The sky looks like tired camel,calling american
"oh!oh!come",sounding like hammer beating gong
"oh!oh! come", clanging on the head of afican
memory,of what are we the world?ausralian
where are you,looking free rascal rascism
figting watching insde lies,no credible fascism
timp toil tread trod,where are you european?
lies in the heart of englishbed beside asian
sense is sandy on frontline,what evil trbalism
had brought to nudity of palapha modernism
no left man all had swallowed by radicalism
none should suggest or dine with darky optimism
except,excerpt the skillful carriage of courage republican
no shield new product shows malicy paliamentarian
down to faceless,readiness sterny constitutionalism
wild wave jumps up and move towards sea
coming on the other side of night lea
The poor old Earth is screaming for help and not getting it. Your poem says it all. Sad that humans are so divided and cannot work together for the good of all.
Smile.. it is the cheapest facelift.