It is time for William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and
Clearence Thomas to resign from the courts for
corruption in failure to recuse themselves in the Gore Bush
Thomas completed the Bush junta coup d'etat by voting
for Bush though his wife Ginnie worked with Lynne Cheney
at the Coors' funded Heritage Foundation.
Rehnquist's daughter is part of Jeb Bush's administration
and his complicity in allowing Enron and Merrill Lynch
to raid the Florida pension fund and other state and
nonstate pension funds of 40 billion.
Scalia had 2 sons.. one worked for Barry Richard and the
other for Ted Olson, attorneys for Bush in the Gore Bush case.
Justice Kennedy and O'Connor like Thomas Rehnquist and Scalia
have voted to murder American citizens in execution chambers.
Thank You Father Mother God for awakening in all judges
in all courts the knowledge that earth law bows to the
divine Law of Universal Love, that the Only Law is the Will
of God.
Thank You Father Mother God that You are either removing
these 5 justices from the court or conforming them
immediately to Your Will of Love, Peace, Nonviolence,
Economic Justice, Miracles.
The only work of God is Love
Amor Est Opus Dei