198 Thoughts of Anna Hridaaya:
"Every country has its blackhole...
its crimson blooded closet it likes to hide
from others."
"Many executioner judges seek refuge from their own consciences in
"Jesus said you cannot have 2 masters. To pledge allegiance to an illegal government is to have a 2nd master, a dirty filter between you and your conscience, between you and God."
"The birder purchased a murdered chicken's cadaver to attract
vultures, similar to those network programming directors
who deliberately pander to the lowest in humanity."
"The etymological source of the word vermin is a Latin word for worms. It evolved to the human chauvinist meaning of
rats as parasitical. War profiteers are vermin."
"Uric acid (pre urine in meat muscle cells) is a chisel .. it has written lines like a music scale in the brow of George.
Animal fat based cholesterol is a paint brush... it has
tinged his complexion rosy red.
Hormone laden animal flesh has given
him swelled breasts (gynecomastia)
Flesh consumption makes nonvegetarians 23 to 36 pounds heavier
than vegetarians, vegans or fruitarians.
Turkey consumption gives human necks
turkey wattles.
Lack of vitamin C makes people's skin hang."
"He peeled a cucumber and then quartered it.. into long slices..
made a pool of mustard... dipping the paintbrush cucumber
into the palate of gold on the plate."
"Since we are all one with God, we also on a soul level are omnipresent.. and exist way beyond
the astral force fields of our solar system."
"Those who work in hierarchical structures are more likely to obey
authority and to perceive authority as just than those who
are not attracted to pyramid structures of management."
"A divine compassion struck him
and he became verbal
about the rights of each mouse and gherbil
and the rights of trees and bushes
and all beings herbal."
"Karukul is the wrinkled fur of murdered or stillborn lambs."
"He was sickened by the smell of the cooking blood of the lamb.
He didn't like the thought of eating babies."
"It is not meant as an insult to pigs to say that when one
eats a lot of pig flesh one begins to look like a pig."
"In that election Michiganders
protected doves but not ganders."
"God bless you a million times said one and the other replied:
Why impose limits on His infinite blessing."
"What sweet little boys live inside every hardshell crab man."
"Just as cooking animal flesh creates carcinogens
methylcholanthrene and malanaldehyde after 300 degrees..so the microwave... with much higher tempartures... creates more carcinogens."
"Animal fat and protein grease are the main culprit in restaurant
fires. Animal fat and protein fires are the main culprit in
the body fire called cancer."
"Communists and socialists
include Jesus and all adherents to
spiritual systems which ask us
to love our neighbors as ourselves
Communism is economic democracy.
Capitalism is oligarchic plutocracy."
"Nominally Christian capitalists
liked to demonize anarchists
as violent antichrists."
"Cats censor phone calls by stepping on the disconnect button, change radio stations by strolling over the turndial
and edit computer text by walking across the keyboard."
"The goose he ate now pecks
at his liver
The pieces of the fish he suffocated
lie in his lungs blocking his breath
The pig he confined... now confines
his movement.. as uric acid crystals
block his joints
The cow he bludgeoned on her head
.. had fat which now clogs his brain
The chicken he choked.. had bones
which caught in his throat. Time to break the cycle."
"You God can provide infinite varieties of manna now for all refiguees, all
the hojeless, all the hungry. `````."
"For those without possession, cleaning, movement,
organization, focus on priorities are many times easier."
"For those without possessions, cleaning, movement,
organization, focus on priorities are many times easier."
"Children are taught to murder animals at 4H, county fairs,
biology classes, science fairs, and in churches which obscure
the life and teachings of Jesus."
"In pedophile rings around the world
are boys below the age of 10 dying
of AIDS... gasping for each breath."
"Scylla and Charybdis: A Minnesota Health Dept spokesperson
said giving undercooked meat to a child was a form of child
endangering equivalent to driving with him in the car at 90
mph, while a Seventh Day Adventist MD said that cooking meat
over 300 to 350 degrees forms carcinogens malonaldehyde and
"It is worse to be a pedocidal maniac, bombing children, or
advocating their bombing, than to be a pedophile."
"Spanking is a form of violence. Children who are spanked, slapped or beaten are more likely to be violent as adults
since they must hide their rage until they are more powerful."
"Paul helped murder Christians. Peter after called away from
suffocating fishes, lied about knowing Jesus,
deserted him. If Christ took these men as the ones to whom
He would bequeath the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, He will
give the same to any who ask."
"The extension of Christianity into politics is the various
forms of socialism. Economic democracy and total freedom are
often in conflict, but with prayer, God's will can be ascertained."
"A curtsy is a sign of class slavery. Padnamaskar is a sign
of acknowledgment of divinity."
"By the word commitment,
mental health activists describe the victims of shrinkocracy,
the deliberately single think of slavery,
and the disciplined of the path ahead."
"When trees and other plants are thirsty, they cannot cry for help
nor can they move to water. They are utterly dependent
on human beings, because God has allowed human beings to
turn ancient forests into desert through greed and ignorance3."
"The young men leave in shiny uniforms with martial music
and marching bands, clapped on by cheering crowds. They return
without eyes, in wheelchairs, in coffins."
"The drug cartel dominated World Health Organization has promoted panic re false pandemics."
"The soldiers of the poor in coffins lie
for war profiteers' coffers.. they did die."
"Nobel gave money to worm abuser Craig Mello
who to the small and powerless has not been mellow."
"Many buy their jade carcass 'Christmas trees' with needle dropping fire hazards.. from commercial outlets.. but there are also those who go into public or private woods with their axes to plunder
in minutes what God has green grown over decades."
"Is not it somewhat offputting
to ponder the source for 'blood pudding'?"
"Masters are as detached about death as an actor on stage
watching another actor exit. They know that infinite joy, love
and power lie in the eternity beyond the curtain."
"As the emptiest dwellings are the easiest to clean,
the souls most free of desire transmit the most light."
"As all snowflakes return to the sea, all souls return to
the saving God."
"Some are nonchalant. Others are chalant."
"Oliver North in the White House sabotaged the rescue helicopters sent in to rescue hostages by President Jimmy Carter.
This was not a Trojan horse operation but Trojan nuts and bolts sabotage by Oliver North and Bush."
"Coats brush against each other hanging in a crowded closet.
Those whose sexual encounters are as casual and detached
as this spread Aids, syphilis, gonorrhea, crabs, and other
sexually transmitted diseases to many and are a public health
"As the victims of Jonestown were programmed to line up
and drink poison they thought was Kool Aid, so pharmaceutically
dominated regimes and the World Health Organization line up
sheepish people to take lethal socalled flu shots."
"With widespread Republican owned 'voting machine' company fraud,
it is time to offer an unsecret ballot option to those Americans
who wish it. Voters should be able to post our choices on an internet site and perhaps to notarize this at a local board of elections."
"Infinite is the variety of vote fraudsters.
A unified One is the way of the Sun."
"Foes are cocreators for their attacks on our theses bring
forth new syntheses."
"Thank you, foe, for releasing adrenalin the father of energy in me.. as wands release water from rocks."
"Gasoline nozzles look like guns. Oil cartels are holding up
the world."
"Gold daisies grow round crumbling grey stone
pillars. Jade green vines mausoleum columns climb.
Silently they say that eternal souls leave dissolving form."
"Declined his focus on the scatological
as he meditated on the eschatological."
"I found myself, under a stellium of transiting sagittarian planets,
being willing to read but not wanting to listen to news..
my ears being more spiritual than my eyes?"
"The element of fire, and the constellations sagittarius
and aries, do not want to be identified with warriors or hunters,
those who snuff the lives of other beings."
"Fish cannot scream."
"The karma for removing the breath of fish
is to experience problems of breath. God's mercy
is available to those who stop eating fishes."
"Trees can't scream
Fish can't scream
Stroke victims can't scream
Debarked Summa dogs can't scream
in the laboratory."
"Let be the salmon, bass and marlin
and be all the fishes' darlin."
"Because she loved good health and ethics, Susie
avoided the decaying corpses such as meat and sushi."
"Every egg is
32 hours of imprisonment in a tiny cage for a chicken, 300 mg of cholesterol, 120 gallons of production water."
"Vegetarianism is an easy transition when you have a lot of delicious
alternative foods in your home."
"Soldiers are being fed expired food, in both senses.
They are being fed food in which the time stamp has expired.
They are also being fed carcasses of animals who expired
in slaughterhouses."
"Those who like to cook and those who like an immaculate
kitchen are not necessarily the same."
"Those whose hands and heart hold onto old resentments are not
free to grasp infinite new opportunities. One must clear the
screen of the past to receive new images on the tv."
"They untie the Christmas wreaths and set the pine cones free
that they can now ignite into jade forests of fir trees."
"Carnivores temporarily get away with their crimes because animals are voiceless and helpless... like children are to a pedophile."
"The lottery
kills a lot o trees."
"Unlike God gardener control freaks
demand order.
Weedwhackers chop
each trusting green tendril
in gutted borders."
"The heart of the lion is the British people's lair."
"Every macadamia, almond, or walnut grove
is an unheralded treasure trove."
"The laws of some countries say God cannot be brought into
courtrooms, libraries. God is omnipresent. God is already there."
"McDonald's has killed more Americans than highway accidents,
booze, Iraq, Afghanistan, and cigarettes put together."
"When a chicken has leukemia, industry obscurers call it leukosis..
but it's cancer just the same and can be transmitted to those who eat chickens."
"Has your mind attempted to deflect your heart?"
"History is often written by the pawns of military abusers."
"Those who have barred room at the inn or a berth on Noah's Ark
should avoid lecturing to the homeless."
"Bucephalus was a more noble being than his rider."
"Not parental humiliation but Spirit creates humility."
"sour bitter fruit in time becomes sweet and soft,
so all serially killing hunters in time will become nonviolent."
"God give boys, teens, and young men who don't want to hunt
the courage to resist and the grace to reach their older friends."
"It is said that a stitch in time saves 9. Sometimes God allows
a small injury to a hunter to deflect him from a life of
serially killing mammals and birds."
"More millions daily say that it is grisly
to kill bears kodiak or polar, brown or grizzly."
"One problem of open air markets in which the drawn and quartered
animal parts hang from the kind of meat hooks Hitler employed
to torture his enemies...is that flies lay eggs in the flesh..
.. these eggs become maggots..not everyone reverences the
lives of baby flies. And because the flies are coprophagous
or wasteeaters, one does not know what diseases are being
transmitted by the flies to the decaying flesh."
"A former animal flesh lobbyist like Bolton doesn't have enough reverence for life to draft any peace resolution. He is an illustration of why the
British in the 19th Century kept butchers off of juries."
"In the bulldozer ruts, butterflies sip. All works for good."
"Only those programmed as robots stop at traffic lights in
the desert with no traffic or dwellings in sight."
"When a governor, prosecutor, judge, policeman kills a killer, he becomes a killer."
"Saddam Hussein was hanged by a lynch mob appointed by a kangaroo court created by regime pawns of professional haters
and war profiteers. The American junta which murdered him
had neither an elected president nor elected 'high' justices."
"Honeybees and monarch butterflies
.. ants, ladybugs and glowing fireflies
thank you for buying nospray organic
... for hearing their mufflied cries."
"To pleasure seekers welcome is
the croquet wicket
But to the small and vulnerable
cricket the croquet ball is wicked."
"What is premarg? It is an abbreviation of 2 Sanskrit words, prema
(love) and marga (path). All whether they realize it or not
are travelling premarg."
"Anandashakti is Sanskrit for the energy (shakti) born of joy (ananda)."
"For the same reason that British juries once disallowed
butchers believing the occupation was desensitizing, the bench
should disallow members of intelligence agencies because
of the lawbreaking and violent work."
"As long as there is an unelected Supreme Court peopled by serial killers of prisoners, rubber stampers for war profiteers, ratifiers of election thefts, and insider traders for slaughterhouse invested
'mutual funds', there can be no fair trial at the 'highest'
levels of the US judicial system."
"A more compassionate world is coming
in which none will cause the forfeit
of a pig's or calf's or lamb's four feet."
"Those vegans who do not drink alcohol or smoke satisfy
many of the dietary restrictions of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Adventists, etc."
"When owls die, the CDC calls it 'west nile virus'
.. when it's avian spongiform encephalopathy
or Mad Owl..
from parts of other animals
in the bowels
of the owls."
"Some in the 'pro life' movement attempt to cheapen the word
'life' by defining it very narrowly to include only a tiny
sliver of living beings.. fetuses. Many antiabortionists
are not opposed to genocidal slaughterhouses with their shrieking
agony, to prison executions with their many poor, black
and innocent victims, to supporting wars in which their taxes
pay for fire to rain in bombs on children."
"Never become enmired in a single
land war in Asia said General Douglas MacArthur.
And Bush replied: That's ok.. we're not involved in a single war...
but two."
"Since Arabs are Semites, is it not antiSemitic to bomb the babies of Lebanon?"
"An illegal arrest is a kidnapping."
"The number of hunters among young men has declined by one third
as the new generation knows that killing animals is not proof of manhood but the opposite.
"I stood in Cairo, Illinois witnessing
the mystical marriage of the Mississippi to the Missouri.."
"Polygamous renegade Mormons and sheiks think that as a table
has 4 to 12 or more chairs, it is fitting for them to
enslave several women to one man."
"American media are propagandists and war pamphleteers
.. babybomber cheerleaders and arms profiteers."
"What do the meditater and nonviolent archer share?
"As the body gets older, it is more difficult for the soul
to write on the brain, as if it were a sailor trying to write
upon water."
"What do chickenhawk warjocks
and serial killers have in common?
They are nearly always white males doing acts of violence
and the majority of their victims are women."
"To say that eating meat is alright in moderation is to say that
killing 4 year old children is allowed in moderation."
"Capitalism is the religion of mammon, capital, the hoarding
of which is opposed to the teachings of God."
"What is homicidal pedophilia?... the love of the flesh
of slaughtered children.. lambs, cows, and other innocents."
"Slaughterhouse workers, fast food chains, agribusiness are
the hitmen who do the bloody work for which service the purchaser of animal flesh pays."
"If trees had no feelings
or bird and squirrel residents
it would still be wrong to
ax the spines
of cherry, oak and pines."
"No matter what the past has been, the future is perfect, powerful,
spotless, infinite."
"Dick Francis said 'you can't keep mountain mist in a cage'.
However some mystical souls voluntarily remain in a cage for
"The most effort, the most energy, the most constant
striving is need for slaughterhouse food systems. The easiest
system, in which God's Light does the work, are fruitarian
systems. One puts a grape or peach or mango seed in the ground
and God adds the rain, the sun, Mother Earth, and time."
"Cut class not grass."
"Those who love animals
wear no fur or fake fur.
Those who love trees
buy live or fake firs."
"To buy a Christmas tree is treeson."
"Governments make midnight the newborn... but the sun
makes dawn the baby day."
"From a great inkwell, dark liquid of night into the skybowl
did downwell."
"The difference between the stable in which Jesus was born in an
animal trough called a manger.. and the Amish barns... is that Jesus prevented animal slaughter and the Amish cause it."
"The Dukhobors left Russia
and went to Canada with their
universal Tolstoyan nonviolence.
The Anabaptists (later the Amish)
went to the US
from Germany and left
Jesus' vegetarianism behind."
"Martin Luther and Henry the Eighth democratized Europe
by fighting the Catholic church hierarchy and distributing
church lands, but today Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Catholics
have all been negatively influenced by their leaders'
involvment in military violence and unwillingness to follow
the pacifism of Jesus Christ."
"To focus on rockets and slingshots while the nuclear club
(US Israel UK France Russia China India Pakistan) bullies the world and dominates the racist and undemocratic UN Security Council is wrong."
"What are those who say their desires over the 'wishbones'
of turkeys called? Witch doctors using the bones of animal
"The Latin but not Sanskrit educated members of the intelligence
services like to quote
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
If you desire peace, prepare for war when in actuality
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet pacem is accurate:
If you desire peace, prepare for peace. For just as apples
come from apple seeds, peace comes from seeds of peace."
"What consumer activists term as the 'least expensive' prices,
Wall Street calls 'weakest'."
"As potted plants in too much water rot while others die of thirst,
so wealth concentrated in hoarding hands harms both the holder
with excess and those who lack by negligence."
"Pay not for the peapies Pa serves on the Po."
"The BBC is still using ludicrous antedeluvian classist
titles like Sir, a title which with a few genuine entertainers as exceptions is awarded to war profiteers, animal killers, oil polluters, and megathieves."
"Anti-Semitic is a deceptive word frequently
flung at anyone who opposes
Israeli government aggression, including
Israeli peace activists who are labeled
' self hating Jews'. It is deceptive because
Arabs also are Semites."
"From London to Kowloon there are ever moguls and tycoons
who profiteer from monsoons, from hurricanes and typhoons."
"Is it blasphemy to say grace over the decomposing carcass of a murdered bird? Can this be compared to the sun breaking
gold as counterpoint over a battle scene of red?"
"The God Who's
protected kittens
by clothing their paws
in fur mittens.
Has with
love for all life
His love comes
to you.......unbidden."
"they wait for your eggs
little chicken in the cage
jailed 1 day for each."
"It is necessary sometimes to fill soldier coffins
in order to bloat war profiteer coffers."
"Giving hundreds of billions of dollars to war profiteers
to bomb Iraq and Afghanistan and then hundreds of billions more
to other corporations to rebuild the bombed areas with
shoddy construction is crazy."
"Animals are viewed legally as property by human chauvinists
as were slaves in the US before the Civil War
and as women still are regarded in many countries. Yet the law
requires that these 'properties' be fed and watered and sheltered."
"A woman or man who advertises her or his body on the internet can be compared
to a flower losing petals while aggressively waving at passersby."
"It's lower than Oedipal
to consider animals edible.
Cadaver slices under
microscopes yield sights incredible."
"The racist Woodrow Wilson, president of a racist school, Princetonn, disparaged what he called hyphenated Americans."
"Is it racist to say better fight them over there than here?
Does it imply that God loves your own country more than another?"
"Above autumn's bright and brilliant palate
rose a more delicate and pastel rainbow."
"Missionaries have been the advance guard of the military who have been the advance guard for capitalist exploiters of
native resources."
"In every lemonwood grove
is a free fruit treasure trove."
"The compassionate give no more thought to their sacrifice
for others than does a stream flowing downhill."
"Drive respectfully for it
is not the caboose
which hits the moose."
"One cannot box or confine the sea.. nor can one box or fight
with the sea... or other symbols of God's infinity."
"National identity, race, religion, age, gender, economic status
.. are they barriers or bridges to the oneness of all?"
"those established in peace
are as uncentered by others
as the ocean by a stick thrown
into the seas."
"Several sex stars have metamorphosed into animalprotecting saints."
"To listen to God the pryaer is silent.
But the kingfisher thief is quiet
to cause the fish an agonized riot."
"One of my New Year goals is not to criticize anyone.. Should I succeed my conversation will be rather limited."
"The greatest sinners can become the greatest saints in turning
around and using great gifts for good."
"When the sky turns from violet to umber
angels rouse us from our slumber."
"Smoke is harmful whether it comes from a polluting factory's
smokestacks, from a smoker's lung, or in benzopyrene form
from a barbecue pit."
"It was the socialists of Russia who more than any other nation
fought the Nazi regime. 27 million lives were laid down on
the altar of the defeat of Hitler."
"US generals looked the other way during the Vietnam War
as the entire country of S Vietnam was turned into a child
prostitution ring. Everywhere nations' militaries go,
families at home are shattered while STD's such as AIDS,
fatal syphilis, gonorrhea, crabs etc. abound from
promiscuity, heterosexual and homosexual."
"Court gag orders are a violation of freedom of speech, as are
many laws passed by an illegitimate congress, an unelected
court 2 of whose members were nominated by an unelected coup d'etat
White House."
"Reckless speed kills birds on the Autobahn.
Birds were killed and stuffed by the artist Audubon.
Trillions of birds have had their wings cut off,
while forever choked is their warbling song."
"As fire drills train building residents to leave quickly
so a yogi is ever ready to slip from the glove of his body
"A six year old exposed to the idea of not eating animals
is immediately soul-enkindled. It's not how many books or files
one has, how many articles one has written, but how many
souls have had their torches enflamed, how many animals
have ceased to suffer and be slaughtered. It's Spirit that Matters."
"Lions sleep for 3 days after gorging
themselves on their kill. Similarly
Western flesheaters
choose vegetarian cherpas to carry
their luggage uphill in the Himalayas
so that they can plant their puny little
flags on Mt Everest
like throwing a twig into
the sea of ever-rest."
"The greater the carried burden, the stronger becomes the body
of the carrier."
"When a helicopter is shot down, the spirits of a war profiteer
go up."
"All earthly experience is maya, illusion. Yet God encourages
the people of all paths to regard the suffering of others not as illusion but real.. and to work to end it."
"When time's red brush paints the skins of people of any race..
is it animal fat (cholesterol)... alcohol.... the side effects
of many multinational companies' drugs.. is it rosacia..?
Sometimes it is simply the kiss of the Sun."
"God is like the Sun
He sheds His rays on Everyone."
"To the heliotropic plant the rays of
the sun are blessing sceptres.
The same rays are evil swords
think Dracula and his spectres.
The rays of truth are despised
in slaughterhouse invested vectors.
The same gracefilled rays
to truth lovers are sweet nectar."
"The Republicans don't deserve the noble intelligent elephant
as a symbol. Their symbol should be a dirty dollar bill being
swept down a storm drain."
"When children 'make mistakes' with
their different angles of vision
they open new doors
in adults' minds."
"The Amish have a tradition of using old technology.
They avoid the stun guns, electric shocking rods,
and conveyor belts of illegal alien staffed slaughterhouses
and instead choose axes and knives to murder the mammals and
birds they raise to kill and eat."
"What is the difference between snakecharmers and snakehandlers?
The difference between love or control."
"It is more difficult for virgos to throw things away,
because they see the consciousness of matter, the divinity
of objects."
"Every day for millions, Time screws up our 'to do' lists."
"God end now travelers' travail
as billions more take
to rolling train rails."
"Peach treesdissent in having
impeach.. which means to put a peach
seed an inch or 2 below the soil
for germination .. or to preserve the
freely given thousand pounds of peaches
in glass bottles etc....
refer to the removal of regime
leaders. Nevertheless peach trees
too support the removal of the illegal
regime operatives."
"While profiteers in secret castles
to weapons marry gold
outside glow the ever peaceful
"The concept of 'expert witness'
has allowed drug company vivisectors,
war profiteers and others to
have mammon-amplified voices."
"Some pro-war Americans were upset, alleging that Hugo Chavez
had insulted the President of the U.S. But I heard no ridicule
of John Kerry or Al Gore."
"Government and corporate lawyers jump up like so many Jacks
in the Box to shout 'objection objection' to silence the voice
of truth in a courtroom. Likewise do their moles in internet
"Shocking rods, knives, clubs, kicks, chain saws
are the last human tools slaughterhouse bound animals see.
You can eat flesh because you are more powerful, vocal and organized than the voiceless animals who can shriek but not verbalize.
You object to activists while you pay for hitmen at slaughterhouses.. hit men whose life expectancy is lower than others' because terrorized animals kick, and the feces they dump in terror cause slips and fractures.. their ecoli causes diseases...
the men get carpal tunnel in the cold... not even illegal Mexicans
work in slaughterhouses anymore.. now it's illegal Guatemalans
who are hired by Tyson's, Perdue, Smithfield, Cargill and other operations."
"In a prison a stare can be an aggressive dare
while it can be at a dance.. lovers' mutual first glance."
"The bomber pilot was shot down into the hell he had helped
create. His parachute caught fire from the flames raging
on the ground. He saw children screaming, elders weeping,
and suffering everywhere."
"We have government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.
God give every country now government of the people, by the people,
for all beings."
"Vultures swoop to corpses.
Megathieves to loot.
Water flows to the depths.
Birds flock to the fruit.
Ambitious to the heights
Plants grow toward the light.
The mind is pulled by art.
Love is drawn by pure hearts."
"Each average sized tree evaporates 40 gallons of moisture
into the atmosphere daily.. wrote reseacher Bayard Webster.
This evaporation becomes mist then clouds and then rain.
The best way to end deserts is to plant trees by the trillions
and irrigate them in areas of no rainfall."
"A divine wind was made by the gentle to and fro of monarch butterfly wings."
"One jade laced fir tree stood surrounded by downtown concrete,
victor over mammon's might."
"What kind of curse is on
desires filled by wishing
on the bones of murdered birds?"
"Working for someone else is slavery, a form of timewhoring,
in which others' priorities not your own take precedence."
"Monday morning is when most heart
attacks occur.. as people are going to jobs they hate. Friday
afternoon at 4:30 pm is when most traffic accidents occur.
So monday morning heart attacks and friday afternoon accidents
bracket a week of slavery to absurdly overpaid bosses. Solution:
become your own boss and do the work of your heart."
"To oppose the abortion of fetuses
while approving the execution of
adults is to value the sapling
more than the centenarian oak."
"The bumper sticker reads Never eat anything with a face. But
never eat any being that moves."