Passerby At Golgotha

This beaten man, nailed a few feet above

this skull hill's brow, embodies God's own Love?


This "King of Jews," who wears a thorny crown

proves that the greatest love lays its life down


even unto the very death for others?

I say the very thought of such love smothers


the light of ordinary common sense

gathered from a lifetime's experience.


From scalp---dorsal---wrists---feet:  the blood he bleeds

is answer to the deepest human needs?


Apparently, not many ask a question

like these, or one would see more of congestion


of traffic on this rather rough side road

beside three crosses for three whom the code


of Rome condemned to terminal submission.

Admit:  this is the real human condition.


What do I care to hear the words he said?

In two or three days, they will be as dead


as his flesh is when these brave soldiers pitch

it to the convicts' common grave---a ditch.


Spread through the empire by each armed cohort,

such crucifixion is Rome's chief export.


Pity for you and me---just passersby

on this path that leads to the hour we die.







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