Love under a Shady Tree

It grows like flower sitting next to riverside
It's like purple hibiscus's seed
Which will later like by every eyes
Who live under the blue-skies
Gratefully it's not like a rose which hates winter
But thankfully it's a flower loves summer

It's coming like outing of the moon
That will dazzle the blinking stars
Being a giant rain that will grow the soul petals
No wonder that the sun's face is beam as it makes it shine

It's not that star eclipsing by the coming of the day
But a 'Fajr' that shows the symbol of the day
There is the rain like June-dew making its growth
The land there fertilizing its growth like tropical arable
Honour to the tree that gives its shade

Author's Notes/Comments: 

True love never fades no matter what

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here is my take on it.



How it grows like flowers near the riverside

Like purple hibiscus seed,

Under the blue skies

Soon a sight for every eye

Not like the rose in winter

But rather a summer loving flower

It's coming like an outing of the moon,

Which dazzles the flashing stars

Bringing heavy rains that grow the soul's petals

The sun's face beams with wonder whilst making it shine

It's not like a star, which is eclipsed by the coming of day

But rather a 'Fajr' which symbolizes morning's return

How the rain-like dew of June makes it grow

Like tropical arable land, fertilizing its growth

Honor to the tree that provides its shade

truedreams's picture


Thanks for criticism, so much appreciate