September Sunday, 1976: To Lady PostScript, 3

[the reader is respectfully asked to read the notation at the bottom of part 1]


Astronomy class will present, this week,

a section on the Jovian satellites,

in the Observatory if no clouds

obscure the view.  The constellated sky

always seems friendlier when she she can look

into its glory; and, from star to star,

feel---underneath bare feet or grass-stained socks

(almost concealed beneath bell bottoms' flares)---

the firm earth.  Heaven's sparkles seem, to her,

magnificent beyond words and desire.

She knows this in her blood and in her mind.

More than good grades earned in astronomy,

this feeling she obtains from poetry;

and it has taught her to discern and see

splendors on high, set by Divinity.

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