Your poet knows how much it takes
to write a poem just for the sakes
of love (and the delight it makes),
giving to the best lines the breaks.
In California, where Earth quakes,
or sportsmen's havens on Great Lakes,
out in the desert (watch for snakes!);
at supper, over juicy steaks
or early breakfast with cornflakes;
in spring's thaw, when the new bud wakes,
or in the autumn's leaves for rakes,
give to the best lines the breaks.
In the kitchen, where now bakes
the most delicious chocolate cakes;
or outside, pounding tomato steaks;
or sorting sheerness from opaques---
all thirsty work a cold drink slakes---
learning to spot truth among fakes
until you have moved past heartaches:
give to your best lines the breaks.
Princess, here I gently press the brakes.