I want to share a special gift with you that God has given to me,
This gift like most others that you will receive is absolutely free.
However unlike other gifts that you may have received in the past,
This special gift and this one alone through all eternity will last.
Although you can't see this gift, it's the greatest you can receive,
This gift is not in a box, but in the heart of all those who believe.
And even though this gift is one of a kind and very special indeed,
You'll surely want to give this gift away as soon as it is received.
Don't be concerned about giving away something you didn't use,
For God said “Blessed are the feet of those who bring good news.”
This gift will surprise you on the day you decide to give it away,
You won't feel any loss at all with more to give the following day.
My friend you will be Eternally Grateful when you finally choose,
To truly embrace but give away this gift that you can never lose.
By now you know this gift is none other than Jesus Christ the Lord,
And your faithful sharing of this gift, by Him, will not be ignored.
For our Great Blessed Hope, who through the ages many have adored,
At His return will bring to all His faithful, an Everlasting Reward.
So the next gift you receive and think you'll treasure forevermore,
Remember that the only truly lasting gift is Jesus Christ The Lord.
(Copyright ©12/2002)
thank you for a beautiful poem
please know that Jesus threw the butchers out
of His temple
the Bible in Genesis 1: 29 Isaiah 65
and many other places says EAT NO ANIMALS