At Friday Morning's Meeting ("Huddle") For A "Game Plan"

[sung to the tune of "businessspeak"]


Tomorrow's prospects will be quite attractive---

so our game-plan will need to be pro-active.

Even if cheeses are moved, nothing blocks

the pathway if we think outside the box.


By noon, tomorrow, will be crucified

three men.  By twilight, those three will have died:

two thieves (what are their names?) and bold Barabbas

(for him, that murderer, no one will sob!  Us?---


we will stand by mocking with loud laughter).

I told Prefect Pilate---do not be nervous:

we will again deliver world-class service.

Our swift efficiency will pass the rafter

and break the ceiling (with a debauch after:

each of us will receive a ripe reward---

well fed, stone drunk, and young girls no longer ignored).



Author's Notes/Comments: 

In 2004, "business speak" came to my then employer:  "We will be proactive to think outside the box and avoid any labor intensive scenarios in our game plan."


In 2003-04, that same employer required each of us to read, and then sign the back endpages of, Spencer Johnson's book, "Who Moved My Cheese," an allegorical tale that was touted to be highly motivational and would help us all to learn to embrace, welcome, and even live for change.  I pointed out (to my later detriment of being fired on May 10, 2004---"Hello, Karen and Linda") that the primary metaphor compared employees and workers to mice, that is, vermin and pests.  I am glad to have seen some later, very highly negative, critiques of the book as management propoganda.


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