Great Grandfather Perry Wombold Boards A Train

Thank you, sir, for the help:  I thought I might
miss this last train.  No other leaves tonight.
you have found us good seats.  My name is Mary
Jeanette; pleased to meet you; your name is Perry?
Yes, I have come from London:  its east end
is terrible, beyond imagination,
and certainly no place to raise this baby
that I have carried these eight months within.
I hope the west will offer new life . . . maybe . . .
(although this waterstop at Germantown,
seems also a good place to settle down).
I have had much in my life to amend;
nor will return to London's slums again.
I have hope for a better destination.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

My great grandfather named one of his daughters, my paternal grandmother, Mary Jennette.  For some years now, I have wondered who and what might have inspired that. 

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