Righting Inventory

Heroic statues of Lenin abound:

some brass or iron; some marble or concrete.

These---when the Bolsheviks ruled---could be found

in city squares or on some famous street.

And, like a series, they give a complete

picture of our Comrade's Heroic Life:

Heroic Helmsman of our Revolution;

Heroic Strength against the czarists' strife;

Heroic Knowledge of the people's needs;

Heroic Winnowing of bourgeois weeds;

Heroic Exile in Siberia;

Heroic Understanding when he, a

small child, commenced his astute observation,

knowing that he should bring a transformation,

driving that locomotive---History---

to change the purpose of society.

The ship of state, drifting, has run aground.

The glories of the Workers' Paradise

have gone flat from incessant compromise.

The workers' hammer, and the peasants' sickle,

are not worth the proverbial plug nickel.

These statues that were brought here on long haul,

(gathered in joyous frenzy, in this thaw)

really have no value or use at all.

They waste our space---a loss we need to cap.

Some effort---not heroic and not hard---

will give us back our viable junkyward

without too much of tightening the belt.

This should be our New Economic Plan.

Notate the list---N E P---if you can.

Start the machines to smash, or crush, or melt

our Comrade Lenin's statues into scrap.






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