusers of livestock http://www.notmilk.com http://www.maddeer.org
. Harkin.. abuser of pigs and other mammals http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.pcrm.org
. Edwards.. silent about Smithfield murder in NC
. Christopher Bond.. servant of Purina, Monsanto, and
Anheuser Busch http://www.jimhightower.com
. John Cornyn.. elected with the money of Amarillo mammal abusers http://www.mcspotlight.org
. Senator Kerry.. servant of the 1.6 billion dollar
vivisection budget for Massachusetts.. making it the
center of lab torture of animals in the entire world.
. Bob Graham.. servant of Florida beef industry..
and therefore an animal abuser
. Jim Talent http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/votefraud.html
(beneficiary of the death of Mel Carnahan)
. Wayne Allard Strickland's opponent in Colorado who stole
the election with the help of Diebold voting machines
and Battelle programming of voting machines
. John Sununu, Shaheen's opponent in NH, behind several
points, said Zogby, 2 days before election
. Norm Coleman Mondale's opponent in Minnesota.. beneficiary of the death of Paul Wellstone...theft
accomlished with help of Diebold, Battelle
. Kay Hutchison.. Enron recipient.. peon of the oil industry
. Mike DeWine.. with a campaign chest full of petroplutocrat money http://www.michaelmoore.com
. Orrin Hatch: thief of democracy.. having moved men and women
directly from intelligence agencies to judgeships
. Frist.. heart surgeon who helped coordinate anti Lott
campaign in order to promote Lilly lethal vaccines
and to push 'tort reform' protections for meat industry
against cholesterol lawsuits etc.
. Arlen Specter.. author of the ridiculed single bullet theory
when a Warren Commission assassination coverup specialist
. They who manipulate the prolife vote and take stands
against partial birth abortion while at the same
time voting money to bomb the pregnant women of Iraq
include George Voinovich, Mike DeWine, Frist, Santorum,
Talent and of course in other chambers the Bushes, Scalia, etc.
. Lindsey Graham.. Help the NAACP boycott of SC http://www.naacp.org
. Chris Dodd.. servant of Wall St. and the insurance industry
. Corzine.. from the real rulers of the world.. Goldman Sachs
. Feingold.. without his vote John Ashcroft would not be AG
. John Breaux.. of Louisiana.. petroplutocrat pawn
. John Warner
. Pete Domenici
. Mitch McConnell
. Charles Santorum
. Hillary Radham Clinton http://www.indymedia.org
. John McCain .. it's time to apologize to Vietnamese
civilians working in a light bulb factory for bombing them
(Arizona has O'Connor and Rehnquist, 2 of the 5 thieves of democracy who stole
the 2000 election from the American people)
. George Voinovich
. Joseph Biden
. Carl Levin
. Joseph Lieberman
. Diane Feinstein
. Charles Schumer
and many other senators