forgiveness for most of us is a long slow process..
journaling helps...
people drink because they are in pain.. and drinking stops it for
a while
If someone has an addiction problem offering to go
to a 12 step or support group with him or her helps
their souls they sold
long ago to gold
but only contracts
are legal
which are made with God
The 10 firms which have been indicted for
their part in stealing trillions from pension
funds and individual investors
are Merrill Lynch, J P Morgan,
Citigroup (works with Salomon Brothers)
Goldman Sachs (owner of Burger King) Lehman Brothers, Stearns,
Bear, Morgan Stanley, UBS Warburg
Worst Communications:
Worst Fast Food Animal Butchers
McDonald's Burger King Wendy's
Worst Pharmaceuticals
Merck, Bioport, Battelle, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Monsanto, Glaxo
Smith Kline, Bristol Myers Squibb
Worst Tree Butchers:
Georgia Pacific
NPR Watch II
August 6
Dyncorp Profiteers Given Free Commercial by NPR
by Sathya Spreads Saturday, Aug. 06, 2005 at 12:11 PM
Dyncorp selling arms to all sides in the Sudan, Bosnian pedophile ring, Justice Dept email contract
Today Scott Simon of Weekend Saturday interviewed a Dyncorp employee
as to the status of the war in Iraq. Dyncorp like CACI, Titan,
Blackwater Security etc. is a private mercenary firm
correlated to violence and high per diem contracts
(Some mercenary firms have negotiated $2000
a day for their employees.)
1 Dyncorp is selling arms to all sides in the Sudanese conflict
2. Dyncorp has the contract
for all Justice Dept email (whether arranged through
Chertoff or not is not known)... perhaps connecting
to its paramilitary mercenaries right from the 'halls of justice'
3. Dyncorp and the US regime
want several hundred
million to continue destroying with poisonous herbicide
the rainforest of Colombia
a to block competitor cocaine
b. to make it easier for Occidental to rape the green
c. to expand its tentacles
d . to give airborn poison spraying contracts to Dyncorp
4 Dyncorp hired for 'post Iraqi police force'
5 Virginia based Dyncorp had a similar contract
in the Balkans where individual Dyncorp employees were involved in a pedophile ring, were involved in sex crimes,
'owning' underage women, raping young teen girls in Bosnia
Dyncorp employees were never prosecuted
though video tape was available
One woman sued in England and was upheld.
100 military women have reported sexual crimes such
as rape. Susan Upchurch of Paragould Arkansas
was told not to file. Subsequently her attacker was
moved into her barracks. 3/4 of women in military raped
do not report, being discouraged to do so by superiors.
Like Dyncorp, Lockheed, world's largest armsmonger
and war profiteer (
is selling arms to both sides in a conflict. Most recently,
Lockheed has decided to sell F16's to Pakistan,
many decades foe of India.
. WCPN of Cleveland finally opened the phones
on August 5 to Iraq discussion. The vote
was 12 to 2 against the war until host Janet
Babbin said twice that she wanted to hear
from more prowar callers, and took 2 of them.
1. why would Muslims bomb an area of London with 14 mosques?
2. why would the alleged bombers purchase round trip subway
3. why did AP run a story that Netanyahu received advance
warning. If so, why wasn't the subway system shut down
4. why did the Mossad chief say the explosives were made
in China
5. was the protest of 250,000 in Glen Eagles shut down
by the bombing?
6. did Blair get further input for a national security card, one
83% of Brits opposed?
7. Obmar's post.. photo has been doctored
8. poster was immediately shut down by Internet
Explorer when clicking on that link
NPR's Renee Montagne immediately hypothesized the IRA
was involved and was reprimanded. NPR, National Pentagon
Radio, chose tightly to control the news by interviewing
a Rand warprofiteer pawn named Hoffman, a CIA author,
and a minority MP (rather than an antiwar MP)
As part of the disinformation campaign NPR is giving
an "Al Qaeda site of a new name".
Cherchez le money... Is this the response of war profiteers to
250,000 gathered to protest the E8?... explosions
are more often caused by those who benefit
from investments in war.
The board consists of seventeen directors, ten of whom are managers of NPR member stations and are elected to the board by their fellow member stations. The seven remaining directors include the president of NPR, the chairman of the NPR Foundation, and five prominent members of the public selected by the board and confirmed by NPR member stations.
NPR Member Station Managers
Cephas Bowles
General Manager, WBGO-FM
Tim Eby
Chairman of the Board, NPR; Radio Manager, The WOSU Stations
Rob Gordon
President & General Manager, WPLN
Bruce Haines
General Manager, Northeast Indiana Public Radio
Scott Hanley
Director/General Manager, WDUQ
Michael Lazar
President and General Manager, Capital Public Radio, Inc.
Ellen Rocco
Station Manager, North Country Public Radio
John Stark
General Manager, KNAU
JoAnn Urofsky
Vice-Chair of the Board, NPR; General Manager, WUSF Public Broadcasting
Mark Vogelzang
President and General Manager, Vermont Public Radio
President of NPR
Kevin Klose
President & CEO
Chair of the NPR Foundation
John A Herrmann, Jr.
Chair, NPR Foundation; Managing Director, J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc.
Public Members of the Board
Carol Cartwright
President, Kent State University
Judith Winston
Principal, Winston Withers & Associates, LLC
Howard H. Stevenson
Sarofim-Rock Professor of Business Administration at Harvard University
Lyle Logan
Senior Vice President, Personal Financial Services
The NPR Board of Directors will meet in open session on Friday, May 6, 2005 beginning at approximately 10:00 am (Eastern) adjourning at 12:00 noon. NPR Committees will meet on Thursday, May 5, 2005 from 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
You may listen to the Friday, May 6th Open Session (10:00 am � 12:00 pm Eastern):
1000 - 1159+
Pid#: 05-000-00321
Freq: A68.1 Mono
Board of Directors
635 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
McDonald's is introducing a vegetarian burger in Canada
as it has in Europe... but still has not responded to
those who wish to eat healthy food, ethical food,
and environmental food in the US... please ask NPR
and McDonald's to treat Americans as well as they treat
Canadians and Europeans,,,,, etc.
NPR Watch II
Once a decentralized college radio network full of news from
Pacifica, peace, environment and other sources, NPR was
taken over.
Renee Montagne.. obediently asking whatever questions
she's told to ask.. promoting the GOP bias..
Richard Knox: NPR pharmaceutical reporter... promotes
vaccines, and the products of Merck, Pfizer, Eli Lilly and other
vivisectors (researchers on captive animals)
Will Short: NPR and NY Times puzzle 'master'... often lards
his NPR quizzes with animal flesh questions... how many
millions of trees squirrels and birds have been sacrificed for
the NY Times deforesting puzzle
Michael Sullivan: continued the disinformation campaign
against President John Kerry with biased coverage of Vietnam
this week
Linda Wertheimer.. promoting recipes for eating the coprophagous (sh*teating animals).. pushing pork
which violates most religions
Steve Inskeep.. of the Temple of War Propaganda
an innkeeper...
Diane Rehm Show..
literally the devil's advocate
.. Diane bravely tries to question the parade of Heritage
Foundation, CIA, Weekly Standard, AEI, Time Warner and other
warmongers she is forced to share the mike with
All: employees of former USIA propagandist.. now head
of the occupied NPR: Kevin Klose
"A former editor, and national and foreign correspondent with The Washington Post, Klose is an award-winning author and international broadcasting executive. Prior to joining NPR in December 1998, Klose served successively as director of U.S. international broadcasting, overseeing the United States Government's global radio and television news services (1997-98); and president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), broadcasting to Central Europe and the former Soviet Union (1994-97)." Klose was trained in how to manage and distort
the news
WNYC, KPBS, WHYY, WCPN, WGBH, WKSU MPR, PRI, .. virtually no
NPR affiliates are opening the airwaves to discussion on
the BuSharon Iraq war
Max Hastings' Lies
Max Hastings author of a WW2 book
lied on NPR saying that most German
women were raped by Russian soldiers at the end of WW2
the host asked if that was an exaggeration.. he said 'no'
National Pentagon Radio
Promotion of Animal Cruelty
Most would believe that NPR's 200 million dollars in McDonald's
stock would affect the way the network covers that corporation.
However what is more subtle is that the stock ownership
affects how NPR covers Ann Veneman, head of Unicef, former
head of the USDA, before that a student of Richard Lyng
of the American Meat Institute...
.. how NPR covers John Bolton, former meat lobbyist
.. how NPR covers Mad Cow muzzling in the US..
ecoli and salmonella .. and general questions of health.
NPR promoted horse racing cruelty today through
its sports commentator.
In the only horse race to which this poster was dragged
the first race showed a young horse her broken foreleg
hanging by 1 tiny muscle.
Horses die in stable fires.. kept in captivity
They are made pincushions by those who want profits
They live lonely lives.. sold from 1 owner to another
NPR's sponsors include Cargill (slaughterhouse ownership),
Walmart, and Merck (bioterror manufacturer since the
time of George Merck and his connections to the DOD)
Walmart suffocates and neglects untold hundreds of
thousands of fishes.
NPR lies about kidnapee 'suicide bombers'
NPR this morning and the NY Times within the last month
have lied about the phenomenon that 'suicide bombers' are
found handcuffed or tied to steering wheels of explosive
laden cars.
The cover story devised by "Radio Free Europe" former employee Kevin Klose directed NPR is that
this is done voluntarily so that they won't lose their nerve.
In actuality, Israeli soldiers under cover of the US military
have been entering Iraq, have been kidnapping resistance
fighters, and have been handcuffing them to cars.
Today is the 35th anniversary of the murder of 4 antiwar
protesting students at Kent State University in Ohio.
WKSU is no longer controlled by the students, but by
warmonger corporations acting through a 'foundation'.
Today the radio station gave short shrift to the annual
observances.. and as usual mentioned events already
past rather than those occurring today.
Kent has become a primate abuse school.
Cleveland Clinic Promotes Bad Hearts
Today WCPN, Cleveland "Public" Radio.. had on a 'nutritionist'
from the Cleveland Clinic who promoted flesh foods
and foods stolen from animals (dairy).
The Cleveland Clinic has a building named after George Crile
who bragged he stole a neighbor's cat who kept him awake..
and the following morning cut him in the lab.
The Cleveland Clinic has rid itself of McDonald's..
yet its 'nutritionist' is promoting high cholesterol foods
over the airwaves... more business for the Clinic's pricegouging
heart surgeons?
Wall Street Journal
The deforesting Wall St. Journal.. responsible for billions or
trillions of trees' deaths in its history...
ran a front page story this week on the need to kill trees to save
the forest.. akin to the reasoning that in order
to save humanity there must be murders.
The WSJ also promoted the brutality of horseracing
and flesh restaurants this week.
Time Warner
Time Warner (CNN) blew hot air into the Google
bubble... invested 25 million and sold this week for
over 900 million
Time Warner: warmonger
Google: warmonger
Give Others The Best
Sumner Redstone advertises
flesh on CBS
but himself tries to eat
soy and vegetables
Michael Eisner advertises
flesh on Disney
but himself has employed
a vegan chef
AOL Promotes War
AOL which maintains a connection to Time Warner
has lost a half million customers in the first quarter of this
year. AOL frequently bumps peace posters off line
Linda Wertheimer Promotes Coprophagy
Linda Wertheimer and her bosses at Weekend Edition
were violating Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian
(those Christians aware of Jesus' dietary commands)
beliefs in promoting pig flesh, shrimp, and bass consumption
Shrimp are coprophagous (sh*teaters). Because of this
they are the number two (yes pun intended) cause
of hepatitis after dirty needles.
Boozemonger mouthpieces forced on listeners
Coors, the warmongering brewery, has funded
the Heritage Foundation, which again today as often
is given airtime by the Diane Rehm and other shows
with which to promote war profiteers' agendas
Diane Rehm producers even list the Heritage Foundation's
links on their webpages.
NPR Reports Falsehood that Regime is Democracy
Don Gonyea is better than average at NPR.
But he is promoting the idea that the current regime
in the US is a democracy.
1. It does not elect 9 justices whose court was created
by white male slaveholders (1 or 2 pedophiles)
in the 18th century. These justices can wage war against
the will of the people, murder prisoners against popular
feeling, negate the vast majority as they promote violence
and greed, violate the Geneva Convention, hide prisoners
from the ICRC, etc.
2. The US Senate is not 1 person 1 vote.. Wyoming and
other cattle states have as much as 60 times the power
per person of California.
3. The people's votes did not count in the elections of 2000,
2002 or 2004 as Republican owned computer companies
manipulated numbers behind locked doors and gave
us an unelected president twice.. as well as at least 4
unelected senators.
4. Corporate and private money donated to campaigns
makes the American govt. a plutocracy rather than a democracy.
5. Media access to airwaves kidnapped by war profiteers
makes meaningful debate a joke.
6. War profiteers such as Bechtel, Battelle, Lockheed, GE,
Senator Feinstein's husband's URS cancel democracy
7. Assassinations of politicians and threats to politicians
In the 2002 election, 2 Democratic Senate candidates
were perhaps murdered in plane crashes. Why are
Democrat politicians killed in plane crashes 4 times more
than Republican?
8. Granting a corporation the legal status of an individual
is a further erosion of people power.
9. The regime allows the revolving door of government jobs
and then lobbying jobs.
10. The secret government bureaucracies of NSA, CIA,
army intelligence, naval intelligence, FBI etc. have grown
mammoth with at least 95 unelected government agencies
making arrests, employing swat teams etc.
It is time for an elected Supreme Court, each justice having
an 18 year term, 1 justice elected every year or 2.
More Recipes From Hell
More recipes from hell on Sunday's Weekend Sunday
... recipes full of blood and guts, cholesterol and ecoli,
prions and trioxypurine, antibiotics and hormones.
Recipes from heaven:
on the show The World promoted decadent
'dishes' such as 'snail porridge'.
Judith Miller, Times henhawk
The NY Times' public editor (ombudsman) has apologized
for the many warmonger articles of Judith Miller which were
given front page placement in the days before the Iraq war.
"Editors seem to grow epaulets" he said.
It is found that the number of anonymous sources in the paper was down 24 percent, but the percentage of stories citing unnamed sources barely slipped, from 51 percent to 47 percent.
The Times
. is a major deforester
. promotes war
. promotes corporations which do harm.. (e.g. a whitewash
about Walmart this week)
. promotes fur
. promotes pornography
. has a racist policy toward models
For more balanced coverage read internet editions
of newspapers in Mexico City, Paris, Toronto
Censorship occurs as a matter of policy on Talk of the Nation,
Science Friday, and other NPR talk shows. Screeners
eliminate those who promote peace and populism.
After 2 years of repressing news on the local
talk show about Iraq, WCPN today had
henhawk Elizabeth Sullivan of the Plain
Dealer, (a member of the editorial board which
endorsed the unelected Bush, has promoted violence
in Iraq, and through its policies has made Cleveland
the poorest big city in the nation), a former US ambassador to
Bahrain (where George Bush Jr was given
drilling rights because of his contacts with oil entrepreneur
George Bush Sr) and a chickenhawk on to
discuss Iraq.,
WCPN does not allow peace callers to ask
questions more than 1 1 minute call per month,
but the bankers, war profiteers, vivisectors
and pharmaceutical reps on the WCPN
board see to it that the regime's position has
all the air time it wants.
Dave Pignanelli, news director, will be leaving WCPN
for WKSU, where student interaction with their
own radio station has been suppressed almost
Update: In August 2005, WKSU's Cleveland reporter
(embedded with warmonger NBC Cleveland)
gave credit to unionbuster Rep La Tourette for
the Pentagon's paycheck office remaining in Cleveland.
In actuality it was Reps Kucinich, Brown and Jones
who brought that about.
Will Short's question for the day: ' a much admired man'
for which the answer was 'patriot'
as the NY Times uses even puzzle makers to promote
the illegal and violent war...
WKSU: NPR affiliate.. did not think in doing a story about
a website's criticism of Akron's mayor that the website
should be mentioned
NPR's The World, a joint production of the BBC, WGBH,
and NPR, again promoted Gourmet magazine, a decadent magazine whose
editor promoted raw veal (veal is one of the most universally
boycotted flesh foods), sausage, liver, chicken in 2 minutes..
Please Educate Inskeep
Please educate Steve Inskeep... that Iraqis are not
'the enemy'.. except to war profiteers or those consumed
with theocratic hatred
The Anglican Mob
The Diane Rehm Show had another set of authors
attacking the Italian Mafia (some of whom are millionaires)
.. the publishers of the book are backed by the Anglican Mob
... not millionaires but billionaires. Another attack on Frank
Sinatra. For many decades, the Mafia have been the favorite
'bad guys' of screenwriters and tv writers.
There are cartels in many countries...
the Anglican Mob, (British beef, Glaxo and other British
pharmaceuticals, British university primate abusers, British
war profiteers, British intelligence waging war against Iraqis etc.) the Catholic Mafia (Catholics .. many Jesuit educated.. in the CIA and NSA) , the Mormon Mafia (Mormons Catholics and Jews are
the most represented religions in the NSA CIA in percentage of
population ), the Russian Mafia, the Likud Mafia,
the Jamaican Mafia etc.
It's time to stop picking on the Italians, who have produced
the fruitarian DaVinci, the vegetarian Francesco D'Assisi,
and 2 million people in the streets demanding an end
to American wars and American executions.
Is this the reason behind the publication of yet another
Cosa Nostra book?
(this post is not a defense of prostitution, acts of violence..
but simply an attempt to expose the big sharks who
are attacking little fish)
WCUW Worcester
WCUW Public Radio 91.3 FM in Worcester
a better than average 'public' radio affiliate...
several years ago they suggested wrapping fish
in their newspaper
... a suffocated fish shroud wrapped in dead trees
Miami WMUB
Miami's WMUB.. one of many 'public' radio affiliates which
carried the promotion of a life of a bounty hunter
WCPN Cleveland
WCPN Fails To Bring Up Walmart Issues
WCPN today carried an hour discussion on whether or not
Walmart should be allowed into Cleveland.
However not once in the hour did Janet Babbin, who
praised Walmart at the end of the show for 'philanthropy' mention any but 2 of the following items:
. the glass ceilings for women (1.6 million women suing the co.)
. the union busting record of Walmart which rivals that of fast food chains (* recently the only unionized
Walmart in Canada was shut down by the company)
. the slavery class action lawsuits... as many have sued the corporation for LOCKING IN its midnight shift warehouse employees http://www.walmar****
. the importation of 36 or more billion dollars in Chinese goods yearly WALMART IS THE CHIEF SINGLE FACTOR IN BALANCE OF TRADE DEFICIT
. the requirement that its suppliers also open factories
in China (in many cases shutting them down in US)
. the promotion by prominent placement of animal products in stores
. the universally decried treatment of fishes, kept in tiny
plastic bags... untold tens of thousands are smashed,
suffocated or die of disease
. the destruction of wetlands and of hundreds of thousands of acres of woods and other acreage in the multiplication of ugliness.
. the role of Diebold installed governors like Ehrlich of Maryland in defying the will of the people who wish to require Walmart to pay its way
. the Medicare and food stamp cost to communities because Walmart employees live near the poverty line
. the 17 billion each 5 of Sam Walton's children received as inheritance... money stolen from America's and the world's poor
. the disappearance of Main St in small towns in America
. the hiring of illegal aliens through 3rd parties
(Walmart arranged a show stacked with its supporters)
(Robert Reich , Likud advocate, sold out the workers of America recently attacking the populist communities which are
successfully fighting the chain everywhere.. as Secretary of Labor he did nothing to stop the
Posted by sb11 on 05-23-2005 04:12 PM:
Minnesota Public Radio
Dear Garrison Kiellor,
Thank you for your public support of John Kerry and for
making millions laugh with your gentle voice and humorous
Please do not refer to cows as 'head'. "Head", the objectivist
term, refers only to groups of Republicans herding
at convention time, driven by sheep dog pawns of capital
Posted by sb11 on 05-23-2005 04:13 PM:
Diebold, one of the architects of the election theft by Bush
is a frequently mentioned sponsor of WKSU, as is First
Energy, nation's number 1 air polluter.
Posted by sb11 on 05-23-2005 04:29 PM:
Product Placement
In film reviews, in the puzzle master show,
and in regular news, NPR, National Pentagon Radio,
promoted the movie Star Wars
Posted by sb11 on 05-24-2005 12:19 AM:
NPR's Marketplace did an informative piece on hedge fund
fraud, a book exposing which is called ICARUS IN THE BOARDROOM as well as a review of ALL MARKETERS ARE LIARS
SEC reform is called for, said the show.
Posted by sb11 on 05-24-2005 05:28 PM:
Richard Knox mentioned some of the dangers in the statin
drugs today, dangers such as muscle damage and kidney
dysfunction, but failed to mention the liver damage, or
the alternatives to statins... such as vegan diet.. which
eliminate cholesterol not through dangerous medication
but through healthy living
Eric, NPR reporter from Baghdad, implied that most American
soldiers want more fighting and more 'kills'. The opposite
is true.
Posted by sb11 on 05-24-2005 05:58 PM:
NPR continues to interview Andrew Kohut of Pugh Research,
who was head of the warmonger number manipulater
Gallup before joining Pugh.
September 18, 2004
The danger of the Gallup poll
By now the explanation for the Gallup poll's massive pro-Bush slant is clear -- they overpoll republicans. Why? The Gallup boss is a big GOP donor.
Harmless, you say? -- Maybe not, if Dems get discouraged and don't vote. Jess suggests a more sinister purpose: camouflaging the e-theft of the election. Managing public opinion as to the legitimacy of the winner was big in 2000 -- remember the Thanksgiving stuffing, the late overseas ballots Lieberman allowed to be counted which put Bush ahead of Gore and so created a fact-basis for that annoying Sore Loserman bumpersticker. So what happens if this time Kerry is known to be ahead 5 points nationally, but -- mirabile dictu -- Bush pulls off a big one (due to Diebold & ESS, natch)? Well, who knows. Certainly it will be a lot easier to get away with it if a Bush "victory" already seemed inevitable.
Even worse, it puts big pressure on Kerry to win nationwide by a big margin. If the election is close, pro-Kerry, no doubt the rethugs will challenge all the way down. Watch out for a "dems stealing the election" trope under these circumstances -- made much stickier if antecedent nationwide polls show a Bush "victory" to be inevitable. -- Benj
Update: don't forget:
Nevada, another state that will make near-universal use of touch-screen voting in November, purchased machines manufactured by Sequoia that produce a paper record - a move that received high marks earlier this month from the Free Congress Foundation, a conservative group in Washington. "Without an actual paper ballot, we are then left with only the computer's word for the election results," the group said in a news release accompanying its informal "Election Preparedness Scorecard" three weeks ago.
The group gave grades of F to several states - including Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and Tennessee - based on their degree of reliance on paperless electronic voting. Florida, whose results will almost certainly receive intense scrutiny, received an F-plus, while Georgia was given an F-minus. New Mexico, a swing state that will rely heavily on touch-screen voting on Nov. 2, received a D-minus.
As for security concerns, Mr. Miller said that vendors submit their source code - the underlying instructions for the machines' software - for independent inspection, to uncover any hidden programming and to ensure that the machines calculate properly.
Critics, however, point out that the labs inspecting the software are typically paid by the vendors themselves, and that they somehow failed to uncover the flaws discovered by Mr. Wertheimer, Professor Rubin, and election officials in Ohio, Maryland and elsewhere.
While it is too late in the game to make it possible to produce a paper record for each vote on every machine already deployed, Mr. Miller said that vendors would be willing to include that feature in the future if the market demanded it. Most of the major vendors have models that can supply a printed record, but in most cases, Mr. Miller said, election officials have not required it.
The market???
We bow to your divine power
to change this situation for the better. Only God has enough data to assign value to any action. Only God, indweller of all beings' hearts, controls the karmic lords and can erase all debt, give all mercy. We pray that those this post mentions, as well as the listmembers, poster, and readers, are aligned to Your LoveWill in every thought word and deed, and that universal nonviolence for all beings prevails now and forever everywhere.
Posted by sb11 on 05-24-2005 09:48 PM:
Thank You
Thank you to NPR for reporting that children
in foster homes have been made AIDS drug test victims
and for reporting that the state of California spends
16 million a year in AIDS drugs for prisoners
(as the pharmcartels continue to siphon money from the US)
Posted by sb11 on 05-25-2005 04:25 PM:
NPR's Morning Edition promoted fishing this morning.
Old soul children, sensitive, empathic.. do not find
the suffocation of helpless creatures.. the hooking of them
in the gills or eyes, their floppping around in the boat
.. to be relaxing.
Cleveland Amory, former
editor of Parade Magazine, author of The Proper Bostonians,
editor of the Harvard Crimson before he realized the universal
primate mammal and other living being abuse at Harvard, said
the dropping of lobsters alive into boiling water is one of
the 3 most cruel deaths humans impose on animals for their
Posted by sb11 on 05-26-2005 07:16 PM:
Fruit Of Illegal War
NPR covered the opening of the new oil line from the Caspian
Sea to the Mediterranean.. without mentioning it was
owned in large part by British Petroleum, whose parent
company Anglo Iranian Oil set the boundaries for the province
carved out of Iraq with the most oil (Kuwait) and has been involved in 6 invasions of Iraq since 1920..
Posted by sb11 on 05-26-2005 08:25 PM:
NPR has done several beer promotions, with product
placement mentions for Anheuser Busch and Miller.
Anheuser and Coors are very big GOP contributors
Annual and New Year's Day Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities -- United States, 1982-1990
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death in the United States for all age groups from 1 through 34 years (1), and almost half of these fatalities are alcohol-related (2,3); an estimated 40% of all persons may be involved in an alcohol-related traffic crash sometime during their lives (3). During holiday periods, the incidence of traffic fatalities and of alcohol-related traffic fatalities (ARTFs) tends to be higher than during nonholiday periods (4,5). This report summarizes data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Fatal Accident Reporting System on trends in ARTFs in the United States from 1982 through 1990 both annually and for January 1 of each year. * In addition, a quarterly table (pages 838-9 of this issue) presents data on alcohol involvement in fatal motor-vehicle crashes in the United States for October-December 1990.
Because many crashes related to New Year's Eve activities are recorded on January 1 rather than December 31, data for January 1 were used to assess changes in ARTFs associated with New Year's Eve. During 1975-1985, when fatalities on national holidays were compared with fatalities on adjacent days, New Year's Day had the greatest relative increase in traffic fatalities (64%) compared with all other holidays (4).
A fatal traffic crash is considered alcohol-related by NHTSA if either a driver or nonoccupant (e.g., a pedestrian) had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) greater than or equal to 0.01 g/dL in a police-reported traffic crash. NHTSA defines a BAC greater than or equal to 0.01 g/dL but less than 0.10 g/dL as indicating a low level of alcohol and a BAC greater than or equal to 0.10 g/dL (the legal level of intoxication in most states) as indicating intoxication. Because BAC levels are not available for all persons involved in fatal crashes, NHTSA estimates the number of ARTFs based on a discriminant analysis of information from all cases for which driver or nonoccupant BAC data are available (6). In this report, "alcohol-involved" refers to crashes ** or drivers with a BAC greater than or equal to 0.01 g/dL. Data on alcohol-involved drivers refer only to drivers involved in fatal crashes.
** NHTSA assigns vehicle crashes a BAC level that represents the highest BAC level of anyone involved in the crash.
From 1982 through 1990, the estimated percentage of ARTFs decreased both annually and for January 1 (Table 1). The estimated percentage of total ARTFs declined 13% (from 57.3% in 1982 to 49.6% in 1990), an average annual decline of approximately 2%; the estimated percentage of ARTFs occurring on January 1 decreased 26% (from 83.5% in 1982 to 62.0% in 1990), an average annual decrease of 4%. The estimated percentage of alcohol-involved drivers in fatal crashes decreased 17% (from 38.9% in 1982 to 32.2% in 1990), an average annual decline of 2%; however, for January 1, the estimated percentage of alcohol-involved drivers decreased 37% (from 63.3% in 1982 to 39.7% in 1990), an average annual decline of 6% (Table 2).
From 1982 through 1990, compared with the expected daily average for each year, the overrepresentation of ARTFs and alcohol-involved drivers in fatal crashes on January 1 declined (Table 3). For example, on January 1, 1982, the number of ARTFs and the number of alcohol-involved drivers exceeded the expected daily average for the year by 126% and 135%, respectively. In comparison, on January 1, 1990, the number of ARTFs and alcohol-involved drivers were overrepresented by 34% and 33%, respectively. However, the average daily number of fatalities differs by day of the week; the highest average daily number of fatalities occurs on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays (4). Therefore, the declining trend in alcohol involvement for January 1, 1982 (a Friday), compared with January 1, 1990 (a Monday), may reflect, in part, differences by day of the week (in general, fewer fatalities are expected on Mondays than on Fridays). Nonetheless, when data are compared for years when January 1 occurred on the same day of the week (e.g., 1982 versus 1988 (both Fridays) and 1984 versus 1989 (both Sundays)), a downward trend in alcohol involvement on January 1 persisted. Reported by: ME Vegega, PhD, Office of Alcohol and State Programs, Traffic Safety Programs; TM Klein, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, Research and Development, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Unintentional Injury Section, Epidemiology Br, Div of Injury Control, National Center for Environmental Health and Injury Control, CDC.
Editorial Note
Editorial Note: The findings in this report indicate that the number of ARTFs and alcohol-involved drivers in fatal crashes in the United States has decreased since 1982. Despite this trend, alcohol-involved driving remains a critical and preventable public health problem (7): during 1990 more than 22,000 persons died in alcohol-related traffic crashes in the United States, and an estimated 19,000 drivers had been drinking at the time of the crash.
One national health objective for the year 2000 is to reduce deaths caused by alcohol-related traffic crashes to no more than 8.5 per 100,000 persons (8). Preliminary data indicate that deaths caused by alcohol-related traffic crashes have declined from the 1987 baseline of 9.8 per 100,000 persons (8) to 8.9 per 100,000 persons in 1990 (NHTSA, unpublished data). Efforts by federal, state, and local governments and nongovernment organizations are helping to achieve this objective. For example, although New Year's Eve is traditionally a time of increased celebration and travel, from 1982 through 1990, the reduction in the estimated percentage of ARTFs was greater for January 1 than throughout the year (26% versus 13%, respectively). Similarly, the reduction in the estimated percentage of alcohol-involved drivers in fatal crashes was greater for January 1 than throughout the year (37% versus 17%, respectively).
Factors that may have contributed to the reduction in ARTFs on January 1 include general deterrence efforts (e.g., legislation and increased enforcement of existing laws), publicity about drinking and driving, and increased emphasis on the use of designated nondrinking drivers and alternative transportation (e.g., taxis). NHTSA program efforts for continued reductions in ARTFs and alcohol-involved driving include 1) supporting activities that result in the prompt suspension of licenses of persons who drive while intoxicated; 2) supporting expanded use of sobriety checkpoints; and 3) developing enforcement policies to reduce alcohol-involved driving among youth (9). In addition, NHTSA and CDC are collaborating to educate the public about alcohol-involved driving (9-11).
NCHS. Health, United States, 1988. Washington DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, CDC, 1989; DHHS publication no. (PHS)89-1232.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Fatal Accident Reporting System--1989: a review of information on fatal traffic crashes in the United States in 1989. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1989; publication no. DOT-HS-807-693.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drunk driving facts. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1991.
Arnold R, Cerrelli EC. Holiday effect on traffic fatalities. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1987; report no. DOT-HS-807-115.
CDC. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities during holidays--United States, 1988. MMWR 1989;38:861-3.
Klein TM. A method for estimating posterior BAC distributions for persons involved in fatal traffic accidents. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1986; report no. DOT-HS-807-094.
Office of the Surgeon General. Surgeon General's Workshop on Drunk Driving: Proceedings. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1989.
Public Health Service. Healthy people 2000: national health promotion and disease prevention objectives--full report, with commentary. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1991; DHHS publication no. (PHS)91-50212.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Highway safety: priority plan--moving America into the 21st century. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1991.
CDC. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities among youth and young adults--United States, 1982-1989. MMWR 1991;40:178-9,185-7.
CDC. Safety-belt use among drivers involved in alcohol-related fatal motor-vehicle crashes--United States, 1982-1989. MMWR 1991;40:397-400.
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Posted by sb11 on 05-27-2005 06:00 PM:
Not A Journalist's Interview
Juan Williams of Fox and NPR (an unusual arrangement)
interviewed Condoleezza Rice on a plane. He asked her
not a single critical question.
Ms Rice (Doctor is an educationally chauvinist title.. Sir
is a financially or militarily chauvinist title in most cases)
was going from the plane to work out with the Stanford football
team, according to NPR.
Posted by Zen on 05-27-2005 06:11 PM:
Re: Not A Journalist's Interview
Originally posted by sb11
Juan Williams of Fox and NPR (an unusual arrangement)
interviewed Condoleezza Rice on a plane. He asked her
not a single critical question.
Ms Rice (Doctor is an educationally chauvinist title.. Sir
is a financially or militarily chauvinist title in most cases)
was going from the plane to work out with the Stanford football
team, according to NPR.
'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood.'
UN Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, Article 1
Posted by Strelnikov on 05-27-2005 06:48 PM:
Well that's it.
I'm eating extra tasty animal flesh tonight after listening to NPR. I'm thinking a couple if nice, marbled ribeyes with an ancho/cumin/oregano/garlic/chipotle rub, with some corn on the cob.
And Sunday I'm going to eat a fat veal chop - you know, the kind from those calves that they raise in their own diarrhea in those little boxes...mmmmmm so tender and juicy, with a tarragon-lemon sauce and some creme fraiche mashed potatoes on the side. Oh baby.
Posted by sb11 on 05-27-2005 10:42 PM:
Careful Strel...
remember that choking on flesh is the 6th major cause
of accidental death
that gynecomastia is male breast development from
eating female hormone saturated cow and pig flesh
that 97% of all food poisoning fatalities are animal product
related (everything from anaphylactic shock to trichinosis
and toxoplasmosis)
God give you the path of compassion rather than of
Thank you to NPR for a story on rising numbers of suicides among American soldiers in Iraq.
NPR broadcast a heartbreaking story of a black soldier
who had hoped to be the first black colonel in the South Carolina
(where Bush ran racist and false ads against John McCain)
Highway Patrol before he shot himself
Posted by sb11 on 05-27-2005 10:51 PM:
The US regime has stopped sharing weapons technology
with Sharon's regime .. after repeated sales of such technology
by Sharon's network to China
Posted by sb11 on 05-28-2005 03:58 PM:
Where Are The Teachers of Peace on NPR?
Scott Simon and Weekend Edition
today did yet another attack on Russia
.... another piece idealizing
soldiers and ignoring the peace
and yet another 'gourmet'
segment, promoting the corpse
pieces of 5 kinds of animals
Posted by sb11 on 05-28-2005 08:32 PM:
NPR's Publishing Connections?
how do Daniel Pinkwater and John Feinstein
arrange weekly interviews to promote their books
how does Cokie Roberts get forced on people weekly
with her war promotions
Posted by sb11 on 05-28-2005 08:34 PM:
Thank you Frank Deford
Thank you to Frank Deford for joining the millions
calling for an end to racist and insulting team names
or symbols.. such as Wahoo, a bigtoothed freak
used to characterize Native Americans by the
Cleveland Indians' management
Posted by sb11 on 05-31-2005 06:51 PM:
Carnivores Attract Mosquitoes
(NPR reported yesterday that the acetate byproduct of
human consumption of animal fat is one attraction for
mosquitoes.. the following report indicates that
carnivores have more likelihood of being bitten)
(posting does not indicate an endorsement of vivisection)
Are You a Mosquito Magnet?
Experts try to crack the code behind why mosquitoes like some humans more than others.
By Elizabeth Heubeck, M.A.
You're (outside) and the mosquitoes have already begun their feast -- on you. As you swat madly at the pests, you notice other folks seem completely unfazed. Could it be that mosquitoes prefer dining on some humans over others? This may clear up the mystery.
It's true. Mosquitoes do exhibit blood-sucking preferences, say the experts. "One in 10 people are highly attractive to mosquitoes," reports Jerry Butler, PhD, professor emeritus at the University of Florida. Incidentally, it's not dinner they're sucking out of you.
Who Mosquitoes Like Best
While researchers have yet to pinpoint what mosquitoes consider an ideal hunk of human flesh, the hunt is on. "There's a tremendous amount of research being conducted on what compounds and odors people exude that might be attractive to mosquitoes," says Joe Conlon, PhD, technical advisor to the American Mosquito Control Association. With 400 different compounds to examine, it's an extremely laborious process. "Researchers are just beginning to scratch the surface," he says.
Scientists do know that genetics account for a whopping 85% of our susceptibility to mosquito bites. They've also identified certain elements of our body chemistry that, when found in excess on the skin's surface, make mosquitoes swarm closer.
"People with high concentrations of steroids or cholesterol on their skin surface attract mosquitoes," Butler tells WebMD. That doesn't necessarily mean that mosquitoes prey on people with higher overall levels of cholesterol, Butler explains. They simply may be more efficient at processing cholesterol, the byproducts of which remain on the skin's surface.
Mosquitoes also target people who produce excess amounts of certain acids, such as uric acid, explains entomologist John Edman, PhD, spokesman for the Entomological Society of America. These substances can trigger the mosquitoes' olfactory sensations, or sense of smell, causing them to launch their "landing" onto unsuspecting victims.
(Uric acid.. trioxypurine.. is found in animal flesh...
it is stronger than dioxypurine.. caffein. Uric acid is the preurine
in animals' muscles.. which would have been excreted had
they not been butchered.)
But the process of attraction begins long before the landing. Mosquitoes can smell their dinner from an impressive distance of up to 50 kilometers, explains Edman. This doesn't bode well for people who emit large quantities of carbon dioxide.
"Any type of carbon dioxide is attractive, even over a long distance," Conlon says. Larger people tend to give off more carbon dioxide, which is why mosquitoes typically prefer munching on adults to small children. Pregnant women are also at increased risk, as they produce a greater-than-normal amount of exhaled carbon dioxide. Movement and heat also attract mosquitoes.
So if you want to avoid an onslaught of mosquito bites at your next outdoor gathering, stake out a chaise lounge rather than a spot on the volleyball team. Here's why. As you run around the volleyball court, the mosquitoes sense your movement and head toward you. When you pant from exertion, the smell of carbon dioxide from your heavy breathing draws them closer. So does the lactic acid pouring from your sweat glands. And then -- gotcha.
Where Mosquitoes Lurk
Even if your body chemistry doesn't attract mosquitoes, where you're located might.
Some of the worst mosquito populations exist along coastal areas, Conlon tells WebMD. And being several miles inland does not guarantee your safety from the pests. "They'll fly 40 miles for a meal," Conlon says.
While any water source is potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes, they much prefer stagnant water. So if you crave a mosquito-free water oasis on your property, forego the backyard pond and seek out a babbling brook instead.
"Even in a desert area, mosquito biting tends to be intense around a water source," Conlon says.
Can you find respite high in the mountains? Don't count on it. Although they're generally not active below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, mosquitoes have been sighted in the Himalayan Mountains, Conlon tells WebMD.
How about cold climates in places such as Alaska? You're safe for most of the year. But, says Conlon, mosquitoes flock there for a brief, three-week period between July and August. "The Arctic National Refuge is one big bog," Conlon explains, making the mosquito population there second only to that in the Florida Everglades.
With a long track record -- mosquitoes have been around for 170 million years -- and more than 175 known species in the U.S., these shrewd summertime pests clearly aren't going to disappear any time soon. But you can minimize their impact.
Keeping the Bite at Bay -- Chemical-Based Repellants
Plenty of mosquito repellants line the shelves of drug stores and supermarkets each summer, but they're not all created equally.
The majority of available mosquito repellants derive their effectiveness from chemicals. Protecting the public from mosquitoes since 1957, DEET continues to be the chemical of choice used in repellants. In repeated studies, it's been proven the most effective chemical repellant on the market. Repellants with 23.8% DEET (most formulas contain between 10% and 30%) protect wearers for about five hours, according to a recent study led by Mark Fradin, PhD, researcher with Chapel Hill Dermatology. The American Academy of Pediatrics and other experts suggest that it is safe to apply repellent with low concentrations of DEET (10% or less) to infants over 2 months old.
Oil of lemon eucalyptus, also called p-mentane 3,8-diol, or PMD, is already available in a number of sprays and lotions. The CDC says mosquito repellents containing oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under age 3.
Alternative Repellants (NPR mentioned oil of eucalyptus)
"Of the products we tested, the soybean oil-based repellant was able to protect from mosquito bites for about 1.5 hours," Fradin reports. He and fellow researchers found other oils -- citronella, cedar, peppermint, lemongrass, and geranium -- provide short-lived protection at best. Oil-of-eucalyptus products, however, may offer longer-lasting protection, preliminary studies show.
SOURCES: Jerry Butler, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Florida. Joe Conlon, PhD, technical advisor, American Mosquito Control Association. John Edman, PhD, Entomological Society of America; and Center for Vector-Borne Disease Research, University of California-Davis. Mark Fradin, PhD, Chapel Hill Dermatology, North Carolina. Environmental Protection Agency web site. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health web site.
Posted by sb11 on 06-01-2005 12:42 AM:
Thank You For Ghost Net Story
Thank you to NPR for covering ghost nets today.
The Washington Times is one of many
responsible for ghost net. Sun Yung Moon, founder with the CIA of the Times,
owned some of the longest fishing nets in the world..
now they can be found wrapped like nooses in the flesh of
seals and dolphins... woven slaughterhouses catching
turtles, octopi and every other kind of animal.
Legislation is called for to have fishing nets made out
of biodegradable material, not nylon.
Posted by sb11 on 06-01-2005 05:50 PM:
Negligent Reporting On Pfiesteria
NPR failed to mention today
that the pfiesteria in the Duxbury area of Massachusetts
and throughout the Atlantic from Florida all the way north
is multiplied by factory farms' dumping of trillions of gallons
of unprocessed sewage from DeCoster in Maine,
Smithfield in Va and NC, Perdue in Maryland etc.
In Duxbury, pigfarms' pfiesteria
In Michigan 360,000 lbs of pigpiece
sausage recalled with listeria
And inside all this human caused hysteria
.. indwells God mysterious
in every ant and wisteria
Posted by sb11 on 06-01-2005 05:53 PM:
NPR lines up behind deep throat lies
"The Washington Post has confirmed today" said
Steve Inskeep of NPR, as if the lying paper which orchestrated
with the CIA
the overthrow of Nixon in order to attempt to install Rockefeller
could be trusted to report who was Deep Throat. Poster
agrees with John Dean... that Felt was not in the White
House. It was Kissinger who was in the White House..
stabbing Nixon behind the scenes. The AP as well
is mongering lies.
By Greg Sandoval
2:39 p.m. May 31, 2005
SANTA ROSA � The Washington Post said Tuesday that a former FBI official, W. Mark Felt, was the confidential source known as "Deep Throat" who provided the newspaper information that led to President Nixon's impeachment investigation and eventual resignation.
The paper made its announcement on its Web site after Felt, 91 and living in California, talked to a lawyer who wrote a magazine article for Vanity Fair.
"The No. 2 guy from the FBI, that was a pretty good source," said Ben Bradlee, who had been the key editor at the Post in the Watergate era.
Felt rose through the ranks to become FBI's No. 2, and 'Deep Throat'
The scandal that brought down a president
Timeline of the Watergate scandal
A former FBI official claims he was "Deep Throat," the long-anonymous source who leaked secrets about President Nixon's Watergate coverup to The Washington Post.
"I knew the paper was on the right track" in its investigative stories, Bradlee said, citing the "quality of the source."
Felt, the second-in-command at the FBI in the early 1970s, kept his secret even from his family for almost three decades before confiding he was Post reporter Bob Woodward's source on the Watergate scandal, according to a Vanity Fair article published Tuesday.
"I'm the guy they used to call Deep Throat," he was quoted as telling lawyer John D. O'Connor, author of the magazine article.
Felt, who lives in Santa Rosa, is said to be in poor mental and physical health because of a stroke. His family did not immediately make him available for comment, asking the news media to respect his privacy "in view of his age and health."
Woodward, fellow reporter Carl Bernstein, and Bradlee, their former boss at the Post, had long maintained they would never go public with the identity of Deep Throat until after his death.
Felt's family members said the account was true.
"The family believes that my grandfather, Mark Felt Sr., is a great American hero who went well above and beyond the call of duty at much risk to himself to save his country from a horrible injustice," a family statement read by grandson Nick Jones said. "We all sincerely hope the country will see him this way as well."
The existence of Deep Throat, nicknamed for an X-rated movie of the early 1970s, was revealed in Woodward and Bernstein's best-selling book "All the President's Men."
A hit movie starring Robert Redford as Woodward, Dustin Hoffman as Bernstein and Hal Holbrook as Deep Throat was made in 1976. In the film, Holbrook's shadowy, cigarette-smoking character would meet Redford in dark parking garages and provide clues about the scandal.
Associated Press
Nick Jones, 23, grandson of W. Mark Felt, speaks to the reporters outside the family residence in Santa Rosa.
The movie portrayed the cloak-and-dagger methods that Woodward and Deep Throat were said to have employed. When Woodward wanted a meeting, he would position an empty flowerpot containing a red flag on his apartment balcony. When Deep Throat wanted to meet, the hands of a clock would appear written inside Woodward's New York Times.
The identity of the source has sparked endless speculation over the last three decades. Nixon chief of staff Alexander Haig, White House press aide Diane Sawyer, White House counsel John Dean and speechwriter Pat Buchanan were among those mentioned as possibilities.
Felt himself was mentioned several times over the years as a candidate for Deep Throat, but he regularly denied that he was the source.
"I would have done better," Felt told The Hartford Courant in 1999. "I would have been more effective. Deep Throat didn't exactly bring the White House crashing down, did he?"
Felt had expressed reservations in the past about revealing his identity, and about whether his actions were appropriate for an FBI man, his grandson said.
According to the article, Felt once told his son, Mark Jr., that he did not believe being Deep Throat "was anything to be proud of. ... You (should) not leak information to anyone."
His family members thought otherwise, and persuaded him to talk about his role in the Watergate scandal, saying he deserves to receive accolades before his death. His daughter, Joan, argued that he could "make enough money to pay some bills, like the debt I've run up for the children's education."
"As he recently told my mother, 'I guess people used to think Deep Throat was a criminal, but now they think he's a hero'," Jones said.
Woodward, who had visited with Felt as recently as 1999, refused to confirm or deny, even to the man's family, that Felt was his source, and wondered whether Felt was mentally competent to decide whether to go public after all these years, the magazine reported.
Woodward and Bernstein were the first reporters to link the Nixon White House and the June 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington's Watergate complex.
Nixon, facing almost-certain impeachment for helping to cover up the break-in, resigned in August 1974. Forty government officials and members of Nixon's re-election committee were convicted on felony charges.
In 2003, Woodward and Bernstein reached an agreement to keep their Watergate papers at the University of Texas at Austin. At the time, the pair said documents naming Deep Throat would be kept secure at an undisclosed location in Washington until the source's death.
Felt was convicted in the 1970s for authorizing illegal break-ins at homes of people associated with the radical Weather Underground. He was pardoned by President Reagan in 1981.
Posted by sb11 on 06-01-2005 05:55 PM:
NPR Forcefeeds Audience Geese Yet Another Holocaust Story
2 More AIPAC generated news stories on NPR today
... yet another of the endless WW2 holocaust books
on Diane Rehm... yet another of the endless films and plays
promoted on All Things Considered. Another forcefeeding
of audience geese by sadistic pate makers at NPR.
Meanwhile the National Pentagon Radio of NPR
ignores current holocausts by CACI, Titan, Blackwater Security,
SAS, the Seals, the CIA, Delta Force etc.
Posted by sb11 on 06-01-2005 05:58 PM:
The Taliban don't bomb mosques... and those
who do... (American military and Likud).. are aided in
their lies by unquestioning reporting of disinformation by
NPR's Afghan 'correspondent'.
Posted by sb11 on 06-02-2005 05:13 PM:
NPR Promotes FBI Violations
NPR used Ted Kaczynski the unabomber... as a justification
for FBI violations of privacy with the Patriot Act.
Ted Kacynski has killed a lot fewer people (1 or 2) than the FBI
Property destruction and money theft motivate the FBI
a lot more than human rights do
Posted by sb11 on 06-02-2005 05:18 PM:
NY Times henhawk
The NY Times especially its WMD reporter Judith Miller, relied far too heavily on hawks within the Bush administration, INC officials � notably the group's president Ahmed Chalabi � and "defectors" as its sources. (Miller has been hawkish
before and during the war in Iraq)
Posted by sb11 on 06-02-2005 05:20 PM:
Promotion Of Capital Punishment
NPR rarely covers executions in the US..
but is happy to give graphic details of gruesome murders
in order to promote the regime's state murder by the courts
.. and by the regime itself
this happened again today in a book review about a death row prisoner
Posted by sb11 on 06-02-2005 05:32 PM:
Adam Davidson of NPR was talking down the Euro today..
in obedience to his billionaire cartel bosses.
Posted by sb11 on 06-02-2005 05:35 PM:
The oxymoron: think tanks
The US' so called think tanks are not that..
for it is not thought but the churning out of propaganda
which comes from these anti socialist pawns of
shark capitalism.
NPR's most frequent guests: are
The Heritage Foundation.. a warmonger group funded and founded
by Coors, a warmonger corporation.
American Enterprise Institute
American Chamber of Commerce
The Cato Institute..
These and other capitalist promoting 'institutes' work
with lobbyists and the media to generate regressive laws.
Posted by sb11 on 06-03-2005 08:44 PM:
Thank you to WCPN for airing
the guru of the Himalayan Institute, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait.
He first related to each caller by greeting him in love..
and responded to all questions with love
reminding all that
"the kingdom of God is within you"
"be still and know that you are God".
He is the successor to Swami Rama, whose meditative
power was so strong that a group of tourists took
a photo of him lost in a trance surrounded by relaxed
crocodiles. The tourists sent it to a wire service.
Paragraph by Swami Rama:
The most ancient travelers of the Himalayas are the clouds
which roll gently from the Bay of Bengal. Rising from the ocean
these monsoon clouds travel toward the snowy peaks of the
Himalayas, hug them, and return roaring to the plains,
laden with pure snowy waters. They shower their blessings
and bestow them upon the soil of India.
in the book
Living With The Himalayan Masters
Posted by sb11 on 06-03-2005 08:57 PM:
Imbalance in Coverage
Linda Gradstein is the Israeli desk reporter for NPR.
NPR today took 2 of her stories.. one on Syrian scud missiles
and one on a poll about settlers.
There were no Palestinian desk coverages. Is there
a Palestinian desk at NPR?
Posted by sb11 on 06-03-2005 10:00 PM:
Negligence at Marketplace
Marketplace mentioned that 3L Communications has bid
to buy Titan of San Diego for 3 billion. Marketplace did not mention
that employees of Titan were involved in Abu Ghraib torture
Posted by sb11 on 06-03-2005 10:43 PM:
what do you think is the best way to end the war in Iraq?
and to force NPR into covering the American peace movement?
economic boycott?
community organizing?
civil disobedience?
media activism? (calling national and local talk shows, press releases etc.)
Posted by sb11 on 06-06-2005 05:07 PM:
NPR Promotes Trawler Floor Slop
NPR today promoted the slop off the fish trawler floor
... and attempted to boycott bust as it promoted
cod liver oil and fatty fish as a source of vitamin D..
Dick Gregory: Taking fish oil is like eating the filter out of
a car. (mercury chromium pcb's arsenic lead)
Shortest life expectancy (discounting famine, war, and
accident)... the Inuit who eat mainly fish
Boycott Canadian fish.. stop the Canadian seal clubbing
(in the civilized world seal clubbing has stopped)
Posted by sb11 on 06-06-2005 05:10 PM:
NPR Promotes Primate Torture see the video of an abused primate
Today Steve Inskeep and Richard Knox promoted
primate torture at Ft Detrick as well as pharmaceutical 'vaccines'
in speaking of 'research' on the Ebola virus.
The Ebola is caused by the eating of monkey brains and
Government bioterror:
Winston Churchill asking the cabinet if he could poison gas
Iraqis in 1920
Merck's arrangement with the Dept of Defense
Ft Detrick
The AIDS epidemic
Posted by sb11 on 06-06-2005 05:13 PM:
NPR Lies About Ohio.. AP story incorrect
Continuing its myth that Ohioans and the US voted for
Bush, NPR sent a reporter to southern Ohio. His interviewees
were 90% Republican as the NPR reporter attempted to
portray Voinovich and DeWine as popular.
In Ohio 55% are unregistered. Of the remaining 45%, 3/5
are independent or 3rd party. Of the remaining 27%, 2/3 are
Why did NPR send David Wellna to do a 5 minute commercial
for Voinovich and DeWine?
Coingate" rocks Ohio's Republican Party
State and federal authorities are investigating Thomas Noe, a Toledo, Ohio, coin collector who has donated generously to the campaigns of major Republican candidates over the years.
Bureau head James Conrad resigned over the scandal.
E-mail article
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TOLEDO, Ohio � Money has always been the coin of the political realm, but the unfolding scandal over lost coins in Ohio � old nickels, dimes and gold pieces coveted by collectors and valued into the millions of dollars � is shaking the Republican Party to its grand old roots.
In what is predictably being labeled "Coingate," state and federal authorities have sicced their investigative dogs on the activities of Thomas Noe, a Toledo coin collector who chaired President Bush's 2004 re-election campaign in northwest Ohio and who, over the years, has been a veritable lawn sprinkler of campaign cash to major Republican candidates in the state.
Noe is in trouble because $12 million to $13 million in state money from the workers'-compensation fund is missing after being invested in rare-coin funds that Noe controls.
Authorities are pursuing criminal charges, and Noe, 50, the gregarious, bankrolling confidante of Ohio Republicans, is political poison. His former friends, including the governor, couldn't be running any faster to get away from him and the taint of scandal.
Gov. Bob Taft, U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine and three other statewide officeholders with gubernatorial ambitions, announced last week they are giving up about $60,000 they had received from Noe.
In Washington, the Republican National Committee (RNC) said Thursday it would donate to charities $6,000 that the Bush/Cheney campaign and the RNC received directly from Noe and his wife, Bernadette. The Bush campaign received more than $100,000 raised by Noe. RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt said remaining contributions "appear to be completely appropriate."
Bush met with Noe last October to thank him and his wife for their fund-raising efforts. Bush narrowly won Ohio, whose 19 electoral votes enabled him to secure a second term.
In the meantime, a grand jury last week began investigating Bush-Cheney campaign contributions that had any connection to Noe.
Earlier, the director of Ohio's workers'-compensation bureau, James Conrad, resigned after authorities learned of the missing money. Conrad, once dubbed "Mr. Fixit" for his reputation of turning around troubled programs, said on May 27 he would voluntarily resign over the scandal. The bureau began investing in rare coins several years ago as a way to hedge its stock and bond holdings.
Potentially explosive
The perception of money for injured workers going to support politicians is potentially explosive for Ohio Republicans, who control nearly all major statewide offices and who cleared the way for an unusual $55 million state investment in Noe's rare-coin venture, starting in 1998.
Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, who is running for the GOP gubernatorial nomination next year, recently called on U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to investigate.
Noe "has done a great disservice to the people of Ohio by mismanaging our public resources and abusing our trust," Taft said in a joint statement with Ohio GOP chairman Robert Bennett. Bennett, with an eye toward next year's statewide election, said he will require any candidate seeking the party's support to undergo ethics training.
"I think it's a little late, and I don't know that politics and ethics necessarily walk hand-in-hand," said Monica Benoit, a state employee who, like many in Toledo, has been watching the political intrigue spill onto the pages of The Toledo Blade, which began reporting on the missing state money early this year.
Ohio is not immune from scandal. Former U.S. Rep. James Traficant, expelled from the U.S. House in 2002, is serving an eight-year sentence for a bribery conviction. Wayne Hays resigned from the U.S. House after an investigation into his employment of his alleged mistress. And President Warren Harding maintained a long affair with the wife of a friend as well as a woman 30 years his junior.
Coins � old coins that one would usually see only in collectors' shops or museums � give this scandal the patina of distinction. Investigators say 121 coins bought with state money are missing and may have been stolen in Colorado. Little is known about the coins, except for two � a $3 gold coin minted in 1855 and a $10 gold coin minted in 1845. What is known is that the politically connected Noe benefited from the decision by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation to invest state money in his coin funds.
"This is such a vibrant example of the culture of corruption in Columbus," said Democratic state Sen. Marc Dann, whose party has not won a statewide race in Ohio in more than a decade.
"The people in charge have become too comfortable with churning government benefits in exchange for campaign contributions," Dann said.
"This just stinks"
Two weeks ago, investigators removed thousands of collectible items, some of which were purchased with state money, from Noe's Toledo-area shop. Those items included a 1963 Christmas card signed by President John F. Kennedy, a 1790 water pitcher from Liverpool depicting George Washington, an autographed Mickey Mantle poster, a Marilyn Monroe print and an assortment of vintage comic books.
Other than telling investigators that he expects the shortfall in the investment will be between $12 million and $13 million, Noe is not talking publicly. William Wilkinson, one of Noe's attorneys, said Thursday his client has "not admitted any wrongdoing." Wilkinson said Noe had not been subpoenaed by the grand jury.
Even in politics-weary Ohio, the biggest battleground state in last year's presidential election, the coin scandal is attracting attention. Toledo television stations have, for the moment, forsaken their fascination with shootings and fires to first cover the almost daily development in the scandal.
"This just stinks. There's a bunch of people down there who think they're above the law," said Andrew Eklund, who operates a hotdog stand near the Toledo Police Department headquarters.
Opinion polls � conducted before the controversy gained footing � suggest Ohio voters are unhappy. Taft, the great-grandson of the former president and who was re-elected in a 2002 landslide, had a 35 percent approval rating in a recent Ohio Poll.
"This state has been the poster child for a troubled economy, and there's much more pessimism out there now than there has been in some time," said Eric Rademacher, co-director of the University of Cincinnati Institute for Policy Research.
And that is all the more reason for Republicans to fret over next year's statewide elections. The three Republican candidates for governor � Blackwell, State Auditor Betty Montgomery and Attorney General Jim Petro � had received more than $17,000 in contributions from Noe. They said they will either return the contributions or place the money into escrow accounts until it can be returned to the Bureau of Workers' Compensation.
(the AP article is factually incorrect..
Petro has said he will not give back the $ but instead
give it to Diebold dominated Ohio Elections Commission
Blackwell has said he will not give back the $ but
instead give it to 'prolife' groups
Bush campaign will not they said give back $ but
instead give it to 'charity')
Rademacher and other political analysts say it would be premature to forecast the fallout from the scandal.
Posted by sb11 on 06-06-2005 05:21 PM:
For the umpteenth time today the Diane Rehm Show and other
NPR shows have given the people's airtime to the
petrowhores and war profiteers of the Economist
Posted by sb11 on 06-06-2005 06:25 PM:
Cokie Roberts had to be reminded today that Howard Dean
is criticizing the Republicans..
Biden said Dean doesn't speak for him.
Biden doesn't speak for anyone except corporations of Delaware.
Posted by sb11 on 06-06-2005 11:51 PM:
NPR Has Torture Promoter On As Guest
Jeremy Rifkin: environmental activist... director of Beyond Beef
Andrew Rifkin: vegetarian former owner of Fruit of the Loom
Not yet in their distinguished company:
David Rivkin of Baker and Hostetler
who was on Talk of the Nation today promoting the torture
of the American and Israeli regimes
Stuart Woods in his books, Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker
have mentioned the training in torture done by Israeli troops
on American bases. let Rivkin's partners know how
you feel , please, about the promotion of
. thirst
. hanging by handcuffs
. anal rape
. hunger
. immersion in cold water
. beatings
. interrogations in the nude
and all the other torture which endangers all soldiers
because it lowers standards everywhere
Posted by sb11 on 06-06-2005 11:51 PM:
Once again Marketplace gave a free commercial to
anti environment, anti union, anti women, anti animal, antifish
Posted by sb11 on 06-27-2005 05:09 PM:
Saturday, NPR gave a free commercial for barbaric
rodeo (as does ESPN on a regular basis)
Today NPR's Emily Harris gave George Bush a title he
does not have (president)
Today NPR gave another free commercial to Walmart
Posted by sb11 on 06-27-2005 06:22 PM:
NPR reported some 'suicide bombers' found handcuffed
to steering wheels.. which suggests a strong possibility
that these people are being murdered and are not volunteers..
and adds further doubt as to the origin of 'suicide' bombers
Posted by sb11 on 06-28-2005 04:38 PM:
Diane Rehm's Rare Censorship
Diane Rehm's Rare Censorship
Diane Rehm, it is our understanding, personally
today a call to her guest Canadian Ambassador Frank McKenna
about the continued clubbing of seals in his country. Her show
is syndicated on some NPR stations including WAMU in Washington.
Canada is the last of the world's major countries
to resist the call of the heart in regards to seals.
Some 300,000 were brutally beaten to death this year. The clubbing of Pribilof Island seals was ended by the US and
the clubbing of British seals ended in 1978.
McKenna echoed Diebold.. saying "we will do whatever
it takes"
to see that Canadian beef is consumed in the US.
In addition, he failed to criticize the violent
presence in Iraq.
Canada has 13.5 thousand troops overseeing the oil
and poppies of Afghanistan.
McKenna decried populist owned Venezuelan oil as
not mentioning that any instability is created by CIA
and destabilization attempts.
Citgo is the company distributing the populist oil of
The world's largest animal rights coalition is focusing on
Canadian seals, Mexican and Spanish bullfighting,
and Japanese and Norwegian whaling after victories in
bans on British foxhunting. update on the boycott of
Canadian tourism, Olympics, fish and corporations
including the boycott of Red Lobster (still after 25 years of requests
ignoring a request for a vegan burger at its US stores)
Whether mongering US or Canadian or British or Australian
beef... a butcher is a butcher.
501 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20001
Telephone: (202) 682-1740
Fax: (202) 682-7726
Posted by sb11 on 06-28-2005 04:50 PM:
WCPN once again promoted the research community today.
Eric Coddington of Case promoted as adequate the totally
irresponsible Case Western treatment of animals.
Marie Andrusewicz, call censor for WCPN, kept long distance callers waiting
for over a half hour before stating that 2 of their questions
... about the ethics of research.. were not an appropriate
response to the vivisection promotion of the guests.
She also censored a call on the trash food given to the homeless.
She hangs up on callers without giving chance for a response.
Paul Cox is perhaps the person who steers WCPN call in topics
away from the war in Iraq.
A call to the WCPN switchboard generated: "We are unable to answer
calls at this time"
Rather than discussing whether or not panhandlers
should be allowed to ask for money, WCPN should discuss
the Cheney Bush war, the cause of poverty in Cleveland.
Posted by sb11 on 06-28-2005 04:51 PM:
Parade of Chickenhawks and Henhawks
Warmongers author Stern of a book on 'terror', the American
Enterprise Institute, and the Rand Corporation were
some of the henhawk and chickenhawk promoters of an
expanded war against Iraq on NPR today. Editors interviewed
a commentator on the Bush promotion of war scheduled for
tonight. Once again the voice of peace was muzzled on NPR.
The producer of Morning Edition was responsible
Posted by sb11 on 06-29-2005 11:44 PM:
On the 29th, Diane Rehm again bowed to Kevin Klose,
and again scheduled a Brookings Institute spokesperson.
Posted by sb11 on 07-02-2005 09:09 PM:
Marketplace, the Wall St shills, gave a free commercial
to warmonger Walmart today
In the same program Marketplace attempted to keep
the housing bubble unpopped, and became a part of
the cartels making home ownership too expensive for
the average American. God pop the bubble.
Posted by sb11 on 07-05-2005 08:28 PM:
Singh, NPR reporter for India, failed to mention in covering
Ayodhya violence that Muslims destroyed a Hindu mandir
dedicated to Ram, Avatar, and built a mosque on top of the
site. Ayodhya is the site of Ram's kingdom.
Posted by Omicron on 07-06-2005 10:50 AM:
Re: NPR Watch II
Originally posted by sb11
McDonald's is introducing a vegetarian burger in Canada
as it has in Europe... but still has not responded to
those who wish to eat healthy food, ethical food,
and environmental food in the US... please ask NPR
and McDonald's to treat Americans as well as they treat
Canadians and Europeans,,,,, etc.
Okay... SB11... we Canucks have good business relations with the States.
What should be the ingredients of one of these ethical burgurs.
We have lots of people here (mostly homesteaders) growing crops based upon stuff from South America that is supposed to be rediculously rich in protiens of the types that humans like.
They look like tall, grassy, red seeded things.
I swear... if you give us the recipe, we'll grow it, and sell it.
Posted by sb11 on 07-06-2005 10:14 PM:
Dear O,
tens of thousands of recipes in these 4 links
Posted by sb11 on 07-07-2005 03:14 PM:
Tim Eby .. paid to look the other way
Chairman of the Board, NPR; Radio Manager, The WOSU Stations
(WOSU has ignored the 100 million dollar vivisection budget
at OSU as well as the corruption in OSU's board of overseers)
Posted by sb11 on 07-07-2005 03:17 PM:
Bruce Drake Vice President for News and Information
Jeffrey A. Dvorkin Ombudsman (brought in from Canadian
cattle industry protecting CBC)
Jim Elder Vice President for Finance and Administration; Chief Financial Officer; Treasurer
Barbara Hall Vice President, Development and Executive Director, NPR Foundation
Bob Holstein Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
Kathleen Jackson Vice President for Human Resources
Neal Jackson Vice President for Legal Affairs
Jay Kernis Senior Vice President for Programming
Kevin Klose President and CEO
Peter Loewenstein Vice President for Distribution
Jackie Nixon Director, Audience and Corporate Research
Dana Davis Rehm Vice President for Member and Program Services
Mike Riksen Vice President for Government Relations
Margaret Low Smith Vice President for Programming
Mike Starling Vice President for Engineering
Ken Stern Executive Vice President
Walt Swanston Director of Diversity Management
Maria C. Thomas Vice President and General Manager, NPR Online
Posted by sb11 on 07-07-2005 10:37 PM:
no one has ever heard of the " Al Qalah" group..
it was most likely manufactured by those profiteering from
the illegal wars
the likelihood is that the same people who bombed Iraq and Afghanistan
have arranged this bombing
BBC and NPR were making misinformed, lying, or
disinformation statements about Al Qaeda...
without the slightest shred of evidence
there are 14 mosques in the area most hit
God receive the souls of the dead and comfort the living
... and turn fear into action to end the wars
Posted by sb11 on 07-20-2005 05:36 PM:
White Male Lawyer BizPawn War Promoter nominated for court has 'prolife' support
NPR failed to mention in its coverage of the Bush nominee
that he was one of the DC justices who voted to violate
international law in regards to the Guantanamo prisoners. In
this he is a nominal Christian, in that he has consistently on the court represented not the pacifist Jesus, but the interests of
the military. He is from that subset of Catholics who
call themselves prolife as they facilitate the bombing of Baghdad
babies for billionaires.
White male lawyer BizPawn War Promoter nominated for court has 'prolife' support
John Roberts, many of whose cases before the Supreme Court
were for corporate clients, e.g. Toyota in opposition to
workers' injury claims, has been nominated to the 18th Century
Supreme Court.
He's questioned the reach of Congress to enforce some parts of the Endangered Species Act . He has also ruled against Arroyo
toad protection. And he is a member of the Federalist Society,
of which Ken Starr is a member.
In an opinion that Roberts' opponents often cite, he upheld the arrest and detention of a 12-year-old girl for eating french fries in a Washington subway station.
Hogan & Hartson is his law firm.
He is a graduate of Harvard Law and has not, IMHO,
spoken out against Harvard's primate abuse, investment
in earth abusers, poor treatment of women faculty members
and janitorial staff.
Researchers are checking his appellate court record
to determine how many times he decided for the illegal
regime in matters pertaining to Iraq, Afghanistan,
illegal detention of prisoners etc.
Corporate media are interviewing only those 'prolife'
groups which are also prowar.
Laura Bush expressed publicly a wish for a woman
Diane Rehm: a nonlawyer would be welcome, who could think out of the box.
Groups of lawyers have asked for an 18 year term, rather
than life.
Posted by sb11 on 07-20-2005 05:37 PM:
NPR this morning and the NY Times within the last month
have lied about the phenomenon that 'suicide bombers' are
found handcuffed or tied to steering wheels of explosive
laden cars.
The cover story devised by "Radio Free Europe" former employee Kevin Klose directed NPR is that
this is done voluntarily so that 'suicide bombers' won't lose their nerve.
In actuality, Israeli soldiers under cover of the US military
have been entering Iraq, have been kidnapping resistance
fighters, and have been handcuffing them to cars.
See the writings of Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker
Posted by sb11 on 07-22-2005 05:44 PM:
Nina Totenberg has always been a star
in the dark sky of NPR
but today her coverage of Roberts
fell below the mark by far
(she avoided mentioning his votes for aggrandizement
of military power, his opposition to environmental protection,
Posted by sb11 on 07-22-2005 05:45 PM:
No Diversity
Dozens of times Michael O'Hanlon of the warmonger Brookings
Inst. has been interviewed on NPR
Many times Jeffrey Rosen of the co-opted New Republic
(it took a turn to the right after sold)
has been interviewed..
Posted by sb11 on 07-22-2005 09:09 PM:
Clear Channel's WPGB has a warjock named Quinn
who has called for the bombing of Mecca
Geico is a sponsor of their website.
Please give Geico feedback at,,,,,,,
Posted by sb11 on 07-26-2005 04:13 PM:
Thank You
Thank you to Susan Stamberg for encouraging strangers
to talk to each other.
Thank you to NPR for allowing Ms Seabrook to host the
show on labor.
Thank you to NPR for an interesting uplifting piece on
brain wave changes through meditation.
Posted by sb11 on 07-26-2005 04:14 PM:
Please ask Phil Nabors to stop furthering the slaughter
of animals and the genesis of cancer by promoting meat
over the air of WKSU, on whose board he sits silent
about the constant war promotion on that station and animal
research on campus as well
as its theft of the air waves from the students of Kent State.
Today he was suggesting outdoor barbecues, whose
benzopyrene was called a serious carcinogen by Samuel Epstein
in testimony before Congress.
Posted by sb11 on 07-27-2005 03:15 PM:
Lockheed Criminal Neglect
"2 pieces of debris were set free from the rocket on
launch" said NPR today euphemistically about Lockheed's
obsolete and dangerous shuttle... one of the siphons
by which Lockheed (former board member Lynne Cheney)
has drained 94 billion from the US treasury
Who is the producer of Morning Edition who hatches
this coverup?
"Prolife" baby bomber Mike DeWine, senator from Ohio, authored a bill to make Mike Chertoff, Likud pawn, 8th in the line
of succession to the presidency. The neocons are perhaps
planning to eliminate the 1st 7 to give Ariel Sharon's network
unprecedented control over the state.
DeWine's rationalization:
"It calls for Mr. Ridge to be eighth in the line of succession to the presidency, after four Cabinet members � the secretaries of state, Treasury and defense, and the attorney general ... In the event of a terrorist attack wiping out the top seven presidential successors, the secretary of homeland security would be the most qualified and experienced to lead the nation, said Sen. Mike DeWine, Ohio Republican and legislation sponsor.
"We need to be prepared for even the worst-case disaster scenario," Mr. DeWine said.
Posted by sb11 on 07-28-2005 12:20 AM:
Karen Schaeffer of WCPN reported on students and NASA Glenn scientists watching
the shuttle take off.. she reported on the student experiments..
without mentioning that captive animals were in the shuttle.
And on Aug 24th, WCPN did yet another promotion
of the industrial-pharma-medical establishment
Posted by sb11 on 07-28-2005 01:08 AM:
The Miami police chief represented on Talk of the Nation
today used the phrase 'take out' for police murder of
Peace Vet And ProLife BabyBomber Compete For Today's Election
In Cincinnati Ohio, a congressional race will be decided today. It has been hidden
by NPR and other corporate warmonger media. It pits a peace veteran
who wants withdrawal from Iraq against a 'prolife' baby
Posted by sb11 on 07-28-2005 09:32 PM:
NPR did not tell its audience the Mad Cow Case site because
the USDA did not inform the press
Third Reported Case Of Mad Cow
(While many believe the USDA is lying about an endemic
of spongiform encephalopathy in many species, it has
admitted to a possible 3rd case.)
Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 18:09 JST
WASHINGTON � The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a new suspected case of mad cow disease Wednesday, making it the third in the United States if confirmed in further tests.
But the sample of the suspected animal can only be tested with an immunohistochemistry method because the private veterinarian who submitted the sample treated it in a way that would not allow another internationally recognized Western Blot confirmatory test, the USDA said. (Kyodo News)
Posted by sb11 on 08-02-2005 05:34 PM:
Joseph Shapiro and Joel Rose usually have high quality
Angela Seabrook is better than average at NPR, but today
worked in a McDonald's plug into her news. NPR allegedly
was left 200 million by Joan Kroc of McDonald's and regularly
works the world's biggest unionbuster and mammal butcher
into its news.
Ari Shapiro avoided all of Roberts' regressive record in
reporting on him today.
Posted by sb11 on 08-16-2005 06:49 PM:
Bush's New Uncle Toms at NAACP Object To PETA ad
Perhaps the ad is still visible at
Bush's New Uncle Toms at NAACP Object To PETA ad. The
corporate sellout recruited to be the new president of
the NAACP after Kweisi Mfume was moved out... heads
a network one of whose chapter heads is objecting to
the oneness of all life. NPR as well attempted to divide
the civil rights and animal rights community (Martin Luther
King was murdered when he tried to unite the peace
and civil rights communities) by hosting only PETA critics
in its watered down civil rights show, a show from which both Kojo Nmandi
and Tavis Smiley have been removed.
NPR did not have as guests the many black activists
who are animal rights activists such as Dick Gregory or
Cicely Tyson
PETA Rethinks 'Slavery' Exhibit
Aug. 15, 2005 -- PETA has decided to suspend its controversial campaign comparing the enslavement and lynching of blacks with animal cruelty following outcry from civil right organizations.
By staff
PETA has suspended on a controversial new animal rights campaign just weeks after launching a nationwide tour, The Associated Press reports.
"Are Animals the New Slaves?" drew widespread criticism from civil rights groups who complained that the exhibit compared the enslavement and lynching of blacks with animal cruelty.
The 12-panel display juxtaposing such images as noosed black men hanging from trees with photos of slaughtered cows had appeared in some 17 cities before PETA officials announced they would put the campaign on hold.
"We're not continuing right now while we evaluate," PETA spokesperson Dawn Carr told The AP. "We're reviewing feedback we've received � most of it overwhelmingly positive and some of it quite negative."
Controversy over the campaign boiled over in New Haven, Conn., last week when a protest became so heated police had to be called in to monitor the situation.
Protesters screamed and shouted at PETA officials about the display, and the president of the local NAACP chapter demanded the exhibit be removed.
Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project called the campaign "disgusting."
"Black people in America have had quite enough of being compared to animals without PETA joining in," he said.
PETA issued an apology earlier this year for a similar campaign comparing mistreated and abused animals to Holocaust victims. The group has not said whether it will apologize for the recent "Slavery" campaign, or whether they will resume the tour.
New PETA Campaign Sparks Outrage
By Dana Williams | Writer/Editor,
The lifeless bodies of two noosed black men, dangling from trees as a mob of whites sheepishly surveys the scene.
The smoldering corpse of a black man, burned alive atop a pile of wood.
The terrified face of a slave, wearing only a piece of cloth about her waist as a man presses a hot branding iron to her back.
Alone, the images evoke the kind of gut-wrenching horror that makes people want to look away.
But place them alongside photos of slaughtered cows, burning chickens and branded pigs, and for many, they evoke a different emotion � pure outrage.
Such is the juxtaposition of a new PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) exhibit, "Are Animals the New Slaves?"
For Vakiya Courtney, executive director of America's Black Holocaust Museum, some images in PETA's new campaign strike an especially painful chord.
Dr. James Cameron, founder of America's Black Holocaust Museum, survived an attempted lynching after he and two friends were falsely accused of murdering a white man in Marion, Ind., in 1930. Cameron, 91, the nation's only living survivor of a lynching, watched a mob of whites beat and lynch his two friends � the same two men shown hanging in the PETA exhibit.
"I just cannot believe they would do this," Courtney said, gasping as she viewed the exhibit on PETA's website. "Dr. Cameron was supposed to have been the third man in this picture."
Courtney, who is vegetarian, said that while she, too, is against animal cruelty, comparing the suffering of human beings to animals is unthinkable:
"How can you possibly compare the brutality that our ancestors experienced here, and the brutality that people like Dr. Cameron had to overcome, to animal cruelty?"
Public outcry follows tour
PETA's traveling "Slavery" display, which began a 10-week, 42-city national tour last month, supposedly aims to foster public sympathy for the plight of animals.
But in some places, public outcry over the campaign, which directly compares the enslavement and lynching of blacks to the harsh treatment of farm animals overshadows any such aim.
A showing of the exhibit this week in New Haven, Conn., for example, fueled a protest so heated police were called to monitor the situation.
"I am a black man! I can't compare the suffering of these black human beings to the suffering of this cow," protester Michael Perkins was quoted by the New Haven Register.
Scott X. Esdaile, president of the Greater New Haven NAACP, showed up and demanded the exhibit's removal.
"Once again, black people are being pimped. You used us. You have used us enough," Esdaile was quoted. "Take it down immediately."
James Griffin, president of the Greater Waterbury NAACP and member of the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, shares Esdaile's outrage.
Griffin has followed local media coverage of the controversy and said he is "disgusted" by images he has seen on television and the Internet.
"I'm highly offended by the whole thing," Griffin told
"To think that in this day and age, one would compare the suffering of humans in slavery to harsh treatment of animals is outrageous. It shows how little respect [PETA has] for the feelings of other groups and individuals."
Trading one Holocaust for another
That PETA finds itself embroiled in a controversy over one of its ad campaigns should come as little surprise. The group is well known for its edgy and provocative animal-rights ads.
But some are surprised the organization would employ a tactic so similar to one it apologized for three months ago.
The group's 2003 Holocaust on Your Plate campaign, which compared farm-animal slaughter to the murder of Jews in the Holocaust, stirred furor among several Jewish groups.
In May, on Holocaust Remembrance Day, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk issued an email statement that read: "I have decided to apologize for the pain caused by the 'Holocaust on Your Plate' campaign."
Newkirk went on to explain that the campaign meant to show "the logic and methods employed in factory farms and slaughterhouses are analogous to those used in concentration camps."
Courtney of the Black Holocaust Museum said that while PETA may have discontinued the exploitation of the Jewish Holocaust and offered an apology, they now simply are using a different Holocaust to further their cause.
"They are just substituting one peoples' suffering for another," she said.
PETA, for now, isn't apologizing for its "Slavery" campaign, nor does it plan to discontinue the exhibit anytime soon. The display is being featured in Scranton, Pa., and Baltimore, Md., this week. After the 10-week tour ends, the exhibit will travel to college campuses around the nation.
Dawn Carr, director of special projects for PETA, said that while the organization has heard its share of negative reactions to the exhibit, more often than not, people walk away "with something to chew on."
"People have shouted at us for comparing black people to animals. But the exhibit also compares other cruelties � women being denied the right to vote, children forced into labor," Carr said.
"Obviously, the circumstances are different, but the lack of compassion that allowed humans to be enslaved and lynched and for women and children to be mistreated is similar to the lack of compassion that makes it possible for animals to suffer cruelty today."
Perhaps no one disagrees with that statement more than Dr. James Cameron.
"They may have treated us like animals back then, but there is no way we should be compared to animals today," he said. "You cannot compare the suffering of human beings or the suffering that I experienced to the suffering of an animal."
Contact us for permission to reprint this article. Please include the name of the article in your request.
Posted by sb11 on 08-16-2005 07:05 PM:
NPR doesn't like to hear from the public... and so has
made it more difficult to email them... one must
go to a special website now for some of their programs
Some NPR affiliates such as WCPN (which has on so many
guests from vivisector Case Western that some might think
it is Case' PR firm) make it extremely difficult
to contact people by phone
Posted by sb11 on 08-16-2005 11:48 PM:
NPR promoted the Verichip... the mark of the beast
Posted by Firecat on 08-17-2005 12:16 AM:
NPR turned righty during the Gingrich years.
They suck now, journalistically and agenda-wise.
I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible?
New Release... "Chimp Gone Wild". The film stars "Son of Bonzo" who shovels boatloads of hundred dollar bills into a hole in the ground, the shitter, and a massive furnace/barbeque pit. Rent it TODAY!
Posted by sb11 on 08-22-2005 06:05 PM:
2nd that F
Today Susan Stamberg's piece on Ethel Merman was edited
by Bruce Auster's staff of Morning Edition to give special
emphasis to mink and sable, as NPR gave a free ad to
the barbarism of killing animals for fur which is on its
way to oblivion with bearbaiting.
Posted by sb11 on 08-24-2005 04:13 PM:
Warmonger PR called Pollsters
Don Gonyea of NPR avoided the polls which
give Bush a 30% or less rating and instead cited
the Gallup (Republican PR firm) 'poll' which is like Senator
Hagel's Election Systems and Software... based in Republican
ESS like Diebold, Sequoia Pacific and Triad, is a Republican
owned and managed 'voting machine' company.
Gonyea was not taking calls.
He also promoted without criticism the campaign of
Meanwhile Inskeep referred to
the National Guard as the International Guard...
a mistake or subtle programming?
Posted by sb11 on 08-24-2005 04:42 PM:
Neocons given airtime by neocon NPR
Noah Feldman, neocon, member of an Iraqi commission
to which he was appointed by other neocons,
was calling for a federalist constitution on NPR
... (Likud thinks that a divided Iraq will help them control
Iraqi oil)
Bruce Auster... is responsible for the segment
Saturday Aug 27 Jonathan Goldberg, warhawk son of Lucianne
Goldberg, plotter with Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky
for neocons and Delta Force, was promoting the socalled
re-enlistment rates of American soldiers... he himself
has not enlisted in the Likud cause he promotes
Bill Kristol, neocon and Enron $ recipient, has been given
regular airtime on Diane Rehm Show
Posted by sb11 on 08-27-2005 03:37 PM:
today Jonathan Goldberg, warhawk son of Lucianne
Goldberg, plotter with Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky
for neocons and Delta Force, was promoting the socalled
re-enlistment rates of American soldiers... he himself
has not enlisted in the Likud cause he promotes
Gwen Tompkins: senior editor
Posted by sb11 on 08-27-2005 04:13 PM:
On Aug 26th Melissa Block's interview of the daughter of
a singer about the joys of suffocating and strangling
innocent aquatic creatures (
was followed by
Romanian PsuedoPoet Andrei Codrescu who was willing to praise the slaughter of goats
and to be silent about the war to stay on the air..
the laurels from severed tree branches are withering into dry dust
The week of Aug 22nd
Susan Stamberg's piece on Ethel Merman was edited
by Bruce Auster's staff of Morning Edition to give special
emphasis to mink and sable, as NPR gave a free ad to
the barbarism of killing animals for fur which is on its
way to oblivion with bearbaiting.
LINDA WERTHEIMER PROMOTES COPROPHAGY Linda Wertheimer spent a lot of time sampling the cadavers
of various kinds of animals on the air, including
shellfish, the number 2 (pun intended) cause of hepatitis
since shellfish are bottom feeders or waste consumers.
NPR has 200 million dollars in McDonald's stock, which
has caused many free product placement commercials,
silence on Mad Pig, Mad Chicken, Mad Fish, Mad Sheep,
Mad Cow and other lethal flesh related diseases.
while today Jonathan Goldberg, warhawk son of Lucianne
Goldberg, plotter with Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky
for neocons and Delta Force, was promoting the socalled
re-enlistment rates of American soldiers... he himself
has not enlisted in the Likud cause he promotes
Gwen Tompkins: senior editor
Posted by sb11 on 08-29-2005 06:53 PM:
Today NPR's Morning Edition
ended a segment with the line
"breaking the spine of a book"
Republican appointed trustees and president of Ohio State
have a course in which they break spines of mammals.
The university has refused to release film of the barbaric
Posted by sb11 on 08-30-2005 04:32 PM:
Carl Castle shills for higher oil prices
Linda Gradstreet (sp?)... has no counterpart among
Posted by sb11 on 08-30-2005 04:33 PM:
NPR has no labor rights syndicated show.. only a show
promoting Wall St pitfalls
meanwhile Morgan Stanley has destroyed the email
requested in court cases and faces a 10 million dollar fine
Posted by sb11 on 09-08-2005 10:02 PM:
Red Cross Censorship
Perhaps because Cleveland "Public" Radio, WCPN, is participating in a telethon for the paramilitary Red Cross on Friday with other corporate media, Renita Jablonsky, host of the hour call in show, cut
off a caller after 1/2 of the first sentence when the Red Cross'
forcible separation of 100,000 pets from their owners was
brought up.
Unlike NPR nationally, WCPN employees do not have phone
numbers or email accessible to the public.
At least 50 times in the last 18 months, WCPN has had
representatives of Case Western or its medical school on
.. no matter what the topic. Case is with Neoucom one of the
last 2 medical schools in Ohio still requiring med students
to carve up animals.
Marsha Evans, current head of the Red Cross, paid over 600,000
a year, was a rear admiral in the US Navy, whose naval hospitals
research with restraining chairs on primates, whose sonar
kills whales and dolphins.
Posted by sb11 on 09-08-2005 10:03 PM:
Red Cross Separates 100,000 Pets Forcibly From Their Owners
Renita Jablonsky and WCPN muzzle criticism of the Red Cross's paramilitary operation
Perhaps because Cleveland "Public" Radio, WCPN, is participating in a telethon for the paramilitary Red Cross on Friday with other corporate media, Renita Jablonsky, host of the hour call in show, cut
off a caller after 1/2 of the first sentence when the Red Cross' forcible separation of 100,000 pets from their owners was mentioned. The first subject of the
show was child trauma.
Unlike NPR nationally, WCPN employees do not have phone
numbers or email accessible to the public.
At least 50 times in the last 18 months, WCPN has had
representatives of Case Western or its medical school on
.. no matter what the topic. Case is with Neoucom one of the
last 2 medical schools in Ohio still requiring med students
to carve up animals.
Marsha Evans, current head of the Red Cross, paid over 600,000
a year, was a rear admiral in the US Navy, whose naval hospitals
research with restraining chairs on primates, whose sonar
kills whales and dolphins.
WCPN's board of trustees is listed below
but their affiliations with pharmaceutical, banking,
insurance, animal research and other institutions
has been deleted... along with phone numbers
and addresses.
Jeanette Grasselli Brown
Vice Chair and Treasurer
Edward P. Campbell
William R. Stewart
Chief Executive Officer
Jerrold F. Wareham
Chief Operating Officer
Kathryn P. Jensen
Dennis L. Allen
Selma A. Baron
Barbara Byrd-Bennett
William R. Calfee
Mary Beth Carroll
Thomas J. Cook
George R. Droder
Dennis Eckart
Michael A. Ellis
Patty Flynt
Charlotte A. Fowler
Cheri Gardiner
Karen R. Haefling
Sondra Hardis
David G. Hill
James D. Ireland III
Richard J. Knapp
Rik Kohn
Ralph M. Kovel
William B. Lawrence
Marcia Levine
Toby Lewis
Frank L. Lordeman
Priscilla M. Luce
William E. MacDonald, III
Christine A. Mayer
Henry L. Meyer III
Susie Frazier Mueller
Patrick M. Prout
Barbara S. Rosenthal
Vladimir J. Rus
Michael Schwartz
Shirley Stineman
Louis Stokes
Linda A. Striefsky
Helen N. Tomlinson
Susan H. Turben
Andrew A. Venable, Jr.
Norman Wain
Robert A. Weible
Jeff Weiss
Ernest L. Wilkerson, Jr.
Margaret W. Wong
Emeritus Trustees
George Dobrea
George J. Dunn
Robert D. Gries
Arthur S. Holden, Jr.
Samuel H. Miller
Lindsay Morgenthaler
Robert S. Reitman (Chairman Emeritus)
John E. Rupert
Harry H. Stone
Seth C. Taft
Dudley J. Taw
Alexander S. Taylor
Posted by sb11 on 09-20-2005 03:54 PM:
Pam Fessler, Henhawk
Pam Fessler who traveled around the country for NPR
touting the worth of neocons in the govt.
was once again today promoting the Carlyle war profiteers
such as James Baker
who have issued an 'election reform' sheet
... foxes guarding the election henhouse.
A paper trail for every vote,
election machine companies not owned by Republicans
.. are 2 essentials. Diebold, ESS, Sequoia Pacific, and Triad
should be barred from elections because of their history
of Republican ownership and fraud.
Posted by sb11 on 09-21-2005 04:39 PM:
"The World Health Organization said today the group needs $250 million to fight bird flu. Officials have said a spreading flu could become a global pandemic. Kai Ryssdal talks to health corresponded Helen Palmer. "
Posted by sb11 on 09-21-2005 04:40 PM:
Marketplace promotes vivisection
Marketplace yesterday promoted the Frankensteins who
are crushing spines for the pharmaceutical industry
and other ethically lobotomized persons.
WASHINGTON Research that helped partially paralyzed mice walk again is offering tantalizing hope for spinal cord injuries.
"In the mouse experiment, researchers say injections of human stem cells seem to directly repair some of the damage caused by spinal cord injury.
Earlier work has helped mice recover, too. But the new work goes an extra step, suggesting the connections that the stem cells form to help bridge the damaged spinal cord are key to recovery.
The research is reported in today's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
It was funded by the nonprofit Christopher Reeve Foundation and the National Institutes of Health."
Marketplace was also promoting Coke in Afghanistan..
where there is so much opposition to the multinational
toothdecay promoter that the building is not marked.
Posted by sb11 on 09-21-2005 04:43 PM:
NPR Weekly Promotes Torture
Vision: Ira Flatow has 3 mice.. attached umbilically to his 2 ears..
and the top of his head
(Flatow of NPR frequently promotes animal torture during
his 2 hour weekly pharmaceutical promotion show "Science Friday")
Posted by sb11 on 09-24-2005 04:58 PM:
This week
Susan Stamberg selected a line in a poetry book
with animal flesh in it.
John Burnett spoke not of the deaths of 400 cows in Louisiana
but of 400 'head'... how many head of reporters
are there at NPR?
News editors chose to play down the antiwar demonstrations
both in time spent covering them and in reporting the number
of cities involved.
Posted by sb11 on 09-29-2005 04:51 PM:
Thank you to NPR for reporting that animal rights activists
have kept Huntington Life Sciences off of the NY Stock Exchange.
Huntington Life Sciences is in the UK and US, (New Jersey)
and has abused untold millions of animals.
targeting Novartis and why
Posted by sb11 on 10-01-2005 05:03 PM:
Don Gonyea today gave a whitewash to the new Chief
Injustice John Roberts
Posted by sb11 on 10-11-2005 05:54 PM:
The Swiss pharmaceutical Roche has a special in
with pharmaceutically dominated World Health Organization
... pharmwhores such as NPR (e.g. Stephen Beard of London's
"Marketplace") are pushing the socalled
Roche vaccine against Avian Flu.. which in reality can do
nothing since the problem is Mad Chicken or avian spongiform
Posted by sb11 on 10-11-2005 05:57 PM:
Carol Cartwright
Kathy Stafford
Al Bartholet 330 672 3114
Board of Trustees
Below is a list of officers and members of the Board of Trustees for 2005-2006 for Kent State Univ.
Andrew J. Banks, Bratenahl
R. Douglas Cowan, Chair, Stow deforester with Davey Tree
a company which hacks trees for First Energy on whose board
sits Cartwright
Sandra W. Harbrecht, Vice Chair, Worthington
George L. Jenkins, Secretary, Dublin
George L. Jenkins is a partner with the law firm of Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP. His concentration is on corporate and business law. He serves on the board of directors of ECNext, Inc. and C.P. Technologies, Inc. .
Private Company, Headquarters Location
Westerville, OH43082United States
(614) 682-5103 , (614)682-5104 fax
Erin E. Kleman, Student Trustee, Canton
Patrick S. Mullin, Cleveland... an animal abuser
Patrick S. Mullin is a certified public accountant and managing partner for the Northern Ohio practice of Deloitte & Touche. He serves as chairman of the board of Downtown Cleveland Partnership; president of the Cleveland Zoological Society; and is a member of other boards, including the Cleveland Scholarship Program and University Hospital of Cleveland.
James R. Schubert, Kent
Kimberly L. Thompson, Student Trustee, Wapakoneta
Jane Murphy Timken, Canton (Is this Timken affiliated
with the Canton Timkens who brought George Bush
to Canton?)
Brian D. Tucker, Medina
Jacqueline F. Woods, Solon
are those in command at WKSU...
a. which has been jamming the signal of WCPN and other
close stations {though claiming to monitor signal strength daily}
(blocking Diane Rehm's Show and other talk programs)
b. which has accepted as its sponsors Diebold, First Energy
(most polluting company in the US)
c. which has denied students access to their own air waves
d. which brought henhawk NPR reporter Pam Fessler to the area to preach
e. which has ignored reporting the conflict of interest that the
Kent State president C. Cartwright has in sitting on the boards
of First Energy and a bank which decides on student loans
(Cartwright also taxed the vast non Republican majority
of Kent students $36 a piece to force Barbara Bush on them
as a speaker)
Posted by sb11 on 10-15-2005 07:43 PM:
we have yet to hear from Dave Kanzig of WCPN..
about Paul Cox' decision at that radio station to ban
an animal rights activist who brought up Red Cross
separation of people from their pets during a discussion
of Katrina
Michael Scharf, warwhore
Case Law Professor Michael Scharf is one of many
legal whores of the state and governmental murder system.
He has been promoting the execution of Saddam Hussein
on National Pentagon Radio (NPR) and on local affiliate
WCPN. NPR has censored the team of Hussein defense lawyers
which includes former AG of the US Ramsey Clark, internationally
respected for his intellect and courage.
In addition Ann Gerrals from Baghdad has been beating
the drums for the illegal trial of Saddam Hussein, constituted
head of the government of Iraq.
Deborah Amos has been touting the Roche- Glaxo
generated 'avian flu' scam
from London for NPR
The flesh of chickens as of all cadavers... is full of disease
but not the kind which can be counteracted by pharmaceuticals.
Posted by vietnambob on 10-22-2005 10:50 AM:
4 Dead in O_H_I_O
I guess you had to be here then to get a clue. I was you weren't.
Pow, pow, pow, pow. Do I have the number correct from your research? I'm thinking I do.
Do you remember or rather did you ever read about Patti Hearst and her brief little rich confused? wild child foree with the Symbionese Liberation Army? (Hearst, California, News, Vast wealth and connections) The Feds finally got a similiar gal (who wasn't an heiress) just last year who committed crimes during that same era...after over thirty years they faithfully pursued and got her not so coincidently just around 28 years after they totally lost interest in Patti's image on the BoA camera....even with a machine gun on her hip. Yup I was here then too...and yup at least I notice the differance.
Imagine OK there is a flickering fire reflecting off the tents and by word of mouth the passing on of real information is indeed occurring right now. Or at least attempting to.
It really seems like I was over here during Kent State but I really don't remember. Maybe I was there then.
Over here on the right it's not like we don't know the rich/powerfull get the far better all around deal as they have also done everywhere since the dawn of's not that we want it... it's that your ilk is abysmilly far worse.
SB11 you are what we get if we don't go right.
You help make the decision easy.
Posted by sb11 on 10-24-2005 09:15 PM:
Dear VB, where is it you think you were and I wasn't
... I was in NEO during Kent State.. and my partner
was on campus that day...
and my neighbor's life was saved by one of the 4 students
who was subsequently killed after taking her to safety
'my ilk' ... socialists.. includes Jesus and Krishna, both
of whom are described as 'friends of the poor'
i have a lot in common with libertarians..
a true libertarian opposes execution, war, meat industry
supporting food stamps.. the 'drug war' etc.
Kent State's student population has declined since
Carole Cartwright was president
Posted by sb11 on 11-01-2005 11:26 PM:
This week NPR has spent 2 days glorifying the
sadistic record of Scalito.. (alito)
.. and has once again promoted the 'vaccine' scams of Glaxo,
Roche, Pfizer, Lilly, Bayer etc...
Posted by sb11 on 11-02-2005 05:15 PM:
Meat Whores At NPR Promote Slaughterhouse Mutual Fund
Vanguard manages more than US $700 billion and has
more than 5000 institutional investors. It is invested
in many slaughterhouse and war operations.
1 It is the major investor in the world's most corrupt bank,
2 It is a major investor in McDonald's
VANGUARD GROUP, INC. (THE) 28,385,755 2.24 $883,932,410 31-Mar-05
3. It is a major investor in Goldman Sachs, warmonger
4. It is a major investor in Lonestar Steak House which causes
cancer, heart disease, slaughterhouse agony, and deforestation.
VANGUARD GROUP, INC. (THE) 409,292 1.99 $11,832,631 31-Mar-05
5. It is a major investor in Triarc (Arby's beef)
VANGUARD SMALL-CAP INDEX FUND 84,124 .35 $961,537 30-Sep-04
John Bogle its CEO has been touted on NPR
because both are heavily invested in McDonald's. NPR was
allegedly left 200 million in McDonald's stock by Joan Kroc.
It is indeed humorous that Bogle would write a book on
business ethics.
Renee Montagne of NPR interviewed Bogle about his book..
without ever bringing up any of the above issues.
Posted by sb11 on 11-04-2005 08:00 PM:
Yesterday no critics of Alito were represented in an hour
show on Talk of the Nation.. which glossed over his record.
This was followed by a show on Bill Gates. Like McDonald's
Bill Gates is a major contributor to NPR... and the show
mentioned that in return they are focusing on his foundation.
Bill Gates has given much money to Duke University of NC
to harm primates. In addition, this university has had an unholy
relationship with the Atkins Foundation (promoting animal
flesh)...The Atkins Foundation is one of many touting
the porkworm ridden products of Smithfield of North Carolina,
perhaps the world's largest concentration camp for animals.
2 Calls questioning Alito's relationship to
Glaxo Smith Kline... and Gates' abuse of animals...were
Posted by sb11 on 11-04-2005 09:29 PM:
Julie McCarthy of NPR described Hugo Chavez as a 'firebrand'
and 'voluble'.
And NPR, National Petroplutocrat Radio, interviewed an ex CEO
of Shell Venezuela about Hugo Chavez... a more biased
story it would be hard to envision.